
  1. Cellblock2429

    Joe sending troops to border to run errands for illegals. What’s next? Maybe have Marines pick up illegals and carry them on their backs across the Rio Grande.

    Biden Administration Should Revisit its Stance on this Issue!

    In May 2022, the Biden administration withdrew its assistance from the normalization between Sudan and Israel, which was initiated by the Trump administration during US-Sudan negotiations that ended with removing Sudan from the terror list in December 2020. Biden administration's decision was...
  3. TheGreatGatsby

    Two Years Later: Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

    Was the 2020 presidential election stolen? Here is the framework for casting your vote in the poll: 1. You decipher whether you are conservative or liberal for the sake of the poll. There is no in between. 2. You say yes or no on the election stolen. Gun to your head, you have to choose the...
  4. J

    AOC defends Student Debt Relief: “Not every program has to be for everybody”

    . See AOC Shuts Down Critic of Student Debt Relief: ‘Not Every Program Has to Be for Everybody’ Of course, one would expect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents the taxpayers living in New York’s 14th Congressional District, would represent the best interests of her constituents, which...
  5. Cellblock2429

    BREAKING: Biden admin creates Arctic region ambassador position. No, it’s not the Onion Next time the Trump Haters call DJT stupid or that he made dumb decisions, remind them Joe wants an Ambassador to a frozen wasteland. I nominate Al Gore or John Kerry.
  6. The Original Tree

    Should Garland Resign to Protect The Biden Regime?

    It's pretty clear that Garland is a political hack and based on everything I have heard, simply authorized a panty raid to make a big scene for materials that were already agreed to be handed over like most outgoing presidents usually do. Garland either took orders directly from the...
  7. S

    Department of Justice fears charging rioters for sedition

    The expenses of House hearings regarding January 6, 2021 are unjustified if our department of justice fears the political consequences of indicting any rioters for a charge of sedition. On January 6, 2021 a mob besieged the U.S. Capitol building for the purpose of delaying and possibly...
  8. J

    Biden Admin. paroles flood of migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Colombia

    One thing for sure is, if the current open border policy continues, our country will eventually be fundamentally transformed into the kind of countries from where these immigrants are coming from, i.e., Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Colombia, and are being immediately released into our...
  9. J

    Conflicts and consequences of Biden’s massive, unregulated immigration policy

    . Let us take a look at the rate of border crossings The number of known foreigner nationals crossing our southern border is now at about 2 million a year LINK, [also see the following LINK]. And that 2 million does not include got-a-ways, nor those entering undetected. If we use a...
  10. Markle

    17.3 % is the rate of inflation IF we still used the methodology of 1980. Telling us it is 9.1 % is lying to you!

    17.3 % is the rate of inflation IF we still used the methodology of 1980. Telling us it is 9.1 % is lying to you! ShadowStats: “Corrected” CPI Inflation jumped to a new 75-Year high of 17.3% July 13, 2022...
  11. J

    Is it not obvious the Biden Administration is intentionally destroying America from within?

    . Biden has shut down our nation’s ability to produce cheap inexpensive fuels, which is the life blood of our nation’s manufacturing base, transportation, and an absolute necessity for powering our homes and businesses. Biden has hollowed out our military force by a dangerous 10 percent...
  12. J

    Under Biden, U.S. citizens must compete with foreign nationals for public housing

    . It is absolutely sickening how unwanted massive immigration, mostly allowed by the current Administration’s open border policy, has helped to create a shortage of public housing for our nation’s citizens. While the Biden Administration is making public housing vouchers available to millions...
  13. J

    Biden’s love affair with the World Health Organization and tyranny!

    . . See: Is Joe Biden About to Give the World Health Organization Authority Over the US Government? There's widespread concern that amendments offered by the Biden Administration would hand over U.S. national sovereignty on matters of health to the W.H.O. So, what is the definition of...
  14. The Original Tree

    Baby Formula Stockpiled in Warehouses at The Southern Border while American Families in a panic to feed their Babies.

    Joe Biden and the DemNazi Party's continued war on women and babies rages on. The Biden Administration has closed one major US Baby Formula Manufacturer and has at the same time rejected shipments of formula from overseas due to their Fascist Dictatorial Powers they granted themselves during a...
  15. The Original Tree

    The Left’s Green Religion Deception

    Do you really know what people in The Democrat Party believe in? Global Warming is a Religion. It is not a real existential threat to our planet. You won’t convince these people that the necessity of Eco Fascism is completely imaginary, but you can understand why they are fanatics. Explained...
  16. KoolKolt

    Biden sums up America in one word-Bidenese translator wanted

    Anyone here speak Bidenese?
  17. ChemEngineer

    Science is Hard If You're a Democrat

    A woman just delivered a newborn and hears it cry out beneath her surgical coverings over her bent knees: "Doctor, is it a boy or a girl!" Doctor: "I don't know. I'm not a biologist. We'll have to wait until it's 16 or 18 to find out which of the 54 sexes it chooses to be." New Mother: "Did...
  18. S

    President Biden and the New World Order

    President Biden says, there's a new "world order" emerging, and America should be on top of it.
  19. The Original Tree

    Does anyone have the feeling that The New World Order is about to create a False Flag in Ukraine?

    Just a thought that crossed my mind since The Biden Regime has multiple times mentioned chemical weapons and is calling Putin a War criminal. I don't like Putin, and completely understand that there is enough finger pointing to go around between Ukraine and Russia, and I am not Pro War. What I...
  20. KoolKolt

    Political memes

    If you have memes or funny political videos to post, I’d love to see them. One of my favorites:
  21. The Original Tree

    Why Biden and his Administration are too Stupid to see what Putin is doing

    People on the Left are exactly what The Soviet Union described as useful idiots. One prime example is their colossal failure in Afghanistan, their idiotic approach to dealing with Russian Ally and The Biggest State Sponsor of Terror, Iran, their bumbling idiotic approach to Crimea which was a...
  22. The Original Tree

    Massive Wealth Transfer from The COVID Enterprise: You will own nothing and be happy!

    For me to have an actual conversation with any of you on this topic, means that you have to be aware of a few facts. (Not Emotionalism or Bleeding Heart Do Gooderism Statements), but FACTS. Because of the COVID scam Joe Biden has printed 40% of all the money that has ever existed in The United...
  23. J

    Biden flouts Supreme Court, continues illegal catch and release

    . See: Viral video shows illegal immigrants released at the border January 26, 2022 "A new viral video shows illegal immigrants nabbed at the border in Texas being released, ferried to airports and dropped off to catch flights taking them deeper into the U.S. Bill Melugin, a Fox News...
  24. The Original Tree

    Schummer took Campaign Donations from Putin and Nordstream

    So not only did Putin purchase Biden through his influence and payments laundered through Burisma, Putin got to Chuck Schummer, and as we know, many others. Remember Kids, The...
  25. The Original Tree

    Blacks are Right to Refuse The Vax

    Blacks are right to refuse the vax. Black Americans are the single largest demographic in The US refusing to take the vaccines and with good cause. Look what the GOV has done to them over the years. Why should anyone trust The GOV to put things in to your body, or to manage your health care...
  26. The Original Tree

    Biden snuggles up with Pooty Poot Putin

    After a long night of drinking, and gazing in to Putin's mesmerizing eyes, China Joe found himself in Putin's bed the next morning, slightly hung over and clumsily searching for his underwear. Putin comes in from his early morning jog with his pet grizzly bear, and remarks to Joe, what a...
  27. The Original Tree

    There will be NO END to Democrat Misery

    When you come by things dishonestly; when lying and cheating are your only virtues; when you persistently practice these so called virtues to the detriment of your own country & for your own selfish gain; one has to believe that what we are seeing in The Biden Regime's ineptness, incompetence...
  28. J

    S.C. heard oral arguments today regarding Biden’s questionable vaccine mandate.

    . See Supreme Court hears oral arguments on Biden vaccine mandates: LIVE UPDATES The question is, will a majority on the court apply the Humpty Dumpty theory of language to our Constitution in order to uphold Biden’s vaccine mandate? “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a...
  29. J

    6th Circuit used Humpty-Dumpty theory of language to allow Biden's vaccine mandate

    Two members of a three-panel 6th Circuit Court of Appeals RULING applied the Humpty-Dumpty theory of language to the meaning regulating commerce among the states, in letting stand the Biden Administration's vaccine mandate. “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone...
  30. The Original Tree

    Current Legal Status of The COVID Mandate

    I kind of find it interesting that you cannot actually find much information on what is going on with all the legal challenges against the Fascist COVID (Now Barely a Cold) Mandate. Can anyone update me on this? What I know currently, and this is all I know is that the Supreme Court will...

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