If Trump was the President With a Head, is Joe Biden the President With A Heart?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Joe feels your pain. Like us, he has suffered through a terrible life of loss, misery and suffering. OK, he lost a wife and kid in an accident, but then who here hasn't lost loved ones? But Joe is the president who will empathize with you whereas Trump treated you like an adult and expected you to buck up, move on and overcome--- oh, the horror. Joe instead will suffer along with you (at least he is being played that way in the media) as you can't pay your bills and your marriage and family fall apart from Covid shutdowns. Joe might not get anything useful done, in fact, he might actually make matters worse, MUCH worse, but at least you'll know he identifies with your pain---- ---- while he lives in his million dollar home in Greenville, or his 2.7 million dollar home at Rehoboth Beach, then there is of course the White House.


For instance, Joe will be real good at paying tribute to people! Maybe not much else, but he will play the stuffed shirt role of president the snowflake Left have long hungered for. Take Hank Aaron, famous baseball player. Hank just died and Joe was right on top of it announcing that Hank helped us find "a better version of ourselves!" What does that mean? Who the hell knows, and why does Joe think that? Who the hell cares. Hank obviously helped us find a better version of ourselves because he was BLACK, and that helps to assuage Joe's White Liberal Guilt (WLG).

Joe is obviously real good at inspiring us to reach our highest plateaus of progressivist ecstasy with a lot of hollow, empty, meaningless talk that pays lip service and little else. But hey, Larry King also just died---- will Joe announce glimmering epitaphs for Larry as well, how he helped us reach some utopian ideal? OF COURSE NOT, fool. Larry was White. Larry wore suspenders and thought a lot about stuff--- not Joe's cup of tea. Joe won't have a thing to say about Larry.

What Joe and all democrats are actually GOOD at is talking a good talk while they create an absolute fucking mess of all they touch! Case in Point? After dragging all these National Guard in pointlessly for a Nancy Shitshow to militarize Washington for some non-existent threat to hide that no one was coming to Joe's party anyway, after wasting an enormous amount of money for nothing, costing the city's residents and business a FORTUNE in lost revenue, disrupting all these good people's lives, families and employers for nothing, making them suffer with concrete beds, no power, no bathrooms, nowhere to live, Sleepy Joe and Shitshow Nancy created an ideal SUPER-SPREADER event and got them all sick, too!

GOOD ONE JOE. Another fine mess you've gotten us in, and it's only been three days! But hey, you got your shots and it wasn't like you planned to even say HEY to these poor people suffering for your massive vanity. Now these people all got Covid and can take it back home to their wives and kids, get more people sick, live weeks further in quarantine and maybe some of them get very sick and died.

But WHAT THE FUCK are a few more deaths for nothing, Joe? Combat soldiers and guardsmen are a dime a dozen and of no concern to you. Especially because most of them are white and maybe Trump supporters.

Much more important things to do like calling Canada's PM to tell him how you are going to bone him by cutting off his Keystone XL pipeline, and calling Mexico's president to assure him you'll be taking those 100,000 dirty, filthy unemployable, diseased Guatemalans off his hands ASAP, as new, ideal American citizens highly prized by the DNC.

Biden calls Canada's Trudeau, Mexico's López Obrador

Meantime as you clusterfuck everything here in the homeland, you are already getting impeached by Congress as Texas sues your ass for endangering American lives by freezing criminal deportations! I mean, better to endanger millions of white working American lives rather than risk deporting one murderous cutthroat MI13 heathen you might find a use for, right, Joe?

No one cares about Texas anyway---- they all support Trump.

You have better things to do. I mean you are the party that could impeach a president in a DAY without any hearings, testimony, witnesses, evidence or defense while it took how may years to convict OJ Simpson? And it even took TWO YEARS for singer Adele to reach a divorce settlement, but you and Nancy have your priorities. Git 'er Done, Joe!

Don't let truth, facts or the law slow you down. You may be a hapless fool who will botch America's economy, industry, energy sector and security, but at least we'll know that as we suffer through your endless agendorial faux pas, you be somewhere out there feeling our pain right along with us. After all, you're the President with a Heart! Or maybe LACK of a heart, and a brain.

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Bill Clinton was the king of "feeling your pain".

Funny how eventually, every democrat ends up making that their theme: YOU are a victim, of some nebulous cause which they never do anything about (because you are really a victim of government, THEM) but at least they are in there incensed fighting the good fight in there feeling it right along with you as champion for YOUR cause (which is really theirs).

You end up in a WORSE position every time while they always end up better off!

Then they tell Dems they just need reelected ONE MORE TIME to get the job done! Yet, the job never GETS done, there is always "so much more to do," and that was the real thing they feared about Trump--- he was showing the world that the stuff COULD get done (and by a Washington outsider with no experience).

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