It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

My favorite was

Your immune system is a conspiracy theory
Let's not forget the mandated EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS that were FORCED on the people around the WORLD that is completely against the NUREMBERG CODES!!!!!!
The whole covid episode was nothing short of EVIL :evil:
Trump locked down no one. You know better but still you lie

The lockdowns were his policy.

The lockdowns were his policy.

Do you even read your own links? It doesn't say what you want it to say.

THIS is how you guys rewrite the shameful history of the Democrats during this period
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All lockdowns were "voluntary"??? No, all the lockdowns were not "voluntary." Tens of thousands of small businesses were forced to close, and the owners faced prosecution if they did not close them. Schools, even private religious schools, were forced to stop holding classes in classrooms. Sporting events were forced to cancel because all meetings with 10-50 people or more were banned. Churches were not allowed to hold in-person services because of that regulation. Etc., etc., etc.

Many, many teachers lost their job got refusing the vax.

That wasn't voluntary either.

Leftards are total fucking lying scum.
The lockdowns were his policy.

You stupid fool, do you always fall for the click bait?

Trump locked down NO ONE. Anywhere. Ever.

Goddammit, leftards are evil lying scum.
Do you even read your own links? It doesn't say what you want it to say.

THIS is how you guys rewrite the shameful history of the Democrats during this period
Graybeard obviously didn't read a fucking thing.

Leftards are STUPID, and they're horrible fucking liars. There hasn't been a leftard who's told the truth on this forum since I've been here. Which is going on 3 years now.
Not at all. Merely stating There were lockdowns. Some states longer than others. We vacationed in FL during prob

talk about back up


First other options
Then blame it on old people
Not at all what I was saying.

In a state with a large elderly population
With tourism as it's major industry
Where every disease in the world makes an appearance
(I get the willys in OIA seeing little kids crawling around on the floor)

The governor, Captain Pander
Decided that the political decision to OWN THE LIBS
was more important than the lives of 100K Floridians didn't matter
When called on it deleted the data, published fake data then fired and arrested the person who reported it

That's your stance no matter how you try to back out.
Not true. They could have just let COVID infect the world, which is eventually what happened anyway. COVID obviously hasnt been wiped out, yet we arent locked down anymore, so we could have just done this from day 1.
No, it didn't.

See Spanish Flu for reference.
Even after all the data that we now have that show that the lockdowns made no meaningful difference in rates of death or illness, and that lockdowns arguably made things worse, most liberals continue to believe that lockdowns were the correct response to the COVID pandemic.

I repeat the word "most," because quite a few liberals have recognized that the lockdowns were a disaster or at least an overly harsh reaction.


Some other informative sources:

By the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who says the lockdowns were wrong and unnecessary, and who says he would have responded to the pandemic very differently. RFK Jr. says he would have followed the approach suggested by the thousands of scientists and medical doctors who signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

The problem is that until you never know going in. You and the others are blessed with hindsight.

Let me get this out of the way now. I think it was a good thing to have the lockdowns and social distancing and all of it including masks.

Let me explain why. Of all the things that historically have reduced or prevented the spread of disease, quarantine works. It is in the Bible. Ancient man who had no knowledge of microscopic bacteria and viruses knew you isolated those who were sick to prevent the spread of disease. So those who denounce a technique rooted in history with excellent results which has been common since the time of Moses, are fools in my opinion.

Those who denounced the efforts claimed they knew it would be fine. Ok. Going forward. If something like this happens again. Let’s play the game. Make it a bet your life scenario. You say no to preventative measures, and someone gets sick, you are responsible. If they die, you are guilty of murder.

But none of those who make their claims would be held responsible. They had no science yet. It took time to learn and study. They just knew. Based upon what? Common sense? Common sense is based on history. History called for quarantine. So it wasn’t common sense. Divine inspiration? Did God speak to them?
The problem is that until you never know going in. You and the others are blessed with hindsight.

Let me get this out of the way now. I think it was a good thing to have the lockdowns and social distancing and all of it including masks.

Let me explain why. Of all the things that historically have reduced or prevented the spread of disease, quarantine works. It is in the Bible. Ancient man who had no knowledge of microscopic bacteria and viruses knew you isolated those who were sick to prevent the spread of disease. So those who denounce a technique rooted in history with excellent results which has been common since the time of Moses, are fools in my opinion.

Those who denounced the efforts claimed they knew it would be fine. Ok. Going forward. If something like this happens again. Let’s play the game. Make it a bet your life scenario. You say no to preventative measures, and someone gets sick, you are responsible. If they die, you are guilty of murder.

But none of those who make their claims would be held responsible. They had no science yet. It took time to learn and study. They just knew. Based upon what? Common sense? Common sense is based on history. History called for quarantine. So it wasn’t common sense. Divine inspiration? Did God speak to them?
Quarantining of HEALTHY PEOPLE had never happened before in human history. GTFOH with your hindsight BULLSHIT!!!!!
🥨 🥨🥨

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