Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

Really? He put Austria first? I thought he enslaved Austria first.....

Once again that zog school education is shining! Austria held a vote and over 90% vote to rejoin Germany.

Wrong answer little coward racist (who is afraid to see his negative reputation)

The so called election you are referring to was a month after Germany had taken control of Austria. Do try to study a little harder....

Hitler being a native son of Austria was wildly popular.

Regardless of when the vote took place.

The majority of Austrians liked merging with Germany.
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Yes there were brutal prison camps throughout Europe.

That cannot be denied.

But the exact numbers of the dead.

And cause of death.

Are still open for intense debate and examination.

So you deny the millions of records that the Nazi's kept?

I believe that the vast majority of them are fraudulent and were produced after the war had ended.

They were needed to justify giving the Jews Palestine.
OK I'm done here. Sunni you are making shit up just so you can feel better about hating Jews, I don't pay much attention to racist fucks. Have a great day.
  • Thanks
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sounds like someone ran out of rational answers:lol:
Jews are not a race any more than Muslims are a race
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The "Holocaust industry" has been a nice little cash cow Milked for many years, some of the people taken in by this have a hard time looking at it rationally and refuse to believe they have been taken for suckers. most message boards are infiltrated by Pro zionists who delete posts or ban people who post anything pointing out this scam, but not on USMB:clap2:
My god, how fucking stupid can we get here?

The Germans have over 50 million documents on file that have to do with the holocaust. And now you wannabe deniers want to claim that most of those documents were faked?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I think I'll now unsubscribe from this thread before I start negging people for stupidity.

Have fun in your fantasies.....
True, I was kicked off three or four boards before I found this one.

Basically you could say that you believed 99.99% of the Holocaust story.

But doubted 0.01% of the story.

You would immediately be labeled and anti-semite and called a Nazi.

Followed by being banned from the board permanently.
Yeah? How'd that work out for the Nazis? :laugh:

You're a coward. Internet tough guys always are. And that's a fact.

*yawn* Same old shit different day heard all this shit before so ya got something new to say?
WOW!! I'm not impressed by your tired rantings. You post the same old skin head bullshit. "You just wait until we have camps!! We're going to get you, blah, blah, blah"

Most of you worthless fucks are under 25 years old and living with mommy. If you're over 25 and still spouting this drivel then you're a waste of oxygen.:lol::lol:

Well I will make sure I print this post off and show it to you when we come to yer door. Actually I am 26 almost 27 and I live on my own with my wife and kids :D

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