
  1. Litwin

    Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump

    What do you know about Kremlin (olgino) trolls ? any story from your own experience? how to handle them? " The Kremlin paid an army of more than 1,000 people to create fake anti-Hillary Clinton news stories targeting key swing states, ... Senator Mark Warner, the Democrat ranking member, and...
  2. TheProgressivePatriot


    Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take responsibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump Selected excerpts: It continues: It
  3. Divine Wind

    Memo to Democrats: Find better candidates

    Good advice to Democrats....and not just for special elections, but for all elections. Less corruption and cronyism would be good too. Memo to Democrats after special-election losses: Find better candidates Memo to Democrats after special-election losses: Find better candidates Fault-finding...
  4. A

    US election survey!

    Hi, this is a brief political survey (13 questions long) about the recent US presidential election, for those interested. I want to learn a little more about those who voted (that is, Americans who were eligible): US Political Survey This survey is strictly voluntary, you may choose to...
  5. P@triot

    Top Democrats Tried to Convince Actress to Run for Office

    This is just plain bizarre. The Democrats believe that because Julia Louis-Dreyfus pretends to be a President on a show, she would actually make a good president in real life? :eusa_doh: Has the left lost all grip on reality? Report: Top Democrats tried to convince Emmy-winning actress to run...
  6. American_Jihad

    ā€˜They never saw this comingā€™: A Q&A with Kellyanne Conway

    I like her, and she can handle everything the left can throw at her... ā€˜They never saw this comingā€™: A Q&A with Kellyanne Conway 7 / 22 The Washington Post Joe Heim 9 hrs ago When Kellyanne Conway took over as Donald Trumpā€™s presidential campaign manager in August ā€” his third in under a...
  7. Andylusion

    CDZ RCC Podcast: So what happened?

    Over the last few months, a bunch of people have been asking, how could this happen. While Iā€™ve mostly remained silent during this election cycle, I do have my opinion on why things turned out this way. Now, part of my inexperience as a podcaster, and I had several things I wanted to talk...
  8. emmahirschy

    Political Science Survey: How has the image of America been affected from the election of Trump?

    Hey guys I am currently working on a survey for my final project in my political science class. If you could, please help me out by answering these questions, that would be great. 1. What is your political affiliation? 2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after...
  9. Cellblock2429

    Ukraine Tried To Influence Election - Was Working With Democrats

    A new report found Ukraine was trying to influence the US election in favor of Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton met with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in September. The report by Politico found that Ukraine was trying to sabotage Trump and help Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump wasnā€™t the...
  10. R

    selfish donald trump

    Selfish Donald Trump Donald Trump is a selfish man who wants to put his selfishness to the benefit of America. He has built his empire of wealth by taking and keeping for himself, even using untoward methods: he has declared bankruptcies a strange number of times that would seem unusually...
  11. T


    3 weeks ago i watched fox, Hannity talked about how a homeless women defended the Trump star agianst black lives matter thugs. I feelt sƄ bad for the women and i knew had to do something, a homeless woman that was beaten up for protecting our President Trump. i knew i had to do something, so i...
  12. K

    CDZ Payment to Russian for hacking US election

    Russia for sure has helped Trump to win the election by playing a big role in email hacking event. Russia won't do it for free. There must be a secret deal between the intelligence of two countries. We outsiders can only see it from some facts. The secret deal: Hacked email were handed to...
  13. MindWars

    Clinton campaign backs electors seeking intel about alleged Russian involvement in election

    BREAKING: Clinton Camp Makes Shock Electoral College Move At Last Minute The Clinton campaign is backing efforts by members of the Electoral College to have in intelligence briefing about possible foreign involvement in the election before they gather to vote on Dec. 19. ā€œIā€™m not sure they put...
  14. S

    CDZ Can our voting technology be hacked?

    The answer, according to the article posted below seems to be an emphatic YES! It describes a number of actual hacks done by academic researchers as well as other methods that could be used by individuals or organizations to alter the votes cast during an election. There does not seem to be a...
  15. midcan5

    What did I learn from this election

    In a real sense white educated and uneducated America voted hate*, hate born of many years of right wing media: Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Newsmax, and Fox media are only a part of the mostly rural hate machine. It hates progress and diversity, it hates what is often called political...
  16. Fiero425

    Cory Booker Trying Save Our Souls!

    An uncle sent me this: "This was written by Corey Booker an hour or 2 ago & I found it inspirational." Early Morning Thoughts on Today, Nov. 9th. "This is not a time to curl up, give up or shut up. It is time to get up; to stand up, to speak words that heal, help, and recommit to the cause...
  17. Peony

    President Elect, Donald Trump

    The People have spoken. The improbable has happened. It was inevitable, of course. Ordinary Americans, those who work to take care of their families, those who donā€™t twerk, those who donā€™t obsess over other peopleā€™s skin color, have spoken. Ordinary folk, aware and grateful to be living in...
  18. C

    3RD Party Votes

    I heard something on the radio a few days ago that pissed me off. They are going to give Hillary the 3RD Party votes to push her over the top. That is not fair and it is immoral. This has been the most underhanded election that I've ever seen. This election has been like a circus. They'll do...
  19. MindWars


    Our Mission: To restore public ownership and oversight of elections, work to ensure the fundamental right of every American citizen to vote, and to have each vote counted as intended in a secure, transparent, impartial, and independently audited election process. Election Officials Dig in to...
  20. MindWars

    Eyewitnesses to Trump scare in Reno speak out.

    EYEWITNESSES TO TRUMP SCARE IN RENO SPEAK OUT Here's what happened Eyewitnesses who were in attendance at Donald Trumpā€™s Reno, Nevada, rally on November 5, 2016 speak out about what they saw when a reported assassin was tackled by Secret Service. Eyewitnesses to Trump Scare in Reno Speak Out...
  21. MindWars

    More violence against Trump supporters

    As Election Day nears and the GOP nominee rises, attacks on his backers, signs and buildings are escalating Physical attacks on Donald Trump supporters and their personal property appear to be growing increasingly common as Election Day approaches and passions intensify. Trump Surge Freakout...
  22. MindWars

    Florida election officials busted for massive voter fraud

    Voters in Florida have reportedly been complaining that they arenā€™t receiving their absentee ballots they requested. Friday, it was revealed that Democrat insiders are filling out the absentee ballots themselves. Florida Election Officials Busted For Massive Voter Fraud Hillary obsessed nut...
  23. MindWars

    NBC caught preparing Hillary victory results before election

    Pre-election "results" conditioning public to accept rigged Hillary "victory" A NBC station was caught posting election results showing a Hillary Clinton victory days before the election, fueling concerns that the mainstream media is conditioning the public to accept a rigged election favoring...
  24. MindWars

    Ex-FBI official: Clintons are a 'crime family'

    A former FBI official said Sunday that Bill and Hillary Clinton are part of a ā€œcrime familyā€ and argued top officials hindered the investigation into Hillary Clintonā€™s private email server while she was secretary of State. During a radio interview with John Catsimatidis, former assistant FBI...
  25. MindWars

    Militia group calls on members to patrol polls on election

    Militia group calls on members to patrol polls on Election Day Amid growing concerns about possible violence and vote fraud on Election Day, the Oath Keepers, a national group of former military and law enforcement officers, has urged its members to ā€œblend inā€ with voters and do ā€œincognito...
  26. MindWars

    War declared on paid Clinton trolls working overtime in countdown to election Reddit fights back

    Back in April 2016, a Hillary Clinton SuperPAC called 'Correct the Record' issued a press release blatantly informing the public they would be spending more than a million dollars to pay Clinton trolls and shills to "engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against...
  27. MindWars

    George Soros reveals election results on leaked tape

    In recent weeks, Democrats have attempted to paint Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump as a lunatic for claiming that the election is going to be rigged in favor of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Even Republican politicians and former politicians are telling Trump to knock...
  28. rodpreacher

    Trump Nice song feat. Donald Trump about Vladimir Putin

  29. rodpreacher

    Silly & hilarious tune & video about Putin feat. Donald Trump

  30. Peony

    Bye-bye Blathering Celebrities (Donā€™t let the door hit you on the you know what)

    We hear it every election, over and over, from some famous progressive or other. The emoting goes something like this, ā€œif that Nazi wins, Iā€™m leaving the United States forever!ā€ During the election between Gore and Bush, for example, Alec Baldwin, classy father, faithful husband, profound...

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