It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

Quarantining of HEALTHY PEOPLE had never happened before in human history. GTFOH with your hindsight BULLSHIT!!!!!
🥨 🥨🥨

Isolating the population is what happened when the Black Plague was finally ended. People stayed home. They didn’t interact, and the plague burned out.
Isolating the population is what happened when the Black Plague was finally ended. People stayed home. They didn’t interact, and the plague burned out.
Cool story, brah.
COVID-19 was just another COMMON COLD!!!!!!
The frantic overreacting was fucking RETARDED AND UNNECESSARY
It was a POWER GRAB to influence the ELECTION and to get rid of Orange Man BAD.
Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

Not one valid or reasonable study in the bunch.

The USA NEVER fully locked down like other countries, which is why the lockdowns failed in the USA and worked in other countries which DID lock down.

YOU have 17% of the world's deaths from covid but you're only 3% of the world's population. YOU failed. The rest of the world did not.

go ahead and be troubled, mike. quarantines would have been the proper response to covid IF ANY QUARANTINES HAD BEEN DECLARED.

none were.

all "lock downs" were voluntary and if i remember correctly none of you complied anyway.
Are you insane? Lockdowns were NOT voluntary, certainly not in blue states. Lockdowns were mandatory. Here are some of the places that were closed:

  • Schools
  • Churches
  • Restaurants
  • Bars
  • Gyms
  • Concerts & Sporting Events
  • Parks & Hiking Trails
  • Playgrounds

Do you want to re-think your obviously STUPID and partisan statement?
Cool story, brah.
COVID-19 was just another COMMON COLD!!!!!!
The frantic overreacting was fucking RETARDED AND UNNECESSARY
It was a POWER GRAB to influence the ELECTION and to get rid of Orange Man BAD.

No. It wasn’t the common cold. Let’s take cops as an easy to reference example.

In 2020 284 cops died from COVID. Nothing like that had been experienced before. Previous years didn’t have two hundred cops dying from the common cold did it?

So your assertion, is proven absolutely false.
No. It wasn’t the common cold. Let’s take cops as an easy to reference example.

In 2020 284 cops died from COVID. Nothing like that had been experienced before. Previous years didn’t have two hundred cops dying from the common cold did it?

So your assertion, is proven absolutely false.
You're right, I should have said WEAPONIZED COMMON COLD.
There you go again, making disjointed statements in the hope that they will sound logical:
1. Quarantines should have been declared for high risk individuals, but that would have forfeited the opportunity to shut down the entire economy. Ask Cuomo why he didn't protect the people in nursing homes.
2. None were declared because leftists would have filed anti-discrimination law suits if they were tried.
3. Businesses and organizations were shut down if they didn't "voluntarily" comply with restricting public access to them.

The lockdowns were justified only for the first few weeks, when they thought the mortality rates could be around 5% in general, even for healthy people. Once they realized it was dangerous mostly to older people and people with co-morbidities, they should have isolated those people, and opened things back up so herd immunity and viral attenuation could do their jobs.
The problem is that until you never know going in. You and the others are blessed with hindsight.

Let me get this out of the way now. I think it was a good thing to have the lockdowns and social distancing and all of it including masks.

Let me explain why. Of all the things that historically have reduced or prevented the spread of disease, quarantine works. It is in the Bible. Ancient man who had no knowledge of microscopic bacteria and viruses knew you isolated those who were sick to prevent the spread of disease. So those who denounce a technique rooted in history with excellent results which has been common since the time of Moses, are fools in my opinion.

Those who denounced the efforts claimed they knew it would be fine. Ok. Going forward. If something like this happens again. Let’s play the game. Make it a bet your life scenario. You say no to preventative measures, and someone gets sick, you are responsible. If they die, you are guilty of murder.

But none of those who make their claims would be held responsible. They had no science yet. It took time to learn and study. They just knew. Based upon what? Common sense? Common sense is based on history. History called for quarantine. So it wasn’t common sense. Divine inspiration? Did God speak to them?
You forgot to mention you quarantine the sick not the healthy.
You stupid fool, do you always fall for the click bait?

Trump locked down NO ONE. Anywhere. Ever.

Goddammit, leftards are evil lying scum.
The federal govt was in lockdown because of a Presidential decree of a national health emergency he declared.
The lockdowns were justified only for the first few weeks, when they thought the mortality rates could be around 5% in general, even for healthy people. Once they realized it was dangerous mostly to older people and people with co-morbidities, they should have isolated those people, and opened things back up so herd immunity and viral attenuation could do their jobs.

That is what they did. And over 1 million Americans died as a result. 2 weeks after the number of new cases dipped slightly, and mere days after it was announced that old people and blacks were the ones who were dying, Trump demanded the states reopen NOW, and mostly they did. And new cases took off like a rocket and never looked back.

70,000 Americans died last year from covid. You have the highest rate of disease and death in the First World. When the swine flu pandemic hit the USA in 2008/2009, the USA had 1% of the world's deaths from the swine flu. The USA has had 17% of the world's deaths from covid, with 3% of the world's population.

Over 1/3 of you have had covid. Over 100 million cases. If "herd immunity" was as effective as you claimed, Americans should have stopped dying at the end of 2022, and they didn't. Added to which, counties and states with mask and vaccine mandates, had lower rates of death.
That is what they did. And over 1 million Americans died as a result. 2 weeks after the number of new cases dipped slightly, and mere days after it was announced that old people and blacks were the ones who were dying, Trump demanded the states reopen NOW, and mostly they did. And new cases took off like a rocket and never looked back.

70,000 Americans died last year from covid. You have the highest rate of disease and death in the First World. When the swine flu pandemic hit the USA in 2008/2009, the USA had 1% of the world's deaths from the swine flu. The USA has had 17% of the world's deaths from covid, with 3% of the world's population.

Over 1/3 of you have had covid. Over 100 million cases. If "herd immunity" was as effective as you claimed, Americans should have stopped dying at the end of 2022, and they didn't. Added to which, counties and states with mask and vaccine mandates, had lower rates of death.

People die from diseases. people die from novel diseases at a higher rate until they novel portion wears off due to attenuation.

Herd immunity in this case requires attenuation of the bug, which is happening, and would have happened even quicker if we let it run through the at least risk population earlier.

Even the shots don't prevent COVID all the time, only mitigate it.

And you, like anyone who is a COVIDphobe, only look at COVID when discussing lockdowns and the opening of them. Not the economic harm. Not the social Harm. not the medical harm from lack of focus on other ailments. and not the emotional harm.

The Issue:​

Lockdowns — mandatory orders to stay home and to close businesses and schools — were widely adopted worldwide during the global public health emergency caused by COVID 19 and have been hotly debated ever since. Governments believed that lockdowns were necessary to contain the spread of a dangerous and unpredictable pandemic, at a time when medical responses were very limited and the way COVID spread was unclear. However, there was pushback from those who worried that lockdowns were ineffective and economically and socially damaging. Over time, lockdowns were pulled back, particularly after new forms of medical intervention became available. But, the question of how effective the lockdowns were in containing COVID remains and has prompted extensive research aimed at drawing relevant lessons for future pandemic responses. Overall, this research supports a nuanced view which emphasizes that the details of how and when lockdowns were implemented, as well as the availability of other non-pharmaceutical interventions at the time, played important roles in determining the extent to which lockdowns were or were not effective.

Nuance? The rubes don't need no stinkin' nuance. They have Trump to tell them what to think.
That is what they did. And over 1 million Americans died as a result. 2 weeks after the number of new cases dipped slightly, and mere days after it was announced that old people and blacks were the ones who were dying, Trump demanded the states reopen NOW, and mostly they did. And new cases took off like a rocket and never looked back.

70,000 Americans died last year from covid. You have the highest rate of disease and death in the First World. When the swine flu pandemic hit the USA in 2008/2009, the USA had 1% of the world's deaths from the swine flu. The USA has had 17% of the world's deaths from covid, with 3% of the world's population.

Over 1/3 of you have had covid. Over 100 million cases. If "herd immunity" was as effective as you claimed, Americans should have stopped dying at the end of 2022, and they didn't. Added to which, counties and states with mask and vaccine mandates, had lower rates of death.
Take your mask and vaccine mandates and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.
Todays Normies are tomorrows despised fools

Their problem is having to live with Pure Ones and grovel in abject stupidity for being so dense and Gullible .

They need to be chipped so the next generations know those who failed our species . .
Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

Any evolving, deadly pandemic will be met with lockdowns. Duh.

Anyone imagining otherwise is not in touch with reality.
COVID-19 was just another COMMON COLD!!!

"Common cold" in action:


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