
  1. J

    The Biden $450K illegal entrant settlement case, a fleecing of America

    Just for the record, you can read a summary of the case HERE by clicking on ”- click to show/hide ALL –“ for the summary of the case. My version follows: In 2018 Ms. X and her daughter, who had fled the Democratic Republic of Congo because of its internal turmoil and for the United States...
  2. M

    Poll: Quick 5 Questions on perceptions of Biden Policies
  3. Cellblock2429

    North Korea back to firing missiles

    So what is Joe gonna do about it? Send Rocketman $50 billion to behave just like the old days? North Korea claims successful test of a hypersonic missile Seoul — North Korea has successfully tested a new hypersonic gliding missile, state media reported Wednesday, in what would be the nuclear-
  4. J

    Why is our mainstream media not reporting on the consequences of illegal immigration?

    . Isn’t is odd that after over 1.5 million poverty stricken poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, infected and criminal illegal entrants have been released into our nation’s interior in the last several months, that there are no stories appearing in our mainstream media how hospital emergency...
  5. J

    Why is the Biden Administration obstructing efforts to control spread of the COVID virus?

    . What I would like to know is how is the spreading of the COVID virus to be controlled when the Biden Administration is allowing tens of thousands of Haitian migrants to illegally cross our border into Texas? Recent figures show only 14,382 Haitians out of a population of over 11 million, have...
  6. J

    Democrat Leadership's immigration policy has created a COVID super spreader

    . The fact is, the Democrat Party Leadership’s Border policy is a massive COVID Super Spreader, and there is no denial about it. And it seems that the policy is intentionally designed to spread the COVID virus throughout the United States. Keep in mind the current policy is allowing thousands...
  7. hjmick

    Biden's "boy" at FEMA...

    President Biden is, simply put, a gaffe machine... or he's a racist. This isn't the first time he's stumbled like this... President Biden called a Black adviser "boy" during a Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) briefing on Monday. The president used the term while introducing...
  8. toobfreak

    Biden's Covid Strategy Is Not Working

    How is it that the one thing Biden might have been able to hang his hat on, ridding America of Covid with Trump's vaccines, is not working? The promise of the vaccine all last year was: everything will be OK once we get the vaxxes! Well, Joe took over on January 20, we have had our choice of...
  9. A

    Biden’s new temporary best friends the Taliban

    The Democrat are enjoying a brief respite from the crime wave spreading across Democrat-controlled cities thanks to Biden’s new temporary best friends the Taliban. Citizens of Chicago must be happy that the people of Afghanistan are suffering more than they are under Mayor Lightfoot.
  10. toobfreak

    Finally: In The Biden War Room, An Insider's View of the Mission

    This photo just in of Joe in the Afghan War Room right now awaiting his Afghan supporters and their next plans and ideas on how to proceed next!
  11. protectionist

    Is There a Worse Public Speaker Than S of S Antony Blinken ?

    Seeing Antony Blinken on the TV show Meet the Press (aka Meet the Trump-bashers), Antony Blinken presented himself as a national embarrassment. About every 3rd or 4th word from this guy is "UH". Looks like he ought to be called Antony Stutterer, rather than Blinken. He must be the worst public...
  12. protectionist

    Biden's Failing Afghanistan Withdrawl

    This is an editorial from the Washington Examiner, August 12, 2021. By refusing to use overwhelming air power to blunt the Taliban's rise, Joe Biden is failing to protect American interests in Afghanistan and ultimately undermining national security...
  13. toobfreak

    Democrats Out To Solve Problems Again We Didn't Even Know We Had??

    Apparently we have a new problem---- CRIME! Not only do we have a rising crime problem under Joe Biden, but it began five years ago! Hey! Isn't that right about the time Trump took office? Funny, seems to me that as I recall, these past four years from 2017 into 2020, I seem to recall that...
  14. T

    Rachel Scott is my new favorite journalist.

    Finally. A journalist grows a pair of nuts, and of course she was a fearless badass for asking Putin these brutally honest questions following the meeting with the current President. ABC reporter Rachel Scott confronts Putin over crackdown on opponents: 'What are you so afraid of?' "The list...
  15. J

    Trump’s America first immigration policy vs Biden’s open border, screw-the-American-people policy

    The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central America’s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trump’s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately...
  16. Litwin

    Putin´s Moscow is still the biggest player in disinformation, Facebook says

    Mr Biden said "will soon ′pay a price′ " and "Russia will face 'consequences' " will Mr Biden keep his words, cos its clear Moscow hasn´t changed its predatory behavior! " Facebook says Russia still biggest disinformation player - The ... › 2021/05/26 › faceb...
  17. J

    Democrat Leadership continues immigration policy putting American citizens last

    . See: Hagedorn calls Biden's border policies 'immoral' May 25, 2021 “Under Trump, "we ended catch and release. He was building the wall. We were making sure that people who want to claim amnesty did so from outside the United States," Hagedorn said in a El Paso, Texas, news conference Monday...
  18. J

    Biden Administration misappropriates over $2 billion in federal funds to finance his immigration policies.

    See Biden Admin Diverts $2 Billion from Healthcare Programs to Help Illegal Migrant Children May 18, 2021 “The $2.13 billion in funds that were redirected to the federal unaccompanied children program is more than its operating budget for the last two years, according to Politico. HHS took an...
  19. TheProgressivePatriot

    Joe Biden Goes To Bat For the LGBTQ Community In His First 100 Days

    I do not want to hear any crap about how Trump was great for LGBTQ people just because he did not openly oppose same sex marriage. He tried to screw them any way that he could. Now Biden is working to undo the damage that the Orange Ogre inflicted Joe Biden has made a lot of progress on LGBTQ...
  20. toobfreak

    Why Does Joe Biden Not Command Any Respect From Our Enemies?

    Joe Biden got no respect running for office. Joe Biden got no attendance at his rallies. News organizations don't even invite him to speak. Now our enemies laugh at him? We are the superpower, yet this feeble old man lets Iran get away with this as his Sect even gives away secrets to them...
  21. toobfreak

    Who Is A Better Judge of Biden's Failings Than His Own Vice President?

    Who is a more credible witness to the state of health of our POTUS and all that is wrong with Joe? I don't remember Mike Pence EVER disagreeing with President Trump! Here, Kamela denounces Joe Biden as a racist, supporting racists, anti-busing, all the while triggering Joe to reveal his...
  22. Litwin

    Biden: Moscow will face 'consequences' if Navalny dies - US (as well as UK, France, Germany and the European Union)

    what we see in Muscovite city Pokrov, nothing less but slow public execution and Muscovy is on the way back to its traditional cave question: Will Putin´s gang kill Navalny in prison?
  23. TDontTouchMyCigars

    What is the reason biden and Democrats are so bad at Negotiation?

    Obama then, Biden now. It appears Biden is getting his ass ripped by the Persian negotiatiors - who got THEIR ass ripped by President Donald Trump. What is the reason Biden seems to want a deal so badly? [ which makes the Persians.. a bit hungry for getting more and giving less ]
  24. J

    Immigration, a public charge, and tax tyranny!

    On January 25th, 2020, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Trump Administration’s “public charge” rule, allowing it to take effect. The rule, designed to protect American taxpayers from having to finance the economic needs of millions of immigrants flooding into the United States made...
  25. J

    The deadly consequences of the Biden Administration's immigration policies

    As each day passes we are learning of the suicidal immigration policies inflicted upon the United States and her citizens. For example see: Biden administration 'importing' coronavirus into Texas by not securing border: Gov. Abbott March 19 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, R., told "America's Newsroom"...
  26. Litwin

    Biden brands Putin a 'killer' and says he will pay for Muscovy interference in US election – live

    I wanted to write BREAKING but then I decided to not break the rules (our mods do fantastic job here) , but guys this is truly BREAKING NEWS - "Biden brands Putin a 'killer'" this is a game changer for Putin and his ulus, there is no way back for Putin and his empire as well as for Biden, its...
  27. TheProgressivePatriot

    Newsmax runs segment on Joe Biden neglecting his 'junkyard' dogBob Brigham

    Pathetic!! Right wing media has sunken to a new and rediculous low. No wonder that conservative brains are rotting in their skulls. Stop watching this shit! WATCH: Newsmax runs segment on Joe Biden neglecting his 'junkyard' dog - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism Why...
  28. AmericanMind

    The Thirty Tyrants

    Biden’s inauguration marked the hegemony of an American oligarchy that sees its relationship with China as a shield and sword against their own countrymen. Like Athens’ Thirty Tyrants, they are not simply contemptuous of a political system that recognizes the natural rights of all its citizens...
  29. Litwin

    Kremlin confident it can ride out protests, ready to use more force - sources " MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin believes it can easily ride out nationwide protests over the arrest and jailing of opposition politician...
  30. MarathonMike

    2nd caravan departed Honduras, heading for US. No masks, no covid testing, no documents.

    Thanks Democrats! It sure isn't taking long for America to reap the benefits of the Biden Presidency. The second caravan with over 3000 illegals is on the way. And if you think this is just a border state issue, think again. I have personally seen Guatemalans who somehow made it to Northern...

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