
  1. georgephillip

    The "free market" is a Big Government Program

    Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional "Markets, money, and corporations are all creations of the state. "The distribution of income is not determined by an invisible hand’s objective appraisal of each worker and investor’s marginal utility but by the politically...
  2. J

    Gov. Cuomo for President?

    With the implosion of their nominating process, a new Democratic star is rising: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is looking and talking more Presidential than any other Democrat (and maybe Trump, too). Look for Bernie to concede, Biden to withdraw and Cuomo to ride to the rescue. He can take credit for...
  3. excalibur

    Good Grief! Biden insists on no travel bans, even from China

    So, one of the best you can take is to shut down travel. Imagine how many cases of the Wuhan virus we would have on the West Coast had President Trump not shut down travel from China? ... He doesn’t see why we need to ban travel from Europe. President Trump is reportedly going to ban travel...
  4. toobfreak

    The Why I'm Voting For Joe Biden Thread

    I can find 500 threads ranting about all the terrible things Trump isn't doing or is doing wrong, but I could not find a single thread saying one word about all the good of Joe Biden and why they will vote for him as being much better! So I thought I better get busy and fill in all the reasons...
  5. Thunderbird

    Looks like Bernie Sanders’s twisted authoritarian dream is lost forever

    Sorry Bernie Bros your hero just lost Michigan. Bernie is sure to lose the nomination to Biden. Your sick plan to turn the USA into Venezuela is gone. And considering Bernie’s age and health this is his last hurrah. Just a week ago you really thought you were going to win this time. Ha ha ha...
  6. The Original Tree

    Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies

    These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism. Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian. On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies...
  7. protectionist

    Advice for Democrat Candidates

    The Democrat Candidates for president, now Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, have been making a major mistake. Every time they speak, they insult and disparage President Trump. There's a big problem with that. It is that the majority of American voters LIKE the president. They are who elected...
  8. EvilEyeFleegle

    Polls show big bounce for Biden before Super Tuesday's the establishment against the outsider---Bernie doesn't have a chance--the speed and the strength of the polarizing around Biden show that the D's want to come together..they want to do that desperately--I think that will work against the end. The left is united against...
  9. Obiwan

    Finally! Ukraine Court Orders Criminal Investigation Of Joe Biden’s ‘Extortion’

    Looks like Biden is going to bite the dust!!! Breaking: Ukraine Court Orders Criminal Probe Of Biden ‘Extortion’ Act Joe Biden bragged about getting Viktor Shokin fired by using $1 billion in U.S. loans against the country, and now, there will be an investigation into the matter. News...
  10. JGalt

    Joe Biden's 40% Drop in the Polls

    Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll...
  11. The Original Tree

    Could Mitt Romney’s Son Be Called as a Witness?

    This is a serious question. Same goes for Hunter, and Pelosi’s son, and John Kerry’s son. Discuss
  12. The Original Tree

    Schiff Infers Dershowitz Is A Liar

    After Dershowitz smashes the leftist commie narrative, Adam Schiff calls him a liar. And there you have it. Stick a fork in it when you have to do that in desperation. Discuss: Schiff hurts, not helps The Impeachment COUP! Schiff decries Dershowitz’s ‘absurdist’ Trump legal defense in Senate...
  13. The Original Tree

    If there are witnesses Obama & Biden will be Subpoenaed.

    Short and sweet. Discuss: Obama should be subpoenaed in The Impeachment if there are witnesses. 1.) He knew what was going on in The Ukraine with The Bidens 2.) He gave the order to Joe Biden to get The Ukraine Prosecutor Fired 3.) He gave the order to take out Trump with The Russian...
  14. georgephillip

    Neither Pete nor Joe in 2020

    "Wall Street Pete" and the "Senator from DuPont" aren't "moderate" politicians; they are corporate whores in the mold of Bill and Hill and Barry. According to Norman Solomon: Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg Are Not to Be Trusted "In a recent New Yorker profile of Pete Buttigieg, one sentence...
  15. georgephillip

    Trump is Vile, Imbecilic, Corrupt, and Incompetent...

    "But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives. The Great American Shakedown "The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the...
  16. The Original Tree

    Adam Schiff’s Staff Directly Involved In Burisma

    Adam Schiff’s Staff had involvement in Burisma. His dog and pony show was nothing but slight of hand to distract from that fact. Pelosi, Biden, and Kerry all took money fro Burisma. So did Schiff’s staff. Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma-US-Ukraine...
  17. The Original Tree

    2015 Washington Post Article By Fiona Hill

    I am hoping the mods leave this up so we can have a discussion. I know there was an Op-Ed or article by Yovanovitch in 2015 where she vehemently opposed lethal aide to Ukraine. This was on the midst of Obama giving a wink and a nod to Putin to take Crimea and during a time when so called...
  18. Wapasha

    More Suspicious Activity By Hunter Biden, Now In Romania

    Duplicate thread So Hunter Biden followed his dad around to Romania, too? **************** It seems like wherever VP Biden went, his son was sure to follow. Now Hunter is in Romania. Why was a mediocre lawyer from the US suddenly so in demand all over the world, to assist in areas of...
  19. The Original Tree

    The Orange Menace always throws a Monkey Wrench in The Plans of Evil Doers

    Orange Man Bad! Why is he bad? Because like a little child, The Left does not realize the value of The Word No, and neither do these rebellious little Hellions understand the consequences of their actions. When they are punished, they blame the parent correcting them. "I hate you!" is...
  20. toobfreak

    "Frontrunner" Biden Getting Lower Fundaisering Support than Pete Buttigieg!

    If Biden is the Left's Great White Hope, he sure isn't acting the part. Even as funds supporting Trump go up up up as the Left continues their attacks, fundraising for Biden is down down down falling below both Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders who both admittedly stand ZERO chance of even...
  21. The Original Tree

    Buh Bye Biden!

    He’s Done! Adam Schiff buried him with his spy-mole stunt and subsequent disgusting behavior during a laughable hearing. Evidence is in how Dem Candidates react to questions about whether or not they’d let their son sit on the board of a Foreign company and get paid for...well nothing...
  22. deanrd

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More?

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More? Joe Biden and his son we’re already investigated thoroughly by the media. Especially Fox and other right wing outlets. So the Trump administration is trying to create another Hillary Clinton...
  23. toobfreak

    Joe Is Right

    Joe Biden announced Tuesday that racism is an institution in the U.S., calling it a “white man’s problem visited on people of color. And you know, he is right! Whites are born racist. Blacks by and large just want to be our pals and if Whitey would just stop hating him for a minute and give...
  24. S

    Turns out Biden's a thugg too

    While Veep, Biden meddled in Ukraine politics, extorting money and demanding their president fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings. Joe Biden's son was on the board of Burisma. So Trump's not the only nepotistic thug on Capitol Hill. What a surprise! On to the next...
  25. The Original Tree

    Joe Biden Opposed Desegregation & is a Racist

    Well now, Karmala Harris, the offspring of a slave master, and Joe Biden opposed desegregation. Next thing you know Biden will be calling Obama an articulate man for a black guy. They should just put their white hoods back on! Joe Biden embraced segregation in 1975, claiming it was a matter...
  26. defcon4

    Biden tells the truth why Russia became the number one enemy

    VP Joe Biden spilled the beans of why the Global Elite fabricated the Russian threat. The U.S. - as the Rapid Reaction Force/QRF of the Global Elite to subjugate every country under its rule - is bombarded by the Global Elite owned MSM how evil Russia is and meddled with our democracy. First of...
  27. Ridgerunner

    Biden considers himself, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer leaders of the Democratic Party...

    This is the best news since they started putting pockets on shirts... I hope they sell this to the lemmings with the all the gusto they can muster up... We all know what the definition of insanity is " Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Albert...
  28. MindWars

    Biden Declares Cyber war , next day Assange is cut off from the internet hmm

    ONE DAY BIDEN DECLARES CYBER WAR, NEXT DAY ASSANGE IS CUT OFF FROM INTERNET. HMMM… The Obama administration is apparently psychopathic and ready for nuclear war to protect their darling candidate’s crimes from being exposed Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it seems like a series of events...
  29. U

    Washington Abuzz

    This AM the Morning Joe program pundits agreed that all of Washington is abuzz about the investigation of Hillary's security violations---BUT NO NEWS AGENCY IS REPORTING IT. (I note that Fox may be a minor exception.) It is serious business and it may be that the Obama admin will indict her and...
  30. L

    Why well known actors play top politicians (erry to Romney, McCain) and popes (Francis to Ayatollahs

    Why well known actors play top politicians (Osama, Biden and Kerry to Romney, McCain) and popes (Francis to Khomeini and Khamenei). Politicians Osama Bin Laden, Biden and Khamenei Osama Bin Laden is played by a well known actor: the ethnic indonesian "married" to a black transvestite playing...

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