
  1. Pastelli

    Hitlerist UNRWA tries to censor exposure of cruelty holding hostage (by its teacher)

    Hitlerist UNRWA tries to censor exposure of cruelty holding hostage The following is probably unprecedented even for Hitlerist UNRWA as UNRWA [authoritarian] demand removing report from journalist upon testimony: UNRWA teacher held hostage in attic, locked up, malnourished, and not given...
  2. Sayaras

    ‘Oct. 7 slaughter was just a rehearsal,’ warns 'Palestinian' Hamas leader

    I am aways suspecting when Hamas or other Arab terror group post bravado messages, that it most often covers for big losses. ‘Oct. 7 was just a rehearsal,’ warns Sinwar. Cairo pressuring the Hamas leader to honor the hostage release deal. (November 30, 2023 / JNS) Hamas’s Oct. 7 slaughter was...
  3. Sayaras

    'Gaza Health Ministry' murders 3 injures 11 Jews in Jerusalem & Jewish hostages beaten w/ electric wires

    While the MSM keeps repeating "numbers" of dead in Gaza, which as we see in their pictures carefully provided... are all "children and women"... 'Thai hostages: Jewish hostages beaten with electric cables, held in worse conditions than us.' 'The report joins previous reports by freed hostages...
  4. Sayaras

    Hamas 'monsters' threatened any child who cried w/ rifles, forced them to watch videos of Oct. 7 - "freedom fighters"

    Where is the outrage? Even biased UN should show SOME humanity Freed hostage's aunt: 'Hamas forced 12-year-old to watch films of the horrors.' Aunt of 12-year-old Eitan Yahalom says Hamas 'monsters' threatened any child who cried with rifles, forced them to watch videos of Oct. 7...
  5. Sayaras

    TAQIYYA: little girl freed from Palestinian Jihadi savages exposed lie of Hamas

    Little girl Hila Rotem Shoshani, the who was released last night from Hamas captivity without her mother and wife, revealed to her family members the lie of the terrorist organization Hamas. On 11/25 a drama unfolded that almost led to the cancellation of the second round of the release of 13...
  6. FDR_Reagan

    Kidnapping innocent: militant Islam long bloody history - Barbary Pirates - palestinian 2023

    It is a long history. Barbary Pirates on thev1800s. Excerpt from WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2001/10/15/terrorists-by-another-name-the-barbary-pirates/af7e4c90-b56c-4e0c-95ea-f079b889a96f/ https://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/weekinreview/12gettleman.html Recent...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    After the war: Deradicalizing Palestinians - anti-Jewish Arab-racism

    First issue needs to be Palestinian Arab hate textbooks. Not just under Hamas but under Palestinian Authority too. 'Wake up Hitler, there are still people to burn,' in Palestinian textbooks https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-722151...
  8. Pastelli

    Watch as "Palestinian" jihado fascists crawl out of tunnel and captured by the good guys

    Rare documentation: the terrorists come out of the tunnel - and are captured by the IDF The IDF's fighting against Hamas' Shati Battalion continues - and in a nighttime incident that was recorded in real time, armed terrorists are seen emerging from the shaft of a terrorist tunnel, with fighters...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    What/how will the fight against Gaza islamofascist regime (Hamas, PIJ) look like?

    White House warns: Wagner Group plans to provide air defense system to Hezbollah. Israel National News. Nov 22, 2023, 5:41 AM https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/380723 'Threat the PA built in the heart of the country and Greater TA.' Regavim: PA built 18,899 illegal buildings in Area C on...
  10. Pastelli

    Hamas-linked CAIR defends promoting racist Palestinian-Arab fake anti-Muslim supposed "hate crime"

    Police: Palestinian-Arab fakes anti-Muslim hate crime in Ohio After investigation, police say man who claimed to have been struck by pro-Israel driver was injured in a fight with his brother. Israel National News, Nov 20, 2023 https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/380628 CAIR Defends...
  11. Pastelli

    World Children's Day: 40 kids held hostage by "Palestinian" savagery Hamas regime

    Some of the pics of the 40 kids held hostage by Hamas in Gaza Jerusalem is raising awareness of their plight on World Children's Day. Some of the kids November 20, 2023 / JNS. Israel posts pics of the 40 kids held hostage by Hamas in Gaza - JNS.org _____ Comment: The UN is going to...
  12. Pastelli

    More Genocidal Islamofacsist Palestinians" -- industry to bring about -- killing their children in order to blame Israel (hey, genocide/freepalestine)

    IDF soldiers find rockets hidden under child's bed. Rockets hidden under a children's bed in the Gaza Strip, Nov. 16, 2023. (November 17, 2023 / JNS) Israel Defense Forces soldiers engaged in the offensive against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip found rockets hidden under a mattress in a...
  13. Pastelli

    Terror tunnel entrance uncovered at al-Shifa Hospital + weapons transferred inside baby strollers

    Terror tunnel entrance uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital. Islamic Jihad terrorists describe how weapons are transferred inside baby strollers. IDF Spokesman says Yehudit Weiss was murdered in Gaza. 'We didn't reach her in time.' Nov 16, 2023. Tunnel shaft uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital...
  14. Sayaras

    2 Genocidal Palestinian Islamists eliminated: Ahmad Bahr prayed for killing every American & Jew 'to the last one"..

    Genocidal Palestinian Islamists eliminated: Ahmad Bahr prayed for Killing every American & Jew 'to the last one,' Abu Hilal: Palestinians abroad to 'target every infidel-zionist' "Top Hamas Official Ahmad Bahr And Palestinian Freedom Movement Secretary-General Khaled Abu Hilal Killed In IDF...
  15. Pastelli

    She was gang-raped, then executed’: Testimonies from Oct. 7 (More from "Palestinian-freedom-fighters" atrocities

    The Israel Police questioned perpetrators and interviewed victims and others, shedding light on the sadistic nature of the Islamic terrorists. A month has passed since the Oct. 7 massacre in which Hamas terrorists slaughtered some 1,400 Israeli residents, but the shocking testimonies are only...
  16. Pastelli

    'BBC' interviews Hamas leader (s)

    'BBC' interviews Hamas leader A skit by Israeli satirical television show Eretz Nehederet, described by many as the "Israeli Saturday Night Live," has gone viral for a third week in a row. In the skit, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar gives an exclusive interview on BBC. He talks about the ceasefire...
  17. Pastelli

    IDF soldiers pictured with Israeli flag inside Gaza parliament building

    IDF soldiers pictured with Israeli flag inside Gaza parliament building i24NEWS, November 13, 2023 IDF's Golani Brigade inside Gaza's parliament building in Gaza City https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1699901286-idf-soldiers-pictured-with-israeli-flag-inside-gaza-parliament-building...
  18. Pastelli

    Genocidal Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran threats against Israel since at least 1991 - still today (Bosses of Hamas/PIJ/Hezbollah)

    Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991, 1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5 May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12 Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including...
  19. Pastelli

    Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the truck

    Exclusive documentation: Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the trucks for use by the terrorist organization (From KAN) Nov 12, 2023 __ Comment, any chance "pro palestine" loons...
  20. Pastelli

    Filthinian rich Hamas bosses / butchers

    'Hamas billionaires: Lifestyles of the rich and terrorists.' Eric Shawn, Fox News, November 8, 2023. Excerpt: Hamas bosses Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are worth an estimated $4 billion each, and political bureau leader Mousa Abu Marzouk is worth $3 billion…. Photos show Hamas leader...
  21. Pastelli

    More gruesome testimonies of the barbaric Islamofascist "Palestinian" Oct/7 attack

    One "was gang-raped, then executed." “I saw them forcing her to bend forward and then someone rape her,” the testimony (of a young woman who hid with her boyfriend in a shelter, where she witnessed the rape and murder of another Israeli woman) reads: “They were dressed in olive-toned fatigues...
  22. Pastelli

    WaPo cartoon, Islamist-bigots lobby CAIR didn't like

    And under pressure, WaPo removed... Coward David Shipley to issued an "apology," after pressure by radicals who even used, falsely, the 'r' card. The cartoon by Michael Ramirez depicts huge Hamas guy, bound by rope to four scared children and hypocritically asked: "How dare Israel attacks...
  23. Pastelli

    Does giving land for the Arab "Palestinians" bring "peace?"

    For those that don't know, giving away Gush Katif in 2005.. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/376880 brought about Islamists rise - Hamas Jihado-Fascist regime later on. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/ __...
  24. Pastelli

    Where are all those adults killed - in TV footage of Gaza's jihadi "health" Death ministry?

    Are all Arab "Palestinians" now "kids"? Not that one can trust any numbers coming out of oppressive terroristic Gaza regime... Nor is there any doubt jihadi-fascists' cynical use of their civilians to make sure dead kids appear on TV news. But the transparency of this highly suspicious...
  25. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  26. HaShev

    Movie Analogy- Another study on behavior emulations

    Regarding the choices of Palestinians to have a severe vendetta and hate for Israel more then they love their own families and life itself. A vendetta theme comedy movie comes to mind called "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" Starring: Martin Lawrence (victimizer)and Danny DeVito (the...
  27. HaShev

    The piece of the Pie Analogy-a study in Behavior Science

    Is the Middle East conflict religious, territorial or something else? I liken the behavior of the initial PA movement by Haj Amin Al-Husseini when initially given equal portion of land, and todays radicals call for the whole pie, to that of a child being given an equal portion of pie as his...
  28. J

    QUESTION: Why are protestors in NYC upset with Israel?

    Why are protestors in NYC and around the world upset with Israel trying to crush Hamas, who has enslaved Palestinian women? SEE: Women need male guardian to travel, says Hamas court in Gaza Strip From the article: Do all those females, protesting against Israel in NYC, support women being...
  29. The Duke

    The Israel/Palestine conflict could be resolved with minimal damage within 2 weeks.

    The Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip could end very quickly, with minimal bloodshed, and people being bombed out of their homes could be stopped if only Palestinians would capture and deliver HAMAS to the Israelis or tell them where they all are. (without it being just busines rivals)...
  30. The Original Tree

    Some Details of The Trump Middle East Peace Plan Leaked

    Obviously with any reported leaks, this would have to be vetted and latter proven to be true, but here is an article posted today, that I searched for, after doing my usual YouTube browsing and came across a live feed stating this specific thing. I followed up on it, and it is reported in The...

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