It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

The closure of schools was especially unscientific and senseless. Minors, ages 18 and under, faced the same very low risk of dying from COVID as they did from the common flu. Children ages 12 and under were actually more likely to die from the flu than from COVID. And minors were much less likely to catch COVID than adults.

Guess how many minors died from COVID from January 2020 until June 2023, i.e., in 3.5 years? Guess. 1,642 minors died from COVID in that period, compared to 858,000 deaths among adults ages 65 and older.

The closure of schools was necessary to protect teachers and the children's families. Children didn't die in significant numbers but any parent will tell you that public schools are petrie dishes for breeding sickness and disease. More than 1300 teachers died of covid.

You people have a really cavalier attitude towards the adults working in these schools, to keep them open. Every necessary business, public service, etc. which worked through the pandemic, saw significant losses amongst their staff. As one food worker at the local food terminal put it: "I get that everyone needs to eat, but it seemed to us that we were being treated as 'disposable', in all this".

Wash, rinse, repeat for food industry workers, grocery store clerks, hospital workers, police officers, bus drivers. All the "essential workers".

Not to mention, one of my teacher friends had a child in his class who kept falling asleep in class, because the kid's mother was up all night coughing with covid. But she was still sending her 3 kids to school every day - all to different classrooms, because she was too sick to look after them.

And you fail to consider any lifelong "pre-existing conditions" these children might be left with, and which we're still learning about.
The closure of schools was especially unscientific and senseless. Minors, ages 18 and under, faced the same very low risk of dying from COVID as they did from the common flu. Children ages 12 and under were actually more likely to die from the flu than from COVID. And minors were much less likely to catch COVID than adults.

Guess how many minors died from COVID from January 2020 until June 2023, i.e., in 3.5 years? Guess. 1,642 minors died from COVID in that period, compared to 858,000 deaths among adults ages 65 and older.

You have to remember though. These are the same people who told you that a virus stops at 6'. Thats what we're dealing with.
We did it just right. Left it up to the states and got rid of 200,000 extra Red State voters by their free will lack of adherence to the safety advice of the CDC. Hopefully we can get another pandemic or two that weeds out stupid people as effectively as Covid did. Darwin was right by the way.

Darwin realized in the end that evolution theory was incorrect.
The closure of schools was necessary to protect teachers and the children's families. Children didn't die in significant numbers but any parent will tell you that public schools are petrie dishes for breeding sickness and disease. More than 1300 teachers died of covid.

You people have a really cavalier attitude towards the adults working in these schools, to keep them open. Every necessary business, public service, etc. which worked through the pandemic, saw significant losses amongst their staff. As one food worker at the local food terminal put it: "I get that everyone needs to eat, but it seemed to us that we were being treated as 'disposable', in all this".

Wash, rinse, repeat for food industry workers, grocery store clerks, hospital workers, police officers, bus drivers. All the "essential workers".

Not to mention, one of my teacher friends had a child in his class who kept falling asleep in class, because the kid's mother was up all night coughing with covid. But she was still sending her 3 kids to school every day - all to different classrooms, because she was too sick to look after them.

And you fail to consider any lifelong "pre-existing conditions" these children might be left with, and which we're still learning about.
It's people lilke you who take away all the fun of a Deep State scampandemic .
The point was to kill people not to be kind and caring .
Mental acuity
Responsible decision making

Shotnicks lack all of those
The fact remains that vaxxes were a better alternative than natural immunity.

Witness South Dakota and Finland.
The only fact is the shots had a positive effect on those over 60 who were already sick with other life taking illnesses .
Nothing about natural immunity whatever was established . Another glossy lib loon misstatement about the “benefit and wisdom” of taking shots
The only fact is the shots had a positive effect on those over 60 who were already sick with other life taking illnesses .
Nothing about natural immunity whatever was established . Another glossy lib loon misstatement about the “benefit and wisdom” of taking shots

Quick question regarding natural immunity. How did people get it twice if natural immunity would see them through?
The only fact is the shots had a positive effect on those over 60 who were already sick with other life taking illnesses .
Nothing about natural immunity whatever was established . Another glossy lib loon misstatement about the “benefit and wisdom” of taking shots
Oh, quit whimpering. And, yes, natural immunity was never established as the better path. You look stupid again.
Fucking dumbass leftard, the BLM race riots SPONSORED AND FUNDED BY DEMOCRATS were the biggest super spreader of all.

You dumbass morons just told everyone to wear masks.

You're a moron.
Germs With Sensitivity

The cronyvirus didn't spread then, because it was afraid of being called "racist."
By whom??? Certainly not anybody outside the United States of America. We confirmed lockdowns, mask mandates,, and vaccines really worked when they were used by everyone.

Half your country didn’t lock down. Half your country didn’t mask and half your country didn’t vax. These things only work when everybody does them at the same time.
The lockdowns were always going to be problematic because people didn't take them seriously. In China, where the govt can do whatever it liked, the lock downs worked at the beginning. A lot of people didn't die in China because of the lockdowns.

Inevitably the lockdowns stopped working, because of corruption, because the coronavirus changed and because the govt didn't deal with the dirty habits of the Chinese.

The problem with analyzing this is that those countries which couldn't do lockdowns, we just don't have the data to see how many people died.

For example this website says "NOTE: All death rate data after 2019 are United Nations projections and therefore DO NOT include any impacts from COVID-19."

So the data is completely pointless for this conversation.

"India's Pandemic Death Toll Estimated At About 4 Million: 10 Times The Official Count"

We're dealing with estimates because they just don't know

"Covid-19: India excess deaths cross four million, says study"

That's a rate of 1 in 350 people. And that was on the 1st July 2021. So 1 year 5 months.

The US had had 600,000 deaths by this point. One in 583 people.

So, clearly the US had, if we accept the estimates in India, a much lower death rate.

We can say why this is so, but we don't really know. Better healthcare, for example.

We can look at the US as a whole and see which states had higher death rates. Because of the attitude to the coronavirus, because people are unhealthier?

Certainly a lot of the usual suspects are there, Mississippi being one of the highest, North and South Dakota and NY.

So you would have to spend a lot of time, get a lot of data and try and understand a lot of things to understand whether the lockdowns "worked" or not. And then you'd have to define "worked".

Gagging on Gaia

China's extremely low death rate is more evidence that "pollution" kills viruses. There's no way a thriving virus can be killed off by Totalitarianism.

I first noticed this there with the SARS and in Mexico with the swine flu. The fizzled epidemics started in the "clean air" countryside and were wiped out when it reached the industrialized cities.

Indoctrinated scientists elaborate on a primitive and mindless superstition that Nature knows best, and that natural "Clean" air is the safest, which contradicts all human history.
The closure of schools was necessary to protect teachers and the children's families. Children didn't die in significant numbers but any parent will tell you that public schools are petrie dishes for breeding sickness and disease. More than 1300 teachers died of covid.

You people have a really cavalier attitude towards the adults working in these schools, to keep them open. Every necessary business, public service, etc. which worked through the pandemic, saw significant losses amongst their staff. As one food worker at the local food terminal put it: "I get that everyone needs to eat, but it seemed to us that we were being treated as 'disposable', in all this".

Wash, rinse, repeat for food industry workers, grocery store clerks, hospital workers, police officers, bus drivers. All the "essential workers".

Not to mention, one of my teacher friends had a child in his class who kept falling asleep in class, because the kid's mother was up all night coughing with covid. But she was still sending her 3 kids to school every day - all to different classrooms, because she was too sick to look after them.

And you fail to consider any lifelong "pre-existing conditions" these children might be left with, and which we're still learning about.
You ain't no doctor, dumb shit.

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