Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

Yes there were brutal prison camps throughout Europe.

That cannot be denied.

But the exact numbers of the dead.

And cause of death.

Are still open for intense debate and examination.

So you deny the millions of records that the Nazi's kept?

I believe that the vast majority of them are fraudulent and were produced after the war had ended.

They were needed to justify giving the Jews Palestine.

There has never been a Palestine...never a country called Palestine...they were migrants. They need to go back to Jordan or wherever they were from. They were squaters..
Cute. I bet that is the best your pathetic itty bitty brain could think up eh? Can't wait for scum like you to be imprisoned in camps.
What? Camps run by little piss ants like you?:lol::lol::up_yours::asshole:

Nope...I hope to have more of an active role in the new republic once that happens..maybe or maybe not...I would enjoy being a camp commander though it would be fun...
What a pansy. You want someone else to do the heavy lifting, then expect them to give you a management position?

Kid, you're as stupid as all the other wanna-be revolutionaries out there. :lol:
*yawn* Same old shit different day heard all this shit before so ya got something new to say?
WOW!! I'm not impressed by your tired rantings. You post the same old skin head bullshit. "You just wait until we have camps!! We're going to get you, blah, blah, blah"

Most of you worthless fucks are under 25 years old and living with mommy. If you're over 25 and still spouting this drivel then you're a waste of oxygen.:lol::lol:

Well I will make sure I print this post off and show it to you when we come to yer door. Actually I am 26 almost 27 and I live on my own with my wife and kids :D

Bring it, pansy.
What? Camps run by little piss ants like you?:lol::lol::up_yours::asshole:

Nope...I hope to have more of an active role in the new republic once that happens..maybe or maybe not...I would enjoy being a camp commander though it would be fun...
What a pansy. You want someone else to do the heavy lifting, then expect them to give you a management position?

Kid, you're as stupid as all the other wanna-be revolutionaries out there. :lol:

Course not. I plan on helping my people either get our own country or restoring this one to its great power that it once was. Oh and I am not a kid you pathetic moron..
WOW!! I'm not impressed by your tired rantings. You post the same old skin head bullshit. "You just wait until we have camps!! We're going to get you, blah, blah, blah"

Most of you worthless fucks are under 25 years old and living with mommy. If you're over 25 and still spouting this drivel then you're a waste of oxygen.:lol::lol:

Well I will make sure I print this post off and show it to you when we come to yer door. Actually I am 26 almost 27 and I live on my own with my wife and kids :D

Bring it, pansy.

Big talk from a bitch.
Yes there were brutal prison camps throughout Europe.

That cannot be denied.

But the exact numbers of the dead.

And cause of death.

Are still open for intense debate and examination.

Upon up for "intense debate" by who?

The Pioneers of Tomorrow or Achmadijad with his sidekick David Duke?


[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Islamic Killer Bee Replaced by Jew-Eating Jihad Bunny‬‏[/ame]
Nope...I hope to have more of an active role in the new republic once that happens..maybe or maybe not...I would enjoy being a camp commander though it would be fun...
What a pansy. You want someone else to do the heavy lifting, then expect them to give you a management position?

Kid, you're as stupid as all the other wanna-be revolutionaries out there. :lol:

Course not. I plan on helping my people either get our own country...
Bye. You're stinkin' up the place.
...or restoring this one to its great power that it once was.
How? By bitching impotently on the internet? :lol:
Oh and I am not a kid you pathetic moron..
Then quit acting like a kid, you little sissy bedwetter.
Neither me nor William Joyce hate Jews.

We just know them and their corrupt insidious agenda.

Yeah, you have nooooooooooooooooo agenda at all.

This from the coward who once had Minnie Mouse in a burkah (with only a slit for eyes) as his avatar and stated to me that all American women would eventually be forced to wear them.

And when stating his expertise on the bible and changed (by me) to prove it, he put me on ignore and ran like a little you know what with a B.

Noooooooooooo agenda there are all, Sunni!

You are such a joke!

Keep running Burkah Boy!

Well I will make sure I print this post off and show it to you when we come to yer door. Actually I am 26 almost 27 and I live on my own with my wife and kids :D

Bring it, pansy.

Big talk from a bitch.
Really? Let's see...was it you or me wishing to put people in camps?

Kid, you're nothing more than an

...except you don't know who I am, you don't know my IP, and you're definitely not willing to settle anything face to f*cking face. :lol:
WOW!! I'm not impressed by your tired rantings. You post the same old skin head bullshit. "You just wait until we have camps!! We're going to get you, blah, blah, blah"

Most of you worthless fucks are under 25 years old and living with mommy. If you're over 25 and still spouting this drivel then you're a waste of oxygen.:lol::lol:

Well I will make sure I print this post off and show it to you when we come to yer door. Actually I am 26 almost 27 and I live on my own with my wife and kids :D

Bring it, pansy.

You want to see where the Jew haters are. Check this out.

The little cowardly scum are coming out of the wood work!

Holocaust??????????? Can't we move on . . . . WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!

True, I was kicked off three or four boards before I found this one.

Basically you could say that you believed 99.99% of the Holocaust story.

But doubted 0.01% of the story.

You would immediately be labeled and anti-semite and called a Nazi.

Followed by being banned from the board permanently.
Saying that all of the Nazi documents about the death camps hardly amounts to .01%.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
True, I was kicked off three or four boards before I found this one.

Basically you could say that you believed 99.99% of the Holocaust story.

But doubted 0.01% of the story.

You would immediately be labeled and anti-semite and called a Nazi.

Followed by being banned from the board permanently.

Aw, talking about forcing all the Jews into a Ghetto, er you mean Island, and denying the Holocaust is labeled, anti-semtic?????

How can that be anti-semitic???????

I mean just what is wrong with people???????


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My posting of the OP was for a historical debate about certain aspects of the so called Holocaust.

Of which the Muslims took no part in.

It involved European nations that were mainly Christian in nature.

Thus my being muslim should have no bearing on the discussion.

Yeah Holocaust denial has NOTHING to do with the muslims!


Ahmadinejad at Holocaust conference: Israel will 'soon be wiped out'
Ahmadinejad at Holocaust conference: Israel will 'soon be wiped out' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

There's a reason you put me on ignore in the other thread, Sunni.

Because you are full of crap, and it's easy to expose you as being full of crap.

Keep running, and I'll keep kicking your ass!


Muslims had nothing to do with the Holocaust.

There may be a lot of Muslims denying the Holocaust but it wasn't Muslims who put the Jews in the gas chambers.
[ame=] The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust (9780914153146): Edwin Black: Books[/ame]
In other words it doesn't count because you say so.

You want to also explain Achmadinajad's big Conference claiming there was no Holocaust, just like Sunniman is claiming?

Gee, what a coincidence.


No, it doesn't count because you fail to understand historical context.

FFS, you're almost as bad as he is.

And the nutter President of Iran - the same guy who said that the West is controlling the weather to inflict drought on Iran - denying the Holocaust does not change the historical fact that it was Europeans, many of whom were Christians, who put the Jews in the gas chambers. Trying to paint Muslims as culpable for the Holocaust is bizarre.

Ah! Now we have the agenda.

The old "it was Christians that did the Holocaust" meme.

Despite all the evidence, the Nazis rejected Christianity, because they saw it as an off-shoot of Judaoism.

That is what is behind your objection.




Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord

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