Another Holocaust Myth Exposed At Auschwitz

Judaism, which includes Islam.
What's your Stormfront username, skinhead?

What's a matter, daveman? Upset that you can't ban people you disagree with here?


Dat William Joyce be SOOO RACISSS!!!!
Not at all. You're free to spout your mindless idiocy all you like.

You serve as a terrific bad example. :clap2:
I have backed enough shit up I could care less if you think they are empty threats or not. I am simply stating fact not being an internet warrior. Facts are facts son. When the white man is beat down so much we will retaliate in a fashion never before seen.Sucks to be on the wrong side of that
Yeah? How'd that work out for the Nazis? :laugh:

You're a coward. Internet tough guys always are. And that's a fact.

Few people realize that the Jews basically declared war on Germany first.

And stabbed the German people in the back.

Hitler didn't have to convince the people that the Jews were traitors.

Every German citizen was well aware of the "Chosen People's" treason and treachery. :evil:

The German people were "convinced" of the Jewish People's "Treachery" the say way the Muslims in the Me are "convinced."


After losing WWI so badly, the German people looked for a scape goat. They couldn't accept they lost that war. They looked for a scape goat.

Same thing the Muslims are doing now.

They can't accept they keep getting their ass kicked by Israel, so they have to make up all kinds of crap to tell themselves, they really aren't losers and someday Big Daddy 12th Imam will settle Israel's hash.

It's as pathetic as saying, "You just wait until my big brother shows up!"

TPS this thread is not about muslims.

Please read the OP.

There is no need for you to derail it.

Thank You


Like that isn't the reason you have such a problem with the Jews.

It's like saying being a Nazi sympathizer has nothing to do with posting such an op.


So, cut the comedy.

You hate the Jews, you want to put them "ghettos" for their own "safety." Which I believe was the excuse the Germans made.

Oh, I mean you want to move them from the ME to someplace else. That's not hating them.

I wonder what you would say if the Jews said the solution was to move all muslims out the ME?

You fool absolutely no one. Least of all, me.

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My posting of the OP was for a historical debate about certain aspects of the so called Holocaust.

Of which the Muslims took no part in.

It involved European nations that were mainly Christian in nature.

Thus my being muslim should have no bearing on the discussion.
I have backed enough shit up I could care less if you think they are empty threats or not. I am simply stating fact not being an internet warrior. Facts are facts son. When the white man is beat down so much we will retaliate in a fashion never before seen.Sucks to be on the wrong side of that
Yeah? How'd that work out for the Nazis? :laugh:

You're a coward. Internet tough guys always are. And that's a fact.

*yawn* Same old shit different day heard all this shit before so ya got something new to say?
I remember you from before TPS

You basically add nothing to any debate.

But claim that you won. (won what??)

I rarely do this but I am putting you on ignore.

The one thing that I admire about Hitler was his patriotism for his country.

(and no I am not a nazi)

Sure he got carried away in a few areas.

And made a few mistakes.

No politician is perfect.

But over all he put his people and nation first and above foreign interests.

I wish we had politicians here in our country that would champion America first. :cool:
Then you should be okay with the United States invading and bombing other countries, right. It's what Hitler did.
I have backed enough shit up I could care less if you think they are empty threats or not. I am simply stating fact not being an internet warrior. Facts are facts son. When the white man is beat down so much we will retaliate in a fashion never before seen.Sucks to be on the wrong side of that
Yeah? How'd that work out for the Nazis? :laugh:

You're a coward. Internet tough guys always are. And that's a fact.

*yawn* Same old shit different day heard all this shit before so ya got something new to say?
WOW!! I'm not impressed by your tired rantings. You post the same old skin head bullshit. "You just wait until we have camps!! We're going to get you, blah, blah, blah"

Most of you worthless fucks are under 25 years old and living with mommy. If you're over 25 and still spouting this drivel then you're a waste of oxygen.:lol::lol:
The one thing that I admire about Hitler was his patriotism for his country.

(and no I am not a nazi)

Sure he got carried away in a few areas.

And made a few mistakes.

No politician is perfect.

But over all he put his people and nation first and above foreign interests.

I wish we had politicians here in our country that would champion America first. :cool:

No, you wish we had had politicians that would stuff the Jews on an island somewhere.

For their own protection, of course.

No wonder you admire Hitler. He was the man of your rag-headed dreams.

p.s. I know this post is going to upset you. I suggest you sign off, and go throw a black tent over one of your women. That should make you feel better for a little while.
My posting of the OP was for a historical debate about certain aspects of the so called Holocaust.

Of which the Muslims took no part in.

It involved European nations that were mainly Christian in nature.

Thus my being muslim should have no bearing on the discussion.

Yeah Holocaust denial has NOTHING to do with the muslims!


Ahmadinejad at Holocaust conference: Israel will 'soon be wiped out'
Ahmadinejad at Holocaust conference: Israel will 'soon be wiped out' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

There's a reason you put me on ignore in the other thread, Sunni.

Because you are full of crap, and it's easy to expose you as being full of crap.

Keep running, and I'll keep kicking your ass!

My posting of the OP was for a historical debate about certain aspects of the so called Holocaust.

Of which the Muslims took no part in.

It involved European nations that were mainly Christian in nature.

Thus my being muslim should have no bearing on the discussion.

Yeah Holocaust denial has NOTHING to do with the muslims!


Ahmadinejad at Holocaust conference: Israel will 'soon be wiped out'
Ahmadinejad at Holocaust conference: Israel will 'soon be wiped out' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

There's a reason you put me on ignore in the other thread, Sunni.

Because you are full of crap, and it's easy to expose you as being full of crap.

Keep running, and I'll keep kicking your ass!


Muslims had nothing to do with the Holocaust.

There may be a lot of Muslims denying the Holocaust but it wasn't Muslims who put the Jews in the gas chambers.

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