It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

go ahead and be troubled, mike. quarantines would have been the proper response to covid IF ANY QUARANTINES HAD BEEN DECLARED.

none were.

all "lock downs" were voluntary and if i remember correctly none of you complied anyway.

In March 2020, my Army post was locked down and everyone was shifted to work from home. I did that for almost two years. At the same time, my wife's company sent all workers with any illness or with a child or spouse with an illness to work from home. Because of my illness, she was sent home where she remained until she retired in 2022. It was easy since both of us worked in call centers, I for the Army Recruiting and she for Charter Spectrum doing internet troubleshooting. My daughter's Army school locked down to the point they had classes one day a week, and because of that, half the students came down with COVID, but after they all had been given the first series of shots. The state closed almost all businesses in the state except grocery stores for months on end. I remember at one point realizing I had not left my house except for a doctor's appointments in about a 3-month period.

You simply just do not remember.
Still trying to sell the bullshit that Republicans didn’t shut down their states. :rolleyes:
Florida didn't. Georgia didn't. I had a Dem governor in Kentucky, and he shut us down tight until the Republican attorney general and the courts told him he could not do it!

Are you that far gone you have lost touch with reality?
Let's not forget the mandated EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS that were FORCED on the people around the WORLD that is completely against the NUREMBERG CODES!!!!!!
The whole covid episode was nothing short of EVIL :evil:
Please! Not the Nuremberg Codes which only applied to Prisoners of War! You really need a new schtick!
Cool story, brah.
COVID-19 was just another COMMON COLD!!!!!!
The frantic overreacting was fucking RETARDED AND UNNECESSARY
It was a POWER GRAB to influence the ELECTION and to get rid of Orange Man BAD.
The common cold killed three of my friends and family. STFU with that BS!
Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.
Lock downs and mandates were an over reactions for sure. The left should own it. The Right should also own their part in fueling the conspiracies which pushed the left to respond with such extreme measures
Florida didn't. Georgia didn't. I had a Dem governor in Kentucky, and he shut us down tight until the Republican attorney general and the courts told him he could not do it!

Are you that far gone you have lost touch with reality?

I’m in Georgia. And Florida was locked down too.
Oh, so their incomes have risen. A common story.
Their base pay has not increased. Did you not get that point?

My daughters and son-in-law all started new employment in the past year. One was promoted to paramedic, one was recently employed after leaving the Army, and her new job actually pays less than what the Army paid her, and my son-in-law retired from the Air Force and went to work as a safety supervisor for an automobile tire company. The rest of my family is either retired, on VA disability or social security. Those have definitely has not kept up with inflation!
Their base pay has not increased. Did you not get that point?

And yet the average person’s earnings have risen rapidly.


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