GOP effort to stop illegal immigrants being counted for House districts, Electoral College shot down in Senate


that is not who is counted in the census,,
try again,,

The Census is how you get those numbers.

The next Sentence.

The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

The first part told you how to deal with the numbers from the Census, which also tells you how the Constitution wants you to do the Census.
The Census is how you get those numbers.

The next Sentence.

The first part told you how to deal with the numbers from the Census, which also tells you how the Constitution wants you to do the Census.
please give me the text from the law that describes who is counted in the census,,,

my guess is that you wont post it because it will prove you wrong,,
Got slapped by the mods, did you?

Actually, here's the thing. You can thank your boy Ronnie Ray-gun for why employers are responsible. Because instead of funding INS adequately to do random workplace inspections, they left it up to employers to determine if their workers were eligible to work or not. Honest employers do a good job. They do background checks, they fill out all the paperwork, and so on. They can still get fooled by fake documentation, and when someone catches it up, that person has moved on.

It's the dishonest ones who are the problem. The Construction company that picks up a truckload of day laborers at the Home Depot. The rich yuppies who hire immigrants to raise their kids, and don't pay their taxes. The farmer company that hires a bunch of migrants for seasonal work.

I already covered this in another thread, but we need comprehensive reform of our current system, not just "Well, let's build a wall to make the bigots feel better."

The Census counts all who reside in the jurisdiction, meaning illegals as well.
no,, it counts residents not those who reside,,

using your logic that would include a foreign military,,

if a person breaks into your house and live there without your permission in violation of the law be a resident??

no they are a squatter or invader,,
my god youre a fucking idiot,,
if several states cant handle them one sure the fuck cant,,
Well, sure they can, if the Federal Government can concentrate resources in one place. The problem is, of course, is that you guys fear the ones that will eventually be granted asylum will settle there and turn Texas blue. Then you guys won't love the Electoral College so much.

asylum is not for economic reasons,,

Again, that's why you need to have hearings to determine if the claims are legitimate or not. Would be nice if Miller and Trump hadn't completely dismantled the process for doing that.

every street whore and punk thug from far off countries dont need to go thousands of miles for asylum,, they can just go to the next closest country ,

Except our law doesn't require that. All they have to do is present themselves at a port of entry. You should probably read up on WHY our asylum laws are written the way they are. The answer involves Jews getting away from Hitler, only to be sent back.

they are coming here for the benefits we have not because their lives are in mortal danger,,

And so? Most of the places they come from are awful because of our policies.

and again with the personal crap,, it doesnt work and proves your position cant stand on its merits,,
Guy, I'd be more impressed with your arguments if you 1) didn't attack my wife, 2) actually knew how to capitalize and punctuate sentences, and 3) didn't sound like an angry drunk bigot.
Well, sure they can, if the Federal Government can concentrate resources in one place. The problem is, of course, is that you guys fear the ones that will eventually be granted asylum will settle there and turn Texas blue. Then you guys won't love the Electoral College so much.

Again, that's why you need to have hearings to determine if the claims are legitimate or not. Would be nice if Miller and Trump hadn't completely dismantled the process for doing that.

Except our law doesn't require that. All they have to do is present themselves at a port of entry. You should probably read up on WHY our asylum laws are written the way they are. The answer involves Jews getting away from Hitler, only to be sent back.

And so? Most of the places they come from are awful because of our policies.

Guy, I'd be more impressed with your arguments if you 1) didn't attack my wife, 2) actually knew how to capitalize and punctuate sentences, and 3) didn't sound like an angry drunk bigot.
its not the feds job to provide resources to foreign invaders,,

yes they can come to a legal port of entry if thats the closest for them,, but most of them are from another continent and should have gone to an embassy instead of sneaking in the back door,,
its not the feds job to provide resources to foreign invaders,,
It's also not a bad idea. Also the decent thing to do, but I don't think you understand that concept.

yes they can come to a legal port of entry if thats the closest for them,, but most of them are from another continent and should have gone to an embassy instead of sneaking in the back door,,

The law doesn't say that, though. The law states that if they present themselves at any port of entry (border crossing, pier, airport) and declare themselves as asylum seekers, they have to be processed as asylum seekers.
It's also not a bad idea. Also the decent thing to do, but I don't think you understand that concept.

The law doesn't say that, though. The law states that if they present themselves at any port of entry (border crossing, pier, airport) and declare themselves as asylum seekers, they have to be processed as asylum seekers.
I have to ask,,

what happened to you that makes you hate this country so much??

thats a serious question,,
It's also not a bad idea. Also the decent thing to do, but I don't think you understand that concept.

The law doesn't say that, though. The law states that if they present themselves at any port of entry (border crossing, pier, airport) and declare themselves as asylum seekers, they have to be processed as asylum seekers.
It's also not a bad idea. Also the decent thing to do, but I don't think you understand that concept.

The law doesn't say that, though. The law states that if they present themselves at any port of entry (border crossing, pier, airport) and declare themselves as asylum seekers, they have to be processed as asylum seekers.
It's also not a bad idea. Also the decent thing to do, but I don't think you understand that concept.

The law doesn't say that, though. The law states that if they present themselves at any port of entry (border crossing, pier, airport) and declare themselves as asylum seekers, they have to be processed as asylum seekers.
It's also not a bad idea. Also the decent thing to do, but I don't think you understand that concept.

The law doesn't say that, though. The law states that if they present themselves at any port of entry (border crossing, pier, airport) and declare themselves as asylum seekers, they have to be processed as asylum seekers.
I have to ask,,

what happened to you that makes you hate this country so much??

thats a serious question,,

Serious answer. I'm a veteran. I was willing to die for my country as a young man.

I don't see immigration as a horrible thing. My father was an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant.

Immigrants make America better.

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