
  1. deanrd

    Will 2020 be a bigger Bluewave than 2018?

    Will 2020 be a bigger Bluewave than 2018? I’ve seen Trump supporters say that they are embarrassed by his rhetoric and the way he acts. There are people within the Republican Party that care about morals and values and don’t believe that adulterous unprotected sex and lying are good...
  2. deanrd

    White Republicans always talk about inner cities, but never talk about Appalachia. Why?

    White Republicans always talk about inner cities, but never talk about Appalachia. Why? White Republicans insist that they’re very concerned for African-Americans in inner-city communities. At the same time, if you point out the poverty in Appalachia, they’ll say that’s because there’s...
  3. deanrd

    There’s only two possible reasons why Trump would block aid to the Ukraine

    This is been a real war between the Ukraine and Russia. So far there’s been around 10,000 people who have died. So there’s only two possible reasons that Trump would stop this money. The first one being he wants Ukraine to investigate any connections to Joe Biden. Hoping it would help...
  4. Dan Stubbs

    Gov. Bill Weld – a longshot primary challenger against Trump.

    Well here come the Trump haters, and they are really weak, but like the attention they get from the support of the Democrats. I am sure there will be several more playing the game. It's another example of his extreme, malignant narcissism. He's only happy when other people are losing and this...
  5. EvilEyeFleegle

    Court says Electoral College Electors not Bound by Popular Vote

    The electors can vote as they wish...regardless of the election results: Faithless elector: A court ruling just changed how we pick our president "A federal appeals court ruled late Tuesday that presidential electors who cast the actual ballots for president and vice president are free to vote...
  6. deanrd

    Conservative Noah Rothman says Elizabeth Warren is Trump with a “bleeding heart“.

    Conservative Noah Rothman says Elizabeth Warren is Trump with a “bleeding heart“. Opinion | Noah Rothman: Elizabeth Warren’s populism is just a progressive version of Trumpism For millions of Americans, even a majority of voters, the election in 2016 was not a choice between two qualified...
  7. deanrd

    7 million truckers horribly screwed over by Donald Trump

    Truckers used to have something called Per diem that was tax-deductible. That was the money that they spent on food and daily expenses while they were driving. Gone. So the owners of the truck company got huge tax breaks, but the average trucker salary went up $8000 or more. And they got rid...
  8. deanrd

    Trump's swamp people: Shockingly, the administration's vetting process was a total mess

    Trump's swamp people: Building an empire of corruption He has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest, misuse of public funds, influence peddling, self-enrichment, working for foreign governments, failure to disclose...
  9. deanrd

    Do people under 30 hate the republican party?

    The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them. In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found...
  10. midcan5

    Russian Troll Talks

    Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful. Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think...
  11. deanrd

    Could Donald Trump be successfully primaried before the next election?

    Maybe. 18 state are introducing legislation that any Presidential candidate must release their tax returns to appear on the ballot. States Move To Require Presidential Candidate Tax Returns Remember, the states decide how to vote. It's in our constitution. States Rights. And as far as I...
  12. deanrd

    Never said Democrats didn't have narcissists too! Don't forget, you can't defeat a liar with a liar

    We all know Trump is both a great liar and a narcissist. I can't call him a terrible liar because it's the one thing he best at. But Democrats need to not make the same mistakes Republicans have. Biden was chosen by Obama because he stayed in the background and was rarely interviewed. And...
  13. deanrd

    Fox News is absolutely terrified of Beto. Did you see their coverage this morning?

    Fox News is absolutely terrified of Beto. Did you see their coverage this morning? I was watching Beto take questions and answers on CNN and MSNBC and I moved it over to Fox to see what kind of coverage they would give him. But they were talking about Jesse what’s his name who lied about...
  14. deanrd

    Do Democrats have anything to run on for the next election?

    What do Democrats have to run on? Anything of value? I know. Let's put a list together:
  15. deanrd

    Kamala Harris said Trump is a racist.

    Kamala Harris on whether she thinks Trump is a racist: 'I do' Why does this surprise anyone? Trump is a racist. He proved it when he said African countries were shit hole countries. When he said some Mexicans don’t rape. When he said a Mexican can’t be a judge. Court cases he’s had...
  16. deanrd

    We are about to see “birtherism” gone wild!

    Republicans discovered during the last election that lying works. They don’t run anymore on policy because who likes Republican policy? Tax cuts for billionaires, screw the middle class, election fraud, voter suppression, no healthcare, a dirty environment,and on and on and on. Already...
  17. JGalt

    Why Russia?

    We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near. But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated...
  18. Litwin

    Belarusian model who claimed Trump secrets detained in Moscow: Ifax

    will Putler kill Vashukevich this time , like he killed Sergei Magnitsky? "MOSCOW (Reuters) - A model from Belarus who claimed to have evidence of Russian interference in U.S. President Donald Trump’s election was detained in an airport in Moscow on Thursday after being deported from...
  19. S

    Democrat House should pass much of their 2020 platform NOW!!

    Democrat House should pass much of their 2020 platform NOW!! The Democrat House caucus should have begun deciding upon their 2020 platform planks. The Democratic majority House caucus should try to pass their most popular planks with no regard to the Republican majority Senate. If Republicans...
  20. T

    ROTFLMFAO~DemonRAT Julian Castro expected to launch 2020 presidential bid

    I think this will be candidate 1,254 for the DemonRATS....where are they going to hold the debates Yankee Stadium outfield?....but he does have the gay, Hispanic vote locked up! With the name of Castro, he has a shot....after all America voted for a Hussein, 7 years AFTER 9-11! WASHINGTON...
  21. deanrd

    Republicans were right, someone did steal an election. It's been discovered and uncovered.

    Woman says she was paid to collect absentee ballots in North Carolina House race An absentee ballot witness on Monday said Monday that a Bladen County, N.C., electioneer paid her to collect absentee ballots from last month's midterm elections. Ginger Eason told WSOCTV, a local news station in...
  22. deanrd

    Investigating the Donald Trump Administration - where will Democrats start?

    The short answer: EVERYWHERE! The House has oversight committees from Security to Ethics and everything in between. Even with Republicans in charge of the entire government, there have been dozens of indictments. Republicans have walked a fine line to go after some "others" but still...
  23. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Surprise, surprise: illegal immigrants are registered to vote in California

    California DMV: Non-citizens may be registered to vote SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — At least one non-citizen and perhaps many more were improperly registered to vote in California by the Department of Motor Vehicles, prompting the secretary of state to demand a new investigation of the embattled...
  24. deanrd

    Anyone know why Republicans are so terrified of holding Town Hall meetings this year?

    Lawmakers ditch town halls: 'They want to avoid those gotcha moments' Jones, who hails from a ruby red state where more than 60 percent of the voters went for Trump in 2016, said it’s particularly important for lawmakers in states like his to hold events, so they don’t end up in their own “echo...
  25. Fort Fun Indiana

    Trump keeps digging, doubles down on Putin's denial

    Today Trump was asked if the Russians are still targeting the US with attacks. He said, "no", contrary to his own intelligence community. At best, he bases his answer completely on Putin's denial. Fascinating....
  26. TheProgressivePatriot

    Hurricanes Will Be Created To Suppress Pro-Trump Voter Turnout

    Mark Taylor: Hurricanes Will Be Created To Suppress Pro-Trump Voter Turnout They are on to us! They know that we liberals and commies will do anything to stop Trump and the Republicans and they're right! Batten down the hatches mates! Its going to be a rough ride this fall.
  27. midcan5

    CDZ 'Blame Russia Narrative'

    "We get to vote? Big deal. People get to vote in Rwanda, Russia, the Congo and countless other autocratic states as well." The OP below covers our last election and the reality that is our politics today, read it but be aware you may learn something that challenges your assumptions...
  28. Litwin

    With Twitter friends like these, Mr Corbyn: DOMINIC LAWSON on the Kremlin ploy which shows the Labou

    New I see why this traitor has supported publicly the Kremlin thugs so many times . even when they attacked British village with the chemical weapons. "With Twitter friends like these, Mr Corbyn: DOMINIC LAWSON on the Kremlin ploy which shows the Labour leader is dangerously aligned with a...
  29. JGalt

    Who was the one who started all the "Russian collusion" nonsense anyway?

    Where did the idea come from, that Russia had anything to do with the 2016 election and helped Trump to win? Does anyone remember? Was it Comey? Hillary? Obama?
  30. rsexaminer

    Roy Moore breaks silence after latest sexual assault claim, destroyed on Twitter

    Watch as Roy Moore and his wife just gave a delusional defense to the latest allegations of sexual assault against him, which resulted in the Alabama Republican getting lit up on Twitter. Moore and his wife are clearly scrambling here. Roy Moore breaks silence after latest sexual assault...

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