
  1. The Original Tree

    Muh Hillary! Muh Putin! <3

    Trump is Putin's biggest nightmare right now. Trump always has been and is his own man. You could not give Trump $125 Million to sell out his country and give our Uranium away. He would take a $125 Million to build you a skyscraper, and that's ok with me so long as it's on the up and up...
  2. V

    Now IRAN invented new weapon with newest feature in world

    Now IRAN invented new weapon with newest feature in world RAN invented new weapon with newest feature in world Name : zolfagar Iran's military forces that recommendation by :mr raeefipoor
  3. V

    Saudi Arabia support terrorists or IRAN?

    Saudi Arabia support terrorists or IRAN? Really who support terrorists ? Saudi arabia ? Iran? Or? Watch this video to find out all fact about iran and saudi arabia .
  4. cnelsen

    Stay the hell away from Iran, Neocons

    Stephen Chapman, writing in Reason, compares watching American policymakers prepare for regime change in Iran (and, I'll add, Syria) is like watching Wile E. Coyote opening a package of dynamite he ordered. "No matter how clever his scheme, you know that sooner or later, he'll get blown up. He...
  5. B


    We see in many very credible sources that there is mobility in respect with Iran. The Israeli officials refer to the influence of Iran in Syria (and IRAQ) as "existential" threat. We see an ongoing project to influence the public opinion in the USA. We know that the main victims of the brutality...
  6. Cellblock2429

    In surprise move, Iran's Ahmadinejad to run for president...

  7. P@triot

    Catastrophic foreign policy failures can always be traced back to Democrat presidents

    "And after years of furtive activity in North Korea, attempts to placate the Communist state seem to have only encouraged its dangerous leaders." Yeah - no kidding. This was a lesson learned by rational people (otherwise known as "conservatives") hundreds of years ago. You cannot placate evil...
  8. MindWars

    Trumps promised new foreign policy must abandon regime change for Iran

    TRUMP’S PROMISED ‘NEW FOREIGN POLICY’ MUST ABANDON REGIME CHANGE FOR IRAN Will the incoming president have the ability to rein in his more bellicose cabinet members and their underlings? If this is really to be President Trump’s foreign policy, it would be a welcome change from the destructive...
  9. P@triot

    AG Loretta Lynch pleads the 5th about money to Iran

    As usual, we have serious corruption in the Obama Administration. And as usual, progressives on this board were either liars or were ignorant of the facts. Either way, once again it turns out that conservatives were spot on and telling the truth. Nothing to Hide? AG Loretta Lynch 'Pleads Fifth'...
  10. A

    FPI Analysis: What They Said Then, What We Know Now about the Iran Nuclear Deal

    Nearly one year ago, the United States and its international partners reached a landmark agreement with Iran that would curtail Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for robust sanctions relief. In multiple speeches, interviews, and congressional hearings that followed, U.S. officials defended...
  11. Ridgerunner

    Should Boeing be doing business with Iran?

    This has the smell of the pbo admin all over it. Boeing says Iran is holding up their end of the deal. What say you? Should Boeing Be Doing Business With Iran? - Bing News
  12. American_Jihad

    Buying the Media to Sell the Iran Nuke Deal

    Who'da guessed, the media sold us on a lot of bull shit and still is... Buying the Media to Sell the Iran Nuke Deal Time to investigate the pay-to-play scheming of NPR, the White House and left-wing non-profits. May 26, 2016 Joseph Klein Ben Rhodes, President Obama's Deputy National...
  13. G

    Iran makes light of crying US Navy sailors they took captive

    ...if illegals would like legal citizenship, they could join the US Navy to become legal citizens. Iran's Supreme Leader tweeted a cartoon of Iran kicking the US out of the Persian area as told in this article from FOXNEWS; the article says that Iran released video of crying US sailors who were...
  14. Compost

    Air France Stewardess Must Cover Up

    Sharia vs union. Who is stronger? The French women’s rights minister, already under fire for provocative comments relating to Islamic dress for women, is now caught between Air France management and unions in a row over a requirement that air hostesses wear headscarves when the airline renews...
  15. L

    Yemen "Iran v Saudi proxy war" hoax for dummies: crash course on the BIG LIE technique

    Syria and Yemen wars, same as every other battle of World War III: IV Reich military (NATO, Russia, Iran, etc) air bombing and/or supplying ground troops and weapons to suppress the revolt of freedom loving people. Differences are details such as: 1. Iran vs Saudi roles - Syria: second battle...
  16. American_Jihad

    New Evidence: Iran’s Role in 9/11

    We should scrap the iran deal now and not wait on president Trump to do it... New Evidence: Iran’s Role in 9/11 Recently disclosed documents reveal a disturbing tale. March 25, 2016 Dr. Majid Rafizadeh ... Recently released documents from a federal court in the US reveal that Iran and...
  17. L

    Satanic Celebrations: Invitations: pope to Iran's Rouhani, Putin to Hungary's Orban

    Satanic Celebrations: Pope invites Iranian president, Hungary's Orban Invited to Meeting With Putin Pope celebrates Martin Luther, Protestantism "Pope celebrates the Protestant Reformation, apologizes for Catholic wrongs" celebrates the destuction of the Catholic Church on the 500 years after...
  18. Slade3200

    Iran Deal: Funding Terrorists or Improving Diplomacy

    The Right is tearing this Iran deal apart. The Left defends the attempt to progress diplomatic relations with Iran and prevent the development of Nuclear weapons. Now that the sanctions have been lifted and Iran has access to $100 Billion there is a media uproar. The squakers are inaccurately...
  19. W

    The Iranian/Kurdish Drug Connection

    Iran converting pharmaceuticals into dangerous drugs... VOA Report Spurs Kurdish Crackdown on Drugs December 02, 2015 — Following an investigative report by VOA’s Kurdish Service, the Kurdistan Regional Government strengthened penalties for buying and selling of pharmaceuticals on the black...
  20. Anonymous1977

    Iranian actress BANNED from acting after posting picture with hair uncovered on internet

    Iranian actress Sadaf Taherian publishes photos of her without a hijab
  21. Anonymous1977

    Is it cowardice for the U.S. to run away from fighting Russia LOL?

    Russian Broadcaster Warns of Turning US Into 'Radioactive Dust' Some have alleged that Russia is a part of the Abrahamic scriptures Gog & Magog but is it cowardice for us Americans to RUN FROM fighting Russia (run from volunteering for military service) if they could seriously damage our...
  22. Anonymous1977

    Iran's death "fatwa" on English author Salman Rusdie revived

    Iranian mullah revives death fatwa against Salman Rushdie
  23. HaShev

    Gog Magog Ezekiel 38-39

    Ezekiel 38-39 Gog Magog verses used to preach armageddon show alot of the players and events seen today regarding Isis pilaging and Gog coming from the North down to Syria. PLAYERS LIKE Iran and Libya fighting Isis etc. But Preachers took the Liberty to assume and interpret how they would see it...
  24. B

    Dr. Daniel Fine: When it comes to oil price, Iran is not alone

    The price of West Texas Crude oil has declined below $50 per barrel as a reaction to the expectation that oil export sanctions against Iran will be lifted within the framework of the "deal" to slow the country's progress toward developing nuclear weapons. The global market is oversupplied and...
  25. D

    President, Admit the Obvious on Iran Deal

    The Iran agreement achieves nothing of what the president said we expected out of an agreement. In fact, it achieves the opposite. That is, it makes it much more difficult if not impossible to eliminate the Iran nuclear program through military means which has always been the fail safe position...

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