Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

You and the [Na]Zionists don't get to redefine words to suit your own needs.

You're like those idiots who say that all criticism if obama is racist or that opposing Al Qaeda means you hate Arabs.

You know what's disgusting and detrimental to mankind? Forcing girls to marry their rapists, justifying genocide, calling for the deaths of unbelievers... Judaism is a plague upon humanity that has served to retard human progress for 6000 years.

Well, at least you manned up and admit you're a Jew hating son of a bitch. So why get all upset when people accuse you of it? Seriously. It's NOT like it is some big secret!
If the so-called Holocaust is 100% true as the Zionist claim.

Then why in many countries in Europe and Canada is it a crime to even question any aspects of it.

And they will put you in prison if you do.

You would think if the Holocaust story is so airtight they would welcome any discussion are the bite about any aspect of it.

Which leads me to the question: What are they trying to hide ??

Where in Europe or Canada is it a crime to question the aspects of the Holocaust?
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the so-called Holocaust is 100% true as the Zionist claim.

Then why in many countries in Europe and Canada is it a crime to even question any aspects of it.

And they will put you in prison if you do.

You would think if the Holocaust story is so airtight they would welcome any discussion are the bite about any aspect of it.

Which leads me to the question: What are they trying to hide ??

Where in Europe or Canada is it a crime to question the aspects of the Holocaust?
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Good. It should be a crime to question the aspects of the Holocaust. It was a MAJOR crime against humanity. Anyone with half a brain should realize this. Perhaps it should be a crime to spout-off 9/11 was an inside job.
Imagine this.............

JB gives me a "negative reputation" for not agreeing with his belief that the Holocaust was a hoax?


Reputation power given to a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad supporter.

"Seig Iran" dude.

Sorry dude. It was real. Some of you need a field trip to the Holocaust Museum.

I will arrange the short-bus.
Where in Europe or Canada is it a crime to question the aspects of the Holocaust?
Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Good. It should be a crime to question the aspects of the Holocaust.

Yes.. that pesky free speech must be stopped and nobody should ever be allowed to question the Zionist propaganda.

What next? Should it be illegal to question events surrounding the Confederate War for Independence? Or to talk about MK-ULTRA? Or to mention Andersonville? Or to talk about the Internment camps for persons of Japanese descent in the US during WWII? Or question Hillary 'Sniper Fire' Clinton's story about what happened when she visited Bosnia?

What do you have to hide?
Perhaps it should be a crime to spout-off 9/11 was an inside job.

Or mention Operation Northwoods? Or Talk about Tuskeegee? Or mention Project ARTICHOKE?

A shame they passed FOIA, eh? Makes it harder to lie about history

Yes.. that pesky free speech must be stopped and nobody should ever be allowed to question the Zionist propaganda.

What next? Should it be illegal to question events surrounding the Confederate War for Independence? Or to talk about MK-ULTRA? Or to mention Andersonville? Or to talk about the Internment camps for persons of Japanese descent in the US during WWII? Or question Hillary 'Sniper Fire' Clinton's story about what happened when she visited Bosnia?

What do you have to hide?
Perhaps it should be a crime to spout-off 9/11 was an inside job.

Or mention Operation Northwoods? Or Talk about Tuskeegee? Or mention Project ARTICHOKE?

A shame they passed FOIA, eh? Makes it harder to lie about history

FOIA was passed in 1966. Your Google broke?
Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European countries. Many countries also have broader laws that criminalize genocide denial. In addition, the European Union has issued a directive to combat racism and xenophobia, which makes provision for member states criminalising Holocaust denial, with a maximum prison sentence of between one and three years. Also, the Council of Europe's 2003 Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cyber Crime, concerning the prosecution of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems includes an article entitled Denial, gross minimisation, approval or justification of genocide or crimes against humanity, although this does not have the status of law. Of the countries that ban Holocaust denial, a number (Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Romania) were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust,
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All of these countries are first world democratic nations that claim to have free speech.

Except when it comes to questioning the so called Holocaust.

Then free speech goes out the window.

Which then makes a person curious and begs the question:

What exactly are they trying to hide ???
All of these countries are first world democratic nations that claim to have free speech.

Except when it comes to questioning the so called Holocaust.

Then free speech goes out the window.

Which then makes a person curious and begs the question:

What exactly are they trying to hide ???

Are you not free to speak your nonsense? Dont be mad that we are free to make fun of your stupidity. Holocaust deniers are easy targets. :lol:
Its funny to me that Sunni would have us believe that the German people are wrong about their own history, and that HE knows the REAL truth. This isnt exactly a proud moment for them, yet they will be the first people to tell you its all true. They have all the evidence to support it, including the testimony of an entire generation.

What the fuck would Sunnis dumb ass know about the holocaust, that the people who actually lived through it wouldnt? God damn hes fucking stupid. :lol:
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I have read the words of MANY bigots from all races and creeds. Sunni seems to out-hate them all. His every post has the singular goal of condemning and slandering an entire people. Sunnil must have spent his life studying Archie Bunker as his hero. Doesn't he ever crave to have an intelligent and rational debate....I guess not.
I fail to see how doubting certain aspects of an alleged historical event could be considered racism??
Here is a fun fact for you.

The largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel is in Tehran.

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