It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

Tha fuck? Ok, I didnt realize you were THIS fucking stupid. Im not wasting another ounce of my time with you. :cuckoo:
Oh no!
I've ben dumped by a MAGAT Moron.
How ever will I survive?

We did it just right. Left it up to the states and got rid of 200,000 extra Red State voters by their free will lack of adherence to the safety advice of the CDC. Hopefully we can get another pandemic or two that weeds out stupid people as effectively as Covid did. Darwin was right by the way.
Control on a Roll

The cronyvirus wasn't contagious. It's an immune-deficiency disease, just like Stephen Hawking's Lou Gehrig disease.

If the Statist totalitarians and their quack scientists had controlled baseball in the 1930s, they would have shut it down. In our time, fear hit a grand slam.
We did put too many patients on respirators in my opinion. Its one of those catch 22s.
Gee what did they get you didnt.......besides heres a ventilator now die quietly alone
Ask trump.
I know damned well it wasn't the lightbulb up his ass and glass of clorox he wanted for you.



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We did it just right. Left it up to the states and got rid of 200,000 extra Red State voters by their free will lack of adherence to the safety advice of the CDC. Hopefully we can get another pandemic or two that weeds out stupid people as effectively as Covid did. Darwin was right by the way.

Yeah, like this?

The uncounted: People of color are dying at much higher rates than what COVID data suggests​

The true toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on many communities of color is worse than previously known.​

It was concluded that lockdowns didn't work.

By whom??? Certainly not anybody outside the United States of America. We confirmed lockdowns, mask mandates,, and vaccines really worked when they were used by everyone.

Half your country didn’t lock down. Half your country didn’t mask and half your country didn’t vax. These things only work when everybody does them at the same time.
Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

The lockdowns were always going to be problematic because people didn't take them seriously. In China, where the govt can do whatever it liked, the lock downs worked at the beginning. A lot of people didn't die in China because of the lockdowns.

Inevitably the lockdowns stopped working, because of corruption, because the coronavirus changed and because the govt didn't deal with the dirty habits of the Chinese.

The problem with analyzing this is that those countries which couldn't do lockdowns, we just don't have the data to see how many people died.

For example this website says "NOTE: All death rate data after 2019 are United Nations projections and therefore DO NOT include any impacts from COVID-19."

So the data is completely pointless for this conversation.

"India's Pandemic Death Toll Estimated At About 4 Million: 10 Times The Official Count"

We're dealing with estimates because they just don't know

"Covid-19: India excess deaths cross four million, says study"

That's a rate of 1 in 350 people. And that was on the 1st July 2021. So 1 year 5 months.

The US had had 600,000 deaths by this point. One in 583 people.

So, clearly the US had, if we accept the estimates in India, a much lower death rate.

We can say why this is so, but we don't really know. Better healthcare, for example.

We can look at the US as a whole and see which states had higher death rates. Because of the attitude to the coronavirus, because people are unhealthier?

Certainly a lot of the usual suspects are there, Mississippi being one of the highest, North and South Dakota and NY.

So you would have to spend a lot of time, get a lot of data and try and understand a lot of things to understand whether the lockdowns "worked" or not. And then you'd have to define "worked".
Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

They don't believe it.

They are either in denial because they are rightly shamed and humiliated about how they behaved....

Or they are mentally ill or intellectually disabled. Or maybe both.
By whom??? Certainly not anybody outside the United States of America. We confirmed lockdowns, mask mandates,, and vaccines really worked when they were used by everyone.

Half your country didn’t lock down. Half your country didn’t mask and half your country didn’t vax. These things only work when everybody does them at the same time.

You are mentally ill then, yes?
I simply no longer care What Branch Covidians believe anymore.

They were full of shit back then and still are today.


Or the 15000 dead in nursing homes from Como.
By whom??? Certainly not anybody outside the United States of America. We confirmed lockdowns, mask mandates,, and vaccines really worked when they were used by everyone.

Half your country didn’t lock down. Half your country didn’t mask and half your country didn’t vax. These things only work when everybody does them at the same time.

No, I live in the deep south and everybody was wearing masks. And no, masks didnt prevent spread. It was proven through several studies.
No, I live in the deep south and everybody was wearing masks. And no, masks didnt prevent spread. It was proven through several studies.

What studies????? Right wingers quote all of these junk studies posted by quacks, and they repost this shit science HERE and claim it means something.
The closure of schools was especially unscientific and senseless. Minors, ages 18 and under, faced the same very low risk of dying from COVID as they did from the common flu. Children ages 12 and under were actually more likely to die from the flu than from COVID. And minors were much less likely to catch COVID than adults.

Guess how many minors died from COVID from January 2020 until June 2023, i.e., in 3.5 years? Guess. 1,642 minors died from COVID in that period, compared to 858,000 deaths among adults ages 65 and older.

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