Democrat Leadership continues immigration policy putting American citizens last


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Hagedorn calls Biden's border policies 'immoral'

May 25, 2021

Under Trump, "we ended catch and release. He was building the wall. We were making sure that people who want to claim amnesty did so from outside the United States," Hagedorn said in a El Paso, Texas, news conference Monday flanked by other congressional members. "But what happened is that Joe Biden came in and unraveled all those policies. These open border and amnesty policies — I call it America Last."

Indeed, while the children of American citizens are having various classes cut to pay for the education of children of illegal entrants, and taxpayer financed public housing meant for needy American citizens is being filled with those flooding across our border, and America’s Vets are sleeping in the streets while the Biden Administration is housing those crossing our border in expensive hotels, and America’s health care system meant for American citizens is being overwhelmed with the current massive influx of Central America’s poverty stricken population, the Biden Administration continues with policies which put America’s needy citizens last.

As pointed out in the article, Rep. Hagedorn notes, “… it would cost $1.3 billion to educate the 60,000 minors held in one facility, and that doesn't count the millions of illegal aliens already in the country whose education is being paid for by taxpayers.”

The article also points out 2-million “migrants” are expected to stream across the U.S.-Mexico border by the end of the year and “. . . up to 1.1 million single adults are expected through September, along with up to about 828,000 families and more than 200,000 unaccompanied children.”

It is absolutely stunning that Vice President Kamala Harris who is black, and who has been put in charge of immigration, still has avoided a visit to our southern border to witness the ongoing invasion which is mostly, and adversely, affecting our nation’s inner cities where this swarm of migrants usually winds up.

As one patriotic American has observed, the Democrat Party Leadership doesn’t “…really care about the well-being of Americans! Naw, that can’t be right, can it?

After all, they only waste our tax dollars, let jobs leave overseas, destroy our inner cities, and let killers and rapists roam the streets.

The Democrat Party Leadership wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
BTW, did anyone here see the following? Sex Offenders Catch a Break With Biden?

May 5, 2021

“Amid a report that illegal alien sex offenders were freed into the United States, five states are suing the Biden administration over guidelines that are used to shield rapists and other violent felons from deportation.

A San Antonio television station revealed last week that U.S. Marshals released illegal alien sex offenders in Austin and Del Rio, preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from taking them into custody. The Marshals Service said it does not comment on cases “subject of ongoing or pending litigation.”

How on earth is the Biden Administration’s immigration policies advancing the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens?


The Democrat Party Leadership wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
These people should be deported forthwith.


I think the vast majority of American citizens agree with you. I certainly do.

BTW did you see the following? Most Americans Are Critical of Government’s Handling of Situation at U.S.-Mexico Border

MAY 3, 2021

“With Border Patrol apprehensions once again increasing this spring , Americans are expressing renewed concern over illegal immigration and the current situation at the U.S. border with Mexico.”

The article continues: “ The government receives negative ratings for how it has handled the situation at the border. About two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) say that the government is doing a very (33%) or somewhat (35%) bad job of dealing with the increased number of people seeking asylum at the country’s southern border, while fewer than half as many (29%) say it is doing a very or somewhat good job.”

I guess, regardless of Trump’s crass way of putting things, his immigration policies would be more than welcomed today by a significant majority of America’s adults.

It's too bad Biden voters weren't required to leave up the signs they had in their yards during the election. It would have indicated where we should house these types of immigrants.

What motivates the Democrat Leadership to abandon and neglect those who voted for them?​

What I can’t understand with regard to the ongoing invasion of our southern border, there are significant consequences being inflicted upon American citizens, especially citizens living in our nation’s inner cities who are most adversely affected by the swarm of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of Central America being allowed to flood across our border by the Biden Administration.

As an example, the children of American citizens attending public schools are having activities cut to pay for the special needs of the children of foreigners flooding across our border LINK And, public housing, meant for our nation’s needy citizens, is now being filled with Central America’s poverty stricken population, leaving America’s needy citizens and their children homeless. LINK

What is the motivation of the Democrat Party Leadership to turn their backs on American citizens, especially our nation’s needy citizens, who most likely, in general, voted to put a Democrat Leadership in power?

It just doesn’t make sense to me, unless the Democrat Party Leadership is confident their voters are unaware of how they are being screwed by the Democrat Party Leadership’s open border policy, which is having a devastating effect on American citizens, especially those living in our nation’s inner cities.

Of course, and considering the fact our mainstream media is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, and avoids reporting on the devastating effects of the ongoing invasion of our southern border, it could very well be those who voted for a Democrat Leadership are simply unaware of how the current Administration is screwing American citizens and their children with its reckless, unpatriotic, immigration policies.


The Democrat Party Leadership wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
See: Hagedorn calls Biden's border policies 'immoral'

May 25, 2021

Under Trump, "we ended catch and release. He was building the wall. We were making sure that people who want to claim amnesty did so from outside the United States," Hagedorn said in a El Paso, Texas, news conference Monday flanked by other congressional members. "But what happened is that Joe Biden came in and unraveled all those policies. These open border and amnesty policies — I call it America Last."

Indeed, while the children of American citizens are having various classes cut to pay for the education of children of illegal entrants, and taxpayer financed public housing meant for needy American citizens is being filled with those flooding across our border, and America’s Vets are sleeping in the streets while the Biden Administration is housing those crossing our border in expensive hotels, and America’s health care system meant for American citizens is being overwhelmed with the current massive influx of Central America’s poverty stricken population, the Biden Administration continues with policies which put America’s needy citizens last.

As pointed out in the article, Rep. Hagedorn notes, “… it would cost $1.3 billion to educate the 60,000 minors held in one facility, and that doesn't count the millions of illegal aliens already in the country whose education is being paid for by taxpayers.”

The article also points out 2-million “migrants” are expected to stream across the U.S.-Mexico border by the end of the year and “. . . up to 1.1 million single adults are expected through September, along with up to about 828,000 families and more than 200,000 unaccompanied children.”

It is absolutely stunning that Vice President Kamala Harris who is black, and who has been put in charge of immigration, still has avoided a visit to our southern border to witness the ongoing invasion which is mostly, and adversely, affecting our nation’s inner cities where this swarm of migrants usually winds up.

As one patriotic American has observed, the Democrat Party Leadership doesn’t “…really care about the well-being of Americans! Naw, that can’t be right, can it?

After all, they only waste our tax dollars, let jobs leave overseas, destroy our inner cities, and let killers and rapists roam the streets.

The Democrat Party Leadership wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
An anti immigration RWNJ?

Whoda thunkit?
See: Hagedorn calls Biden's border policies 'immoral'

May 25, 2021

Under Trump, "we ended catch and release. He was building the wall. We were making sure that people who want to claim amnesty did so from outside the United States," Hagedorn said in a El Paso, Texas, news conference Monday flanked by other congressional members. "But what happened is that Joe Biden came in and unraveled all those policies. These open border and amnesty policies — I call it America Last."

Indeed, while the children of American citizens are having various classes cut to pay for the education of children of illegal entrants, and taxpayer financed public housing meant for needy American citizens is being filled with those flooding across our border, and America’s Vets are sleeping in the streets while the Biden Administration is housing those crossing our border in expensive hotels, and America’s health care system meant for American citizens is being overwhelmed with the current massive influx of Central America’s poverty stricken population, the Biden Administration continues with policies which put America’s needy citizens last.

As pointed out in the article, Rep. Hagedorn notes, “… it would cost $1.3 billion to educate the 60,000 minors held in one facility, and that doesn't count the millions of illegal aliens already in the country whose education is being paid for by taxpayers.”

The article also points out 2-million “migrants” are expected to stream across the U.S.-Mexico border by the end of the year and “. . . up to 1.1 million single adults are expected through September, along with up to about 828,000 families and more than 200,000 unaccompanied children.”

It is absolutely stunning that Vice President Kamala Harris who is black, and who has been put in charge of immigration, still has avoided a visit to our southern border to witness the ongoing invasion which is mostly, and adversely, affecting our nation’s inner cities where this swarm of migrants usually winds up.

As one patriotic American has observed, the Democrat Party Leadership doesn’t “…really care about the well-being of Americans! Naw, that can’t be right, can it?

After all, they only waste our tax dollars, let jobs leave overseas, destroy our inner cities, and let killers and rapists roam the streets.

The Democrat Party Leadership wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
An anti immigration RWNJ?

Whoda thunkit?


When it comes to healthcare, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens.

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