
  1. Litwin

    Where and When this picture was taken ? What does it indicate ?

    Where and When this picture was taken ? What does it indicate ?
  2. Litwin

    "I fear we fought the wrong enemy and i fear we will regret it" --- General Patton

    General Patton was only partly right, both barbarian , totalitarian, cannibals ´d be hunted down, but west ´d take koba first (as the bigger and more dangerous butcher) . what do you think about Patton´s words? "I fear we fought the wrong enemy and i fear we will regret it" --- General...
  3. Litwin

    Night of Executed Poets, Killed by Asiatic Marxists on the night of October 29th to 30th

    Night of Executed Poets, Killed by Asiatic Marxists on the night of October 29th to 30th . I am 100% sure that very few know about Marxist Muscovite Asiatic way to celebrate Halloween @ October 29 is a black day of the Belarusian history. On this day in 1937 Stalin’s secret police, the NKVD...
  4. Litwin

    Communist regimes killed some 100 million people — roughly 4 times the number killed by the Nazis

    Communist regimes killed some 100 million people — roughly 4 times the number killed by the Nazis. I just wonder what Stalinists´ whitewashers will say about this fact ... "The 20th century was "red" indeed — red with the blood of communism's victims. The death toll of communism, cited in "The...
  5. Litwin

    The worst Butcher of Belarusians, Devil himself Boris Berman

    why so few in the west know the name of this sadistic - butcher ? of cos Muscovite KGB (FSB) tries to whitewash his satanic name today his brother was a NKVD Devil too Matvei Berman - Wikipedia "Matvei Davidovich Berman (; April 10, 1898 – March 7, 1939) was a Soviet intelligence officer...
  6. Litwin

    The unorthodox path of a Jewish man in the ‘new’ Ukraine

    great news, Jews & Ukrainians will soon or L. kick Juchi Mongols asses from Europe , back to Moksha swamps , is bast case scenario for your satanic - hordes The unorthodox path of a Jewish man in the ‘new’ Ukraine
  7. Litwin

    Netanyahu : "Poles co-operated with the Germans" during the Holocaust. Muscovites did the same

    Netanyahu : "Poles co-operated with the Germans" during the Holocaust. Why he never mentioned that Muscovites did the same? many say that mr. Netanyahu has great relation with crime cartel Ozero and Muscovite thugs Oligarchs . what do you think? Polish PM cancels trip amid Holocaust row Ozero...
  8. Litwin

    "Russian" oligarchs Usmanov, Abramovich , Fridman among the richest people in UK. Baron how it feel

    "Russian" oligarchs Usmanov, Abramovich , Fridman among the richest people in UK. Baron how it feels ? LOL work Vanya , work more ))) Alishers and Fridmans take care well about your women and pensions )))) LOL " There are three Russian oligarchs in the ranking of the richest tax...
  9. Litwin

    Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area

    I just wander which side take trump this time? not so easy choice FOR TRUMP ... @ Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area
  10. Litwin

    Glazyev Advisor to Putin : "Jewish war on Muscovy" The Jews from Israel will replace "russians"

    Glazyev Advisor to Putin : "Jewish war on Muscovy" . the main thesis: The Jews from Israel will replace "russians" in Ukraine. as I predicted the pogrom are on the way in Muscovite empire "interests of Western "puppeteers". Perhaps the stake on Zelensky, made long before these...
  11. Litwin

    Muscovite "Russians" taught Hitler how to exterminate all Jews . Why Juchi empire hate the Jews so m

    Muscovite "Russians" taught Hitler how to exterminate all Jews . Why Juchi empire hate the Jews so much? my answer is ´cos Muscovites (their empire ) are Backward, Asiatic , uneducated losers were, and and always will be. do you agree? some facts , base of extermination : The Protocols of...
  12. Litwin

    The Nakam group intended to kill 6 million Germans – as many as the Jews who were murdered in the

    "The Nokmim (Hebrew: הנוקמים‎), also referred to as The Avengers or the Jewish Avengers, were a Jewish partisan militia, formed by Abba Kovner and his lieutenants Vitka Kempner and Rozka Korczak from the surviving remnants of the United Partisan Organization (Fareynikte Partizaner Organizatsye)...
  13. deanrd

    Are you seeing the thousands of protestors in Pittsburg calling Trump a fascist?

    Trump arrives in Pittsburgh as synagogue victims mourned, protesters gather Robert Bowers, 46, is accused of storming into the synagogue yelling "All Jews must die!" and opening fire on members of three congregations holding Sabbath prayer services there. ----------- They don't want him...
  14. Litwin

    BREAKING: Muscovy empire_Fascist LDPR is wining election in Khabarovsk/Pogroms are on the way

    BREAKING: Muscovite empire_Fascist LDPR is wining election in Khabarovsk/Pogroms are on the way. Putler´s pocket party (Edro) lost the second election one after another. it means end of Putlerism, Muscovite empire under LDPR and commies (in reality Nazis) , Venezuela, or Czar (Korovkin)...
  15. Litwin

    The Lokot Republic, liberated by Germany (from USSR occupation) peasant republic

    SO WHAT do you think about this story? "The Lokot Republic (Russian: Локотскoe самоуправление) was a semi-autonomous region in Nazi German-occupied Central Russia led by Bronislav Kaminski's administration from July 1942 to August 1943. The name is derived from the region's administrative...
  16. Litwin

    Jewish police collaborated with Nazis in Buczacz, Ukraine during WW2

    Try to keep the level of this video, don't put the blame on the whole nations Buchach - Wikipedia comments ?
  17. Litwin

    Joshua Rubenstein "The Last Days of Koba Dzhugashvili (Sralin)"

    Was Koba killed and died in his own experiments , and pee . or all went naturally except 2 days of the experiments , and pee part ? Joshua Rubenstein, associate director of major gifts at Harvard Law School, discusses his new book, "The Last Days of Stalin", which details the final months...
  18. Litwin

    USSR - Germany (inducing Nazis) military cooperation in 1918-1941

    USSR - Germany (inducing Nazis) military cooperation in 1918-1941 Belarusians make a lot of great articles , thy leaving Muscovite influence zone for sure, of cos 99% Muscovites don't even want to read about it , so what ? LOL))) " German aces in the sky above Lipetsk. Why did the Red...
  19. Litwin

    "Russian" Commie Revolution 100 years/ An awkward moment for Putin & whats is Muscovite Communism f

    "Russian" Commie Revolution 100 years: An awkward moment for Putin &whats is Muscovite Communism for you? " Moscow (CNN)One hundred years ago on Wednesday, a food shortage in Russia triggered riots on the streets of the capital Petrograd and kicked off the Russian Revolution, a chain of...
  20. Litwin

    Putin; 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews.

    Do you agree with this Pynia´s statement?
  21. easyt65

    Snowflake Who Bought The Liberal Lie About Russian Collusion Throws Russian Flags At Trump

    Scary Moment: Protester Breaches Security At Capitol Building During Trump's Visit "The protester, who some reporters have identified as Ryan Clayton — the president of Americans Take Action — began yelling from within the press gaggle before throwing Russian flags on the floor as Trump passed...
  22. Litwin

    Putin´s communist party (KPRF) blames The Jews for GULAG and Stalinist killings

    Putin´s communist party (KPRF) blames The Jews for GULAG and Stalinist killings. Why KPRF does it? comments? ""Gulag - was also (in the part of leadership) staffed by Yagoda (a Jew, its KPRF´s main point ) on a national basis. The chief of the Main Directorate of Camps and Settlements...
  23. Litwin

    Muscovite death CAMPS - GULAG, pictures, photos, numbers, Drawings. etc.

    Drawings from the GULAG By the order of the prosecutor general Vyshinsky, any methods were considered “good” to get the confession. NKVD staff used brutal tortures with pump, soldering iron, bottle (shoved into vagina and anus), rats (placed in the heated bucket under victim’s bare buttocks)...
  24. Litwin

    Putin/Hitler Geostrategy

    is there any chance for Putler´s revisionists plans to come thought ?
  25. Litwin

    Kazakhstan is not just Borat/Kazakh famine of 1919–22, Kazakh lands lost more than half of its popu

    Kazakhstan is not just Borat/Kazakh famine of 1919–1922, in 10–15 years Kazakh lands lost more than half of its population. Did you know about this genocide? Why its still unknown? why Hollywood has not made a great film about this tremendous Muscovite - Commie crime ? " The Kazakhstan...
  26. O

    Proof that Angela Merkel is a Jewish Communist

    Have you ever wondered who's to blame for the invasion of Europe and the assault on the European people and their culture? Merkel's family's original name was "Kaźmierczak", a Jewish surname. There is much more evidence linking her to the larger Jewish, Communist assault on civilization. You...
  27. Litwin

    Moscow To Unveil Post-Soviet Lenin, Stalin Memorials

    bronze busts of Koba (the worst in the history mass-killer) , Lenin whats coming next for Muscovy , reopening of GULAG, Kurapaty? " MOSCOW -- Russia's capital is set to unveil a series of bronze busts of Soviet leaders, including rare post-Soviet Russian memorials to Vladimir Lenin and...
  28. Litwin

    Morgan Freeman calls on everyone to fight against Putin!

    Great actor, great patriot of The USA, and great freedom fighter !! are you ready? what you do for the free world and the USA in order to protect our values , law, our freedoms? ps take it mr. Botox Kleptocrat !!
  29. Litwin

    "Russia" Says It Will Attack U.S. Planes Bombing the Syrian Military

    question, What will Trump do if Putin´d attack U.S. Planes? Can Putin´s badly outdated Sovok´s military hardware hit USA planes, purely technically ? " Russia has warned that its military will begin targeting U.S. planes in Syria after the U.S. shot down a fighter jet belonging to the...
  30. Litwin

    Relatives of Swedish war hero Wallenberg sue Russia's FSB

    a typical morder story , saved thousands of Jews Killed by NKVD...question, will Kremlin NKVD (FSB) thugs tell the truth , pay compensation to the Relatives of Swedish and World war hero Raoul Wallenberg? " MOSCOW (Reuters) - Relatives of Swedish war hero Raoul Wallenberg filed a lawsuit in a...

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