
  1. J

    Joe Biden’s big fat lie. I will not raise taxes on those earning less than $400K

    See: Joe Biden’s big lie, that he will not raise taxes on those earning less than $400K, is rope-a-dope Orwellian Newspeak Keep in mind corporations, and small businesses, getting stuck with a tax on incomes above $400,000, simply pass it off in the form of higher priced goods and...
  2. J

    Joe Biden caught in another lie! Boilermakers Union does not support socialist Joe Biden

    See Joe Biden saying he is endorsed by the Boilermakers Union, and John Hughes, Boilermakers union member, saying Joe Biden’s claim that he received an endorsement from the International Boilermakers Union is false. Joe Biden falsely claimed an endorsement from the Boilermakers union...
  3. B

    What are the best POLITICAL ISSUE(s) for the REPUBLICAN Party to Blitz Joe Biden on??

    I will list some possibilities. 1) His RACISM 2) His CORRUPTION 3) His AGE 4) His WAR-MONGERING 5) His TIES TO FAKE NEWS 6) His GRANT MONEY to the Wuhan Institute of Virology
  4. B

    So It Turns Out BIDEN was LYING all along about wearing masks saving lives "New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID-19 ‘Always’ Wore Masks California’s BYD mask deal inked with mask data in question" By Katy Grimes, October 13, 2020...
  5. B

    FAKE NEWS is on the PRESIDENTIAL BALLOT...thanks to Joe Biden.

    Joe Biden is such a pathetic politician, that after 43 years in Public Service he has very little he can point to as an accomplishment, MUCH to criticize, and must rely on FAKE NEWS to give his campaign its issues. Examples of FAKE NEWS...The Russian Collusion Hoax, the $750.00 paid income tax...
  6. J

    Kamala Harris refused to admit Hugo Chávez’s court packing is on the table

    Why have Biden and Kamala both refused to answer a simple “yes”, “no”, question? Now, what kind of government engages in Court packing? See: Venezuela: Chávez Allies Pack Supreme Court The Venezuelan Congress dealt a severe blow to judicial independence by packing the country’s Supreme...
  7. B

    The Obama/Biden Administration paid for the Covid 19 virus!

    In 2014, the National Institutes of Health(NIH} approved a grant to EcoHealth Alliance designated for research into “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The project involved collaborating with researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study coronaviruses in bats and the...
  8. Thunk

    Biden Calls U.S. Troops "Stupid Bastards"

    "Clap for that you stupid bastards" Gee, I wonder if Trump will mention this at todays rally :icon_rolleyes:
  9. toobfreak

    The Biden Camp Really Has Gone Too Far

    I thought I saw it all from the Democrats but it seems nothing is past them. I truly fear for Trump's reelection now as millions pour in to support Biden from all sorts of questionable and unknown sources as they inundate the airwaves with Biden ads; it seems ads for Joe are turning up just...
  10. TheHardTruth

    Lethal Threat to our Democray--- Universal Mail in Ballots David J. Freed, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, announced on Thursday afternoon that his office had opened an inquiry into the disposal of nine...
  11. S

    Biden/Harris (or Harris/Biden) ticket

    Just found this site about 10 minutes ago, so this is my first ever post. My apologies if there is already an existing thread going over these same topics/arguments. Looking for someone to help me understand what makes both the Biden selection as nominee and his selection of Harris as VP either...
  12. B

    How the U.S. war in Libya brought SLAVERY back to Africa. BY CASEY GANE DECEMBER 1, 2017 HOW SLAVERY CAME BACK TO LIBYA Still, the question remains: How did Libya become a place where slavery is permitted? Ironically the decisions made by a Black man, Barack Obama, and a white woman, Hillary...
  13. B

    Biden asks President Xi of China to help him become President; then President Xi sends the covid 19 Virus. Sure, he said it was a joke in Public, BUT he was serious in private. So was President Xi, as he sent the virus over to the US to help Biden steal the Presidency.
  14. J

    Why do the “polls” show Biden is more trusted than Trump regarding COVID-19?

    . The answer is more than obvious to those who pay attention. . Our Fifth Column Media ___ MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists ___ have worked endlessly to portray Trump as not using...
  15. toobfreak

    When Did This Become "Trump's America?"

    It's funny as I read daily news and read here the odd trends I see. When the economy was doing very well, and Cons celebrated the great job Trump was doing, Progs reminded us it really wasn't Trump's economy at all but merely a continuation of Obama's! This Spring when the whole Covid thing...
  16. toobfreak

    Election 2020 - A Tale of Two Different Cities

    Joe Biden or Trump will be IN CHARGE of the federal government come Nov. 3, in charge of the free world, but I had to ask myself, what experience either has actually RUNNING THINGS? Being IN CHARGE. I'm not interested in a qualitative analysis of how things went under their management, just...
  17. TheProgressivePatriot

    Gay Gaslighter Rick Grenell to Speak at the RNC and and dishonestly attack Biden

    There is no limit to how low the Republicans will go with their dishonesty. And here we have the gay equivalent of a black Uncle Tom about to kiss Trumps ass and lie about Biden at the convention...
  18. toobfreak

    The Strange Case of Hunter Biden

    Too bad there won't be six debates, there really ought to be, but I understand the Democrats don't want to allow too much time to dig TOO deeply into the Biden Family! That is if Joe debates at all. Take his son, Hunter. The sad fact is questions really need be and OUGHT to be asked of Joe...
  19. georgephillip

    Biden and Harris Will Push Austerity if Elected?

    In spite of ringing left-like rhetoric, Joe and Kamala show signs of planning an administration more conservative than Obama's but with a far less popular and inspiring POTUS at the helm. Joe Biden’s Campaign Is Making It Very Clear: They Will Push Austerity in the White House "Almost no one...
  20. georgephillip

    Biden Win, So What?

    What could the "Senator from DuPont" accomplish in his first two weeks of office to prove he is truly a "transitional candidate"? Andrew Bacevich has 14 suggestions: "AUGUST 14, 2020 Biden Wins, Then What?" "Here, free of charge, Joe, is an action plan that will get you from Election Night...
  21. J

    Biden's pick, Kamala D. Harris, supports black lives matter

    . Kamala D. Harris says “Black lives matter is not about Donald Trump, it’s about black lives that do matter.” . [video=youtube_share;Gy_RFTFs9nc?t=19] Now, let us listen to a Black Lives Demonstrator to learn what Black Lives Matter is really about: [video=youtube_share;gU781fGlhvA?t=17] ...
  22. toobfreak

    Joe Biden - Candidate Unavailable?

    I was watching the latter half of Fox News Sunday this morning on television when upon closing, Chris Wallace commented that they had REACHED OUT to Joe Biden's Campaign requesting an interview with him (I guess similar to what they had done the week before when Trump agreed to an open ended, no...
  23. J

    Life under a Biden, socialist controlled Congressional Leadership

    DOMESTIC POLICY Immigration The floodgates will be opened and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled populations of other countries, especially from Central and South America, will pour into the United States and burden American taxpayers, their schools, emergency rooms, etc...
  24. HaShev

    Biden's Build Back Better Campaign

  25. georgephillip

    Our Biden Problem

    Aside from dementia, the question progressives are struggling with is how to oust Trump while combatting Biden's decades-long support for neoliberal economics (If you don't like NAFTA, vote Republican) "Touchdown Joe's" history of drafting and resisting the 1994 crime bill, his demeaning of...
  26. Chuz Life

    All eyes on Roberts ahead of Supreme Court's abortion ruling

    All eyes on Roberts ahead of Supreme Court's abortion ruling BY JOHN KRUZEL - 06/21/20 06:00 PM EDT 14,769 12,485 Chief Justice John Roberts is under the microscope as the Supreme Court prepares to issue its first major ruling on abortion rights in the Trump era, which will give the clearest...
  27. Chuz Life

    USMB 2020 Presidential Election Poll

    This is a non scientific election poll of USMB members for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election between Trump and Biden. There are only two choices in this poll. If you have no intention of voting for either one? Don't take part in the the poll. You can change your answers at any time during...
  28. Chuz Life


    This is a non scientific election poll of USMB members for the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election between Trump and Biden. There are only two choices in this poll. If you have no intention of voting for either one? Don't take part in the the poll. You can change your answers at any time during...
  29. TheProgressivePatriot

    Biden: America Will Be A beacon Of Hope For LGBTQ Rights Again

    It is time for a president who actually believes in human rights/ civil rights and who is some one who represents all Americans regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin or whatever...
  30. georgephillip

    Biden vs Trump: Electoral Burlesque to Benefit Oligarchs

    Who wins if Trump or Biden amasses the most votes next November? According to Chris Hedges: If It's Biden vs. Trump, This Year's One-Choice Election Will Be for Oligarchy "There is only one choice in this election. "The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the...

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