
  1. Sayaras

    Hear that ICJ? Family of the leader of Hamas-butchers receives life-saving treatment in a hospital in humane cool Israel!

    This is not a first. Many relatives of Arab racist-terrorists injured themselves or/and their relatives are treated by humane Zionists. For decades. First publication: Haniyeh's relatives are hospitalized in Soroka Hospital. At the height of the war, the relatives of the Hamas leader receive...
  2. Sayaras

    Genocidal "palestine" Oct 7 rapists/butchers 'purposeful obliterated women's faces'

    The question is which of the "gaza health ministry" Hamas / Palestinian Islamic Jihad head ordered this specific order? Or Mullahs in Iranian Islamic Fascist Republic? ____ Hamas terrorists 'purposeful obliterated women's faces'. Reader discretion is advised: Shari Mendes, one of the...
  3. Sayaras

    Nazi Arab students in Haifa: "Hitler did not get to you - so we will burn you now"

    If you thought Hitlerism Nazism at Arab palestine is dininishing??? In a Zoom discussion, the rector - explaining why he suspended some Arab students in Haifa University, following expressions of supporting Hamas' Oct 7 atrocities: "Hitler did not get to it - so we will burn you now." Most of...
  4. Sayaras

    Finaly UNRWA pays for its members linked to "Palestinian" Oct 7 Crimes Against Humanity

    Some tiny bit of justice... Only under pressure to take action against UNRWA members involved in the Hamas "Palestinian" crimes against humanity on Oct 7 attacks on Israeli civilians, it fired about a dozen. Major Western countries suspended funding for the org. Such as: the US, UK, Italy...
  5. Sayaras

    Oct 7 restaurant name to celebrate atrocities - Sick "palestinians" in Jordan

    Most Jordanian Arabs are "palestinian" Arabs. For example: in a 2007 report, written in cooperation with several Jordanian government bodies, the London-based Oxford Business Group stated that at least two thirds of Jordan's population were of Palestinian origin... ___ New shawarma spot just...
  6. Sayaras

    Gaza Health Ministry: our Oct 7 atrocities - per Islamic Values

    Rape Jihad Or beheadings HAMAS or ISIS Islamofascism. There’s your problem right there. “Hamas Defies Critics: Says Its Terrorists Upheld ‘Islamic Values’ During Murderous Attack on Israel,” by Simon Kent, Breitbart, January 22, 2024: The Hamas terrorist organization released a report...
  7. Sayaras

    Gaza children protest against Genocidal Hamas (Gaza-health-ministry - Human shields industry)

    If any of the children "disappear"...you'll know why. __ Gaza children protest against Hamas A day earlier, Gazans demonstrated in Rafah, cursing terrorist strongman Yahye Sinwar. Several dozen Palestinians demonstrate in Deir al-Balah, the central Gaza, calling on Hamas to free all Israeli...
  8. Sayaras

    "Moderate" Arab Qatar: 'An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar.'

    If these are their moderates... Islamism is bigotry. ___ Exclusive: Alleged Qatar spy operation said to have targeted GOP lawmakers opposed to Muslim Brotherhood. 'An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar,' document states.' By...
  9. Sayaras

    Hamas admission to Oct 7 massacres VS racist Electronic-Intifada (& his linked conspiracy theorist liar Grayzone)

    This is from today. Straight from the devil (Gaza-health-ministry) mouth. But no worries. Theories will go on.. Hamas 1st big admission Oct 7 [on] Israel attack. 01.22.24. They had 107 days to prepare a propaganda leaflet of 16 pages .. LOL
  10. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNiAn "Gaza-health-ministry" calling for Islamic 'world domination' - Israel is only the first target

    Clip is from Dec 2022. It was always 'the plan.' ____ WATCH: Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander. By Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Oct 9, 2023 — Mahmoud al-Zahar: "The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors." Footage of...
  11. FDR_Reagan

    CNN airs Oct. 7 clip showing 'evidence of beheadings' by Hamas - Islamofascist "pAleStinIan" animalism

    Too bad, they had to do it. And we all know why. Because of Gaza health ministry butchery Hamas "denying" it. It reminds other such lowlife like that racist-troll Hitler fan here "questioning "... and hypocrically calls others as supposed "racist" - typical sick. FYI It is CNN which is...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    Anti-White-racist S. African who sang ‘Kill the Boer’: Hamas ‘did nothing wrong’ in Oct. 7 jihad atrocities

    Son you have an idea what's up at Hague.. ___ “South African Politician Julius Malema: Hamas Did Nothing Wrong; When Under Occupation, You Shoot to Kill, That’s What Nelson Mandela Did; When We Take Over, We Will Arm Hamas, Remove Israeli Embassy,” MEMRI, October 23, 2023:
  13. FDR_Reagan

    UNRWA "teachers" cheered, called for murder, as Oct 7 "pAlESTiNIaN" Arab atrocities unfolded

    If these are their teachers, imagine what they grow up to be? ### U.N. Agency teachers cheered Hamas as October 7 attack unfolded, called for Execution of Jews in Group Chat. 'More than 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza belong to the social media group, which is hosted on the instant messaging...
  14. Sayaras

    To AOC...

    Radical loony left have no problem with total contradiction... .=== steven @nogulagsagain If you have friends who support Hamas or Gay send them this Video.. This is Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah leader, explaining what should be done to homosexuals. Hamas & Hezbollah are both funded by Iran...
  15. Sayaras

    "palestinian" terrorists kill al Jihadzeera journalists

    What other tricks will Gaza health ministry regime do to blame IDF for? ### Al Jazeera journalists were killed in car with drone-operating terror operative. By Emanuel Fabian and Agencies. Hamza Wael Dahdouh, son of Al Jazeera’s Gaza correspondent Wael Al-Dahdouh, and Mustafa Thuria died in a...
  16. FDR_Reagan

    R.I.P. IDF beautiful black Zionist soldier

    PS I'm White. _ I'm guessing, the arrested "1,300 are affiliated with Hamas" in the article are besides the 9,000 Hamas butchers eliminated or arrested, as per Jan 5. Jan 5 2024 update: - "IDF says officer killed in northern Gaza fighting, raising ground operation toll to 176." - Link...
  17. FDR_Reagan

    Cool IDF Rescues unarmed palestinians from school used by genocidist Hamas jihad-fascists "health ministry"

    So much for the vilified heroes. https://www.newsweek.com/i-was-canceled-cartoon-about-hamas-human-shields-i-stand-my-cartoon-its-critics-opinion-1843949 ÷÷÷ IDF Rescues Palestinian Civilians from School Used by Hamas for Attacks. Joel B. Pollak. 30 Dec 2023. The Israel Defense Forces...
  18. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTInE child-killers Hamas: we seek global Islamist domination Caliphate (post its Oct 7 atrocities)

    And you thought these racist-Arab child killers, who target non-Arab civilians while using its own Arab civilians... will stop with the infidels on the holyland? Hamas Official Fathi Hammad: Palestinians Are Preparing To Establish An Islamic Caliphate With Jerusalem As Its Capital; West Bank...
  19. Sayaras

    House committee to probe UN agency for "palestinian" refugees' suspected terror ties

    Too weak. IMHO. House committee to probe UN agency for "palestinian" refugees for suspected Hamas ties: ‘Troubling connection.’ Dec. 23, 2023. https://nypost.com/2023/12/23/news/house-republicans-gearing-up-for-united-nations-probe/...
  20. Sayaras

    Islamic Fascist Republic global domination

    Iran: Islamic  Fascist empire includes: Hamas. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Houthis. Bases in Syria. Militias in Iraq. ...The Israeli ceasefire with Hezbollah (Iran's proxy army) is a huge victory for Iran. If an Islamic fascist force can fire hundreds of missiles ... Casali, D...
  21. FDR_Reagan

    Oct 7: imams 'Palestine' & raping corpses (laughes, Alkah Akbar)

    Does anyone know the names of Arab Islamist pAleStInE imams giving the permission raping corpses of girls??? In the video, the person.. says that gunmen were given instructions to kill everyone they saw, including beheading victims and cutting off their legs. He also says they were given...
  22. Sayaras

    Oct 7 atrocities: U.N. students, UNRWA & Terror tunnels

    While only some in Europe withold funds for United Nations UNRWA... Hamas used UNRWA and USAID sacks to build tunnels. IMPACT-se identified at least 118 participants in the Oct. 7 Hamas assault as former students of UNRWA schools. Sveta Listratov. (December 15, 2023 / JNS) The discovery of...
  23. Sayaras

    Germany/Denmark: genocidists 'palestinians' caught

    But the genicidist "freedom fighters" are just against the so called "occupation" Germany, Denmark nab Hamas members planning terror attack on Jews, Israelis. Families of hostages demand ICRC see captives, Eli Cohen says organization failing everyday that a visit is not made; says rather than...
  24. Sayaras

    Arabs: 'We're all Israelis' watching Oct 7 horror clips

    Despite al jihadzeera trying to paint a twisted picture... See this: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-776888 'We are all Israelis': Arab sector leaders watch October 7 horror film. In attendance were heads of local municipal authorities, community leaders, media personalities...
  25. FDR_Reagan

    Hamas stealing food from Gazans, beat them

    Ya think CNN will show this? _ IDF releases video of Hamas stealing aid from Gazans Aerial footage from Gaza's Shijaiyah neighborhood shows Hamas terrorists unloading humanitarian aid and striking civilians before leaving with loot | published: Yesterday | 11:57...
  26. FDR_Reagan

    Egypt Flooded Hamas Terror Tunnels (8 years ago)

    How times changed... Interesting how their brethren Arabs dealt with Palestinian terror tunnels. Egypt Floods Hamas Terror Tunnels. Cairo makes good on threats to convert smuggling tunnels into fish farms in latest in crackdown on terror. Sep 20, 2015...
  27. FDR_Reagan

    NYC: Another Nazi Arab arrested: “All J-s should die.” (Free-Palestine)

    The rise of hate crimes: Think it's defund-the-police that weakened deterrent? Or the long held racism has found an opportunity? Especially in places like "little palestine" Bay Ridge and other concentrated communities. _ 4 arrested in NYC. Stands out: Yehia Amin...he cursed and...
  28. Sayaras

    LOL Hamas: 'US more Nazi, Fascist than Z....' "Palestianism" lamguage

    Don't you love racist Palestiniamism lexicon? This one is quite new: And of course, it was on Al Jazeera - terror-Hamas mouthpiece Hamas Senior Official Saleh Al-Arouri: The People In Gaza Support Us, Otherwise They Would Be Angry With Hamas; No More Prisoner Swap Deals Before Final And...
  29. Lord Long Rod

    Leftist Rep. Jayapal is Ok With a Little Bit of Rape Action by Hamas

    https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2023/12/03/pramila-jayapal-equivocates-on-hamas-rapes-we-have-to-be-balanced/ Amazing. The left is openly courting the devil without fear or shame.
  30. Sayaras

    Hamas refused to release remaining female hostages - doesn’t want them speaking publicly what they've endured

    With that in mind, just think what might have happened to the Bibas family. Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas: According to an Israeli official, Hamas didn’t want to release the remaining female hostages because it doesn’t want them speaking publicly about what they have endured. Imagine what that...

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