
  1. FDR_Reagan

    Oct 7: imams 'Palestine' & raping corpses (laughes, Alkah Akbar)

    Does anyone know the names of Arab Islamist pAleStInE imams giving the permission raping corpses of girls??? In the video, the person.. says that gunmen were given instructions to kill everyone they saw, including beheading victims and cutting off their legs. He also says they were given...
  2. FDR_Reagan

    ISIS racist pAlEsTiNiANs vandalize BIBLE's Joshua tomb w/ GENOCIDE calls, pro Oct.7

    So much for freedom fighting. 'Death to Jews': Joshua's Tomb vandalized Dec 13, 2023. The vandalism at Joshua's Tomb The gravesite of Joshua bin Nun in Samaria was vandalized[sic], with malicious graffiti, including encouragement of Hamas and the October 7 massacre. Among the words...
  3. Pastelli

    Islamist plotted terror on Austria synagogue

    The less talked about plots.... Terror-Anschlag auf Synagoge geplant: Verdächtiger (16) in Steyr in Haft. Exxpress, December 11, 2023
  4. Pastelli

    Keep funding Islamofascist CAIR? ('happy' of Oct 7 savagery)

    How Nihad and his CAIR lobby present themselves as simply worried of "rights." ___ CAIR executive director ‘happy to see’ Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack Nihad Awad, co-founder of the Muslim civil rights organization, defended the Oct. 7 attack while claiming Israel has no right to self-defense...
  5. FDR_Reagan

    Muslims' 20-Year Genocide Against Christians in Nigeria… but "Free [racist] Palestine!!" Blah blah - hypocrisy

    Muslims Wage 20-Year Genocide Against Christians in Nigeria… Hey, who cares? "Free [racist] Palestine!! Blah blah.
  6. Pastelli

    Hamas-linked CAIR defends promoting racist Palestinian-Arab fake anti-Muslim supposed "hate crime"

    Police: Palestinian-Arab fakes anti-Muslim hate crime in Ohio After investigation, police say man who claimed to have been struck by pro-Israel driver was injured in a fight with his brother. Israel National News, Nov 20, 2023 CAIR Defends...
  7. Pastelli

    Genocidal Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran threats against Israel since at least 1991 - still today (Bosses of Hamas/PIJ/Hezbollah)

    Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991, 1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5 May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12 Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including...
  8. Pastelli

    These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration. (Islamist genocide)

    These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration. Comment: Don't expect racisTrashida or Hamas-linked...
  9. Pastelli

    'Plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials' by Global domination seekers: Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran

    Just aired: Iran plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials | 60 Minutes CBS News Iranian dissidents say they face intimidation, abductions, assassination attempts around the world ___ Comment, it's strange that Putin doesn't realize the Islamic domination aim of the...
  10. Pastelli

    Muslim youth in Germany say ‘First we cut the throats of the Jews, then the gays and finally the Christians!’

    A12-year-old boy came to me and said, ‘I hate you. “We’ll take the country back,” he smiled in my face.” Islamismus-Alarm: „Ein 12-Jähriger kam zu mir und sagte: 'Ich hasse dich'" Donnerstag, 09.11.2023...
  11. Pastelli

    Chilling survivor testimony: Hamas terrorists used mass rape as weapon of war (rape jihad by Islamofascists "Palestine" branch) Chilling survivor testimony: Hamas terrorists used mass rape as weapon of war. Excerpt : Police collect 700 testimonies from survivors of October 7 massacre, 50,000 videos from attack in biggest investigation in Israeli history...One massacre...
  12. Pastelli

    Columbia Untisemity - 16.5 Million views 16.5 Million views A comedy show posted a skit parodying LGBTQH (H is for Hamas) students at Columbia University. "Columbia Untisemity": Israel's No. 1 Satire program mocking the support for Hamas on college campuses - went...

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