It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

Early on before we knew.
Of course, Rhonda did worse.
He sent them to Disneyworld, Universal so they could carry the disease the got in Florida back home to share with now dead Granny and Grandpa.

It's the problem with the tiny minded.
They're too stupid to think beyond their next bit of dumbassery.

View attachment 944736
Lmmaaaoooo...none of what was done mitigated a damn thing. Funny how not 1 Congress critter died despite not following the pablum you swallowed
By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.


Trump says nationwide lockdown would ‘ultimately inflict more harm than it would prevent’​

Meanwhile back in reality, quarantining patients with communicable disease is still practiced world wide. It's more troubling that proven science is so easily rejected by some people.
Control on a Roll

The cronyvirus wasn't contagious. It's an immune-deficiency disease, just like Stephen Hawking's Lou Gehrig disease.

If the Statist totalitarians and their quack scientists had controlled baseball in the 1930s, they would have shut it down. In our time, fear hit a grand slam.
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Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.
It’s troubling to think you haven’t moved on.
Control on a Roll

The cronyvirus wasn't contagious. It's an immune-deficiency disease, just like Stephen Hawking's Lou Gehrig disease. If the Statist totalitarians and their quack scientists had controlled baseball in the 1930s, they would have shut it down.

I’m sure one day you’ll post something true on this board. I have no idea how long we will have to wait. But judging from this nonsense, it may well be a hair short of an eternity.
Not true. They could have just let COVID infect the world, which is eventually what happened anyway. COVID obviously hasnt been wiped out, yet we arent locked down anymore, so we could have just done this from day 1.
Dancing the Hoaxy Pokey, Putting the Left Foot in and Shaking It All About
Early on before we knew.
Of course, Rhonda did worse.
He sent them to Disneyworld, Universal so they could carry the disease the got in Florida back home to share with now dead Granny and Grandpa.

It's the problem with the tiny minded.
They're too stupid to think beyond their next bit of dumbassery.

View attachment 944736
Fucking dumbass leftard, the BLM race riots SPONSORED AND FUNDED BY DEMOCRATS were the biggest super spreader of all.

You dumbass morons just told everyone to wear masks.

You're a moron.
The Left doubled down on lockdowns. Remember business owners being threatened with jail? Remember Clergy being threatened with arrests for conducting small Chrurch services? Remember no spectators allowed in outdoor stadiums?

What contradicts all of this is the Left had no problem with the Mass Social Justice protests being potential spreader events. I do recall media pundits and their “stay home, stay safe” bullshit yet they were never concerned when it came to social justice protests.
The Left doubled down on lockdowns. Remember business owners being threatened with jail? Remember Clergy being threatened with arrests for conducting small Chrurch services? Remember no spectators allowed in outdoor stadiums?

What contradicts all of this is the Left had no problem with the Mass Social Justice protests being potential spreader events. I do recall media pundits and their “stay home, stay safe” bullshit yet they were never concerned when it came to social justice protests.

Or when the elites wanted to hang out together, Like Newsom in California.
One of the many things we learned out of pandemic, is that it showed in great detail how the American left were ready to either imprison, or destroy the lives of anyone who refused to take the vax.
It really was quite the eye opener.
Many AMERICANS died from COVID, now just used for half truths and lies to promote a political agenda.
Lmmaaaoooo...none of what was done mitigated a damn thing. Funny how not 1 Congress critter died despite not following the pablum you swallowed
How many were hospitalized, you know, like fellow denier Herman Cain?


Fortunately for them
Even COVID denying congress persons had far better treatment than the rest of us.
Fucking dumbass leftard, the BLM race riots SPONSORED AND FUNDED BY DEMOCRATS were the biggest super spreader of all.

You dumbass morons just told everyone to wear masks.

You're a moron.
Not according to all the data dickwad.
According to the data MAGAT lies were the primary cause of COVID spread.
Just ask Herman Cain.

What you mean "WE"

The shutdowns saved lives.
Masks saved lives
Vaccines saved lives

Your dumbassery got people dead.
Tha fuck? Ok, I didnt realize you were THIS fucking stupid. Im not wasting another ounce of my time with you. :cuckoo:

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