It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

Take your mask and vaccine mandates and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

Your concession is noted and appreciated. When you can't attack the post, you attack the poster.

My country had 1/3 of the disease and death of the USA, and it wouldn't have been that high if we hadn't had to let American truckers into the country during lockdown. The highest rates of covid in Canada were in Brampton - home of the Ontario Food Terminal. Where all of the truckers came in with their produce.

You're right, I should have said WEAPONIZED COMMON COLD.

You know. It gets funnier by the minute. As proof of your being wrong is offered, you continue and counter your own argument while ignoring the proof.

It went from common cold. To weaponized common cold. To weaponized really bad common cold.

None of that is accurate. But you continue with it doubling down on your propaganda.

You could talk to people and find out truth. I did. My wife was recently in the Hospital. While there she asked one of the nurses how bad Covid was. The nurse told her the entire second floor of the hospital was used for Covid patients during the pandemic. People were dying from it. This nurse who worked in CCU said that you really did not want to get Covid.

I talked to a couple in the cafeteria. They told similar stories.

A couple friends died from it. Local cops died from it.

But you continue that it wasn’t necessary. It was all hype.

A German man got 217 Covid shots. According to you CT nuts he should have blood that is the consistency of powder. But he is fine.

When you break a bone, let a neighbor set it. When your child goes in for surgery tell the Doctors not to wear masks. The masks don’t work. But you won’t do that will you?
"Common cold" in action:

You know. It gets funnier by the minute. As proof of your being wrong is offered, you continue and counter your own argument while ignoring the proof.

It went from common cold. To weaponized common cold. To weaponized really bad common cold.

None of that is accurate. But you continue with it doubling down on your propaganda.

You could talk to people and find out truth. I did. My wife was recently in the Hospital. While there she asked one of the nurses how bad Covid was. The nurse told her the entire second floor of the hospital was used for Covid patients during the pandemic. People were dying from it. This nurse who worked in CCU said that you really did not want to get Covid.

I talked to a couple in the cafeteria. They told similar stories.

A couple friends died from it. Local cops died from it.

But you continue that it wasn’t necessary. It was all hype.

A German man got 217 Covid shots. According to you CT nuts he should have blood that is the consistency of powder. But he is fine.

When you break a bone, let a neighbor set it. When your child goes in for surgery tell the Doctors not to wear masks. The masks don’t work. But you won’t do that will you?
Yes, covid was bad back in 2020 --- if you were old, or already had a compromised immune system, or you were fat and out of shape.

The 'cure' for covid - lockdowns (did a lot of harm), masks (did nothing), and forced vaccines (didn't work as advertised, side effects shoved under the rug) was worse than the disease.
Todays Normies are tomorrows despised fools

Their problem is having to live with Pure Ones and grovel in abject stupidity for being so dense and Gullible .

They need to be chipped so the next generations know those who failed our species . .

Russia imposed lockdowns as well.

What really needs to happen is Russian Propagandists need to have their fingers cut off so they have trouble spreading lies and hatred online.
What were the death rates while on lockdown (Mar/Apr) vs afterwards?
vs after
when Florida became the 6th leading COUNTRY in the world for COVID deaths
Both are true. They initialy shut down and stayed more open later on.
Trump is vulnerable on his mishandling of the COVID pandemic. Hence, threads seeking to deflect blame and or obfuscate the issue.
Don't forget Rhonda fudging the data to claim all those COVD deaths were "something else."
Leftards are lying asswipes.

Man hit by truck does of Covid minutes later.

If it wasn't for leftard snowflakery we'd all be immune by now.
Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.
And the CDC now has most of the "misinformation" posted as facts. That was such a mess up, and will cause us to always doubt the CDC and the government on this stuff. Like the boy who cried wolf.
No, it didn't.

See Spanish Flu for reference.
I dont care about the Spanish Flu. This topic is about COVID, which we shouldnt have locked down for. It swept through the entire world anyway, just as we said it would. You will NEVER see a shutdown again as a result.
I dont care about the Spanish Flu. This topic is about COVID, which we shouldnt have locked down for. It swept through the entire world anyway, just as we said it would. You will NEVER see a shutdown again as a result.
What you mean "WE"

The shutdowns saved lives.
Masks saved lives
Vaccines saved lives

Your dumbassery got people dead.
View attachment 944531

talk about back up

View attachment 944532

First other options
Then blame it on old people
Not at all what I was saying.

In a state with a large elderly population
With tourism as it's major industry
Where every disease in the world makes an appearance
(I get the willys in OIA seeing little kids crawling around on the floor)

The governor, Captain Pander
Decided that the political decision to OWN THE LIBS
was more important than the lives of 100K Floridians didn't matter
When called on it deleted the data, published fake data then fired and arrested the person who reported it

That's your stance no matter how you try to back out.
Yeah right ...what he should have done is send covid patients into nursing homes..... Dumbass
Yeah right ...what he should have done is send covid patients into nursing homes..... Dumbass
Early on before we knew.
Of course, Rhonda did worse.
He sent them to Disneyworld, Universal so they could carry the disease the got in Florida back home to share with now dead Granny and Grandpa.

It's the problem with the tiny minded.
They're too stupid to think beyond their next bit of dumbassery.


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