
  1. protectionist

    US Must Attack Iran NOW - Full Force

    Iran has openly declared war on the US. In official government broadcasting, it has offered a bounty of $80 Million to whoever would kill President Trump. Sect of State Pompeo has said if Iran attacks any US targets, the US will respond with force .That is not strong enough. We are past that...
  2. The Original Tree

    The Democrat Party Is Colluding with Iran

    Democrats are in constant communication with Iranian Leadership, apologizing for Trump’s Reversal of The Surrender Monkey’s So Called Treaty. John Kerry is the lead on this and has promised Iran that they are working diligently to Impeach & Remove President Trump from office and the second they...
  3. Obiwan

    Iran names new Quds commander

    Apparently, Iran didn't waste any time replacing Soleimani... Iran names Quds Force number 2, Esmail Ghaani, to replace slain Soleimani
  4. The Original Tree

    Iran, Russia, Turkey & The Battle of Gog & Magog

    A prophecy nearly 2,500 years old is coming to light due to the fact that Iran, Russia and Turkey have never been allied in all this time until recently. In Ezekiel 38 & 39, Isaiah 17, and Revelation 20, God reserves a special judgment for these countries and their allies as they decide to come...
  5. The Original Tree

    Obama Bombs Raining Down on Israel

    Obama Bin Spying, The Muslim Manchurian Candidate was the Best Friend that Every Jihadi could Pray to the Goat god, allah for. I could go over his history of aiding and abetting America's Enemies, such as his, interfering in Israel's elections, his purchasing Russian Propaganda from Putin, his...
  6. deanrd

    China funding 26 giant projects in Iran with US money.

    China funding 26 giant projects in Iran with US money. China turns to Iran for LPG, ignoring sanctions Why Trump’s threat to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal is a concern for China Iran has become a major part of the expansive infrastructure investment plan. One key project is a US$2.56...
  7. deanrd

    Pompeo to discuss efforts versus Iran with Saudi crown prince

    Pompeo to discuss efforts versus Iran with Saudi crown prince - Reuters Pompeo calls attacks on Saudi facilities ‘act of war;’ Trump orders more Iran sanctions ——— Trump order some more sanctions? Hilarious. Those have shown to work. The only one that could get a negotiated agreement...
  8. Terri4Trump

    Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities

    Pompeo: Iran to blame for Houthi attack on Saudi oil facilities The attack comes after Iran exceeded their enriched uranium stockpile limit in the nuclear deal. ME: And the Kenyan Pig Obama gave them the truckloads of cash to pay for the attack. Thanks Democrats.
  9. toobfreak

    You Gotta Love It . . . Iran Now Irate that UK Seizes Their Tanker!

    Turnabout is fair play. The plot thickens now as Great Britain jumps into the fray and tells Iran where to stick it. Tehran fumes as Britain seizes Iranian oil tanker over Syria sanctions - Reuters
  10. deanrd

    Can the US win in the Middle East attacking Iran?

    Can the US win in the Middle East attacking Iran? Remember, George W Bush was able to convince dozens and dozens of countries to join the US in attacking Iraq. Plus he had the support of NATO after 911. Trump has basically...
  11. The Original Tree

    John Kerry Colluding with Russia & Iran to Undermine America

    Four Former members of The Obama Administration, are interfering with US efforts to reign in Iran and curtail their nuclear and terrorist threats to the area. My guess is the Resistance Presidency aka, Obama Jefferson is directing all the resistance efforts and he should be treated like an...
  12. The Original Tree

    Obama-Nukes in Iran, Poised to Take Out Israel and US Warships

    This goes under the heading of more DOPE and DERANGED promises Obama made to Fundamentally Change America and Democracy by Undermining America Overseas and At Home. Worst President Ever. Should be tried for Treason, but he has too many like minded Traitors embedded deep in our Government...
  13. deanrd

    The difference between Iraq and Iran.

    Bush, Cheney and the Republicans lied us into a war with Iraq. And because they were so good with their lies they managed to put together a coalition of dozens of countries to invade a country that was already devastated by sanctions under George Bush Senior. Iran is three times larger than...
  14. deanrd

    What is the biggest story of this week?

    What is the biggest story of this week? The trade war with China? The missile test in North Korea? Russian troops in Venezuela? Trump and his 10 felonies from the Mueller report? The constitutional crisis between the executive branch and congressional oversight as outlined in the...
  15. The Original Tree

    New Zealand Attacker Visited Turkey Numerous Times For Extended Stays.

    Things aren’t as cut and dried like we are lead to believe. Turkey is a hot bed of radicalism, and for a man who hates Muslims, he sure spent a lot of time living with them, training with them, and being groomed for his mission. The tip-off was in His “Manifesto” which listed so called...
  16. Litwin

    Iranian women - before and after the Islamic Revolution

    before salafi - wahhabism became the main stream Iranian women - before and after the revolution Wahhabism - Wikipedia
  17. deanrd

    Trump plans on watching Iran from Iraq. Iraq says no way!

    Iraq angered by Trump idea to watch Iran from US base Iraq's President Barham Saleh has rebuked Donald Trump over his comments that he wanted to maintain a US military presence there to watch Iran. ......... Iraq says the US should stick to terrorism and not pursue other agendas.
  18. deanrd

    Fact check: President Trump’s claim that Democrats gave Iran $150 billion

    Fact check: President Trump’s claim that Democrats gave Iran $150 billion I know it's really, REALLY hard to keep right wingers from endlessly repeating lies. This is another one they won''t stop repeating. Check out the link. Some interesting parts: But he’s all wet about the $150 billion...
  19. ArmenianTraveler

    Iranian Charity Accepting Bitcoin

    I can't see Netenyahu being pleased with this development. Iranian Donation Facilitator - About - OpenBazaar
  20. deanrd

    Russian military eager to carry out plans Trump and Putin agreed to at secret meeting.

    Understanding the Syria moment at the Trump-Putin news conference Russian military offers to cooperate with US in Syria Russia's Defense Ministry says it's ready to boost cooperation with the U.S. military in Syria, following talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President...
  21. deanrd

    After Trump's N. Korea debacle, Obama's Iran deal looks wildly successful.

    Remember, Obama made Iran get rid of all their fissionable material. They don't have the material to make a bomb. If they begin again, it's because Trump scuttled the deal. But look at Trump's disaster. L'l Kim has made Trump look like a fool. Trump stopped training exercises all across...
  22. V

    Looking for long-lost friend

    This is a long shot. Lunar in fact. Maybe even Uranian. Looking for an Iranian friend of mine whose first name is Massoud. His father was a businessman in Tehran and his future wife had been pre-selected by his family. He attended Chowan College in Murfreesboro, NC, in 1971 and/or 1972. He'll...
  23. Cellblock2429

    Lurch Kerry quietly seeking to salvage Iran deal he helped craft

    Kerry quietly seeking to salvage Iran deal he helped craft - The Boston Globe /——-/ Did this assclown get the memo he’s no longer SOS? I hope the president slams him for interfering.
  24. Weatherman2020

    Syria Is Going to be Bombed to Hell in the Next 24 Hours

    UK Moves Submarines Next To Syria, Strikes May Begin As Soon As Thursday And the Russkies know it and are bugging out.
  25. The Original Tree

    Worse Than Hitler!

    No, Not Hillary Clinton. No, Not Obama Bin Lying, BUT CLOSE. How bad was Obama Bin Spying at playing President? Really, Really Bad. Everything he did was NOT in America's Favor. In Fact you can argue he intentionally sabotaged The United States every chance he got. Now this: A little bit...
  26. Litwin

    USA - Muscovite war/"Russian" toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded

    Vova Pynia vanished from the public life, killed by own men? " "Russian" toll in Syria battle was 300 killed and wounded A Russian military doctor said around 100 had been killed, and a source who knows several of the fighters said the death toll was in excess of 80 men. The timing of the...
  27. 6915THESS

    Iran’s government says they have halted protests by blocking Internet

    I wonder what the end result will be. Iran's most senior clerics stated on Friday during prayer, led by Iran’s Ayatollah, that they have effectively halted the protests that have plagued the nation for the eighth day by blocking social media internet access. While the Iranian’s leadership...
  28. P@triot

    The stark contrast

    While the people of Iran risk their life for relief from the oppressive regime that robs them of liberty - the left in this country threatens life for the ability to oppress people...
  29. Litwin

    Morgan Freeman calls on everyone to fight against Putin!

    Great actor, great patriot of The USA, and great freedom fighter !! are you ready? what you do for the free world and the USA in order to protect our values , law, our freedoms? ps take it mr. Botox Kleptocrat !!
  30. Litwin

    "Russian" air strikes kill 34 civilians near Deir Az Zor

    For how long Muscovites and Iran can maintain Ethnic cleansing of the Sunni Arabs before the world community start to do something to these war- criminals ? " At least 34 civilians, including nine children, have been killed in a Russian air raid on Euphrates River ferries near Syria's Deir...

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