
  1. Litwin

    Relatives of Swedish war hero Wallenberg sue Russia's FSB

    a typical morder story , saved thousands of Jews Killed by NKVD...question, will Kremlin NKVD (FSB) thugs tell the truth , pay compensation to the Relatives of Swedish and World war hero Raoul Wallenberg? " MOSCOW (Reuters) - Relatives of Swedish war hero Raoul Wallenberg filed a lawsuit in a...
  2. Litwin

    "Russia", Also Involved in the Cuban ā€œSonicā€ Attack?

    ZajƔrova is as usual denied much like she and all other Kremlin thugs denied Crimea occupation . so what is gonna do with in it . the "strong USA president", not "a weak one as Obama was "? "Kremlin spokeswoman Maria ZajƔrova said they had nothing to do with the mysterious incident, which...
  3. Litwin

    Moscowistan, Diaries of the Last years of Mongol project Ulus of Juchi / Daily update

    Diaries of the Last years of Mongol project Ulus of Juchi . Paid trolls from Olgino are suggesting that Islam take over Europe. but In reality Islam takes over Muscovy (ulus of Juchi). or just back roots (Muscovy was an Islamic "country" up to 19 century) ? comments? " Kurban Bairam...
  4. Litwin

    "Russia" Slowly but Surely Putting an End to the American Empire

    I will post more of Muscovite paid propaganda from " russia-insider", RT, Sputik, life -news , channel 1 , etc. its funny ;) this time " russia-insider" (Kiselev/Olgino ) suggests, that self-proclaimed " "Russia" (as mr. google said "Nigeria in snow") Slowly but Surely Putting an End to the...
  5. Litwin

    Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

    once again "Nigeria in snow" tries to attack US financial system. Rightists always say that Obama was a weak leader, what "a strong " leader like Trump is gonna do in response ? "" Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency Putin says BRICS is ready to "overcome...
  6. Litwin

    "Russia" backs Chechnya government's denials over killing and torture of gay men

    Muscovite elite has surrounded by the gays, does it mean that Putin (mr Botox) is weaker then Chechen war-lords even in Moscow (Chechen gays are not saved in Moscow or any other Muscovite city ) ? "Vladimir Putinā€™s spokesman has backed the Chechen governmentā€™s denials that men suspected of...
  7. cnelsen

    ā€˜Kill all white peopleā€™: Suspect in killings of five white men made threat in 2014

    This (yet another) white-hating black walked up behind white men and shot and killed five of them in the head. ā€˜Kill all white peopleā€™: Suspect in killings of five white men made threat in 2014 Where is this hatred coming from? How about the steady stream of anti-white hatred coming from...
  8. cnelsen

    Asian-American hatred for whites

    Immigriping from the Portland OR Mercury: ā€œThe thing that trips me out about Portland is not that itā€™s so white. Thatā€™s just a numbers game that will change as the demographics shift,ā€ said Robin Ye, a Chinese American recent graduate of the University of Chicago who is now once again in his...
  9. cnelsen

    What's thone group in America that you are completely forbidden to criticize?

    What group are you completely forbidden to criticize? White people, of course. To help dismantle this rancid system of white privilege and supremacy, a helpful group known as the Anti-Defamation League of Bā€™Nai Brith assists media giants in ferreting out and then smashing ā€œhateā€ with the...
  10. cnelsen

    Did Russia just accuse Jews of warmongering?

    Russia responded today to the utterly irresponsible and provocative move by the US Congress to impose more sanctions on Russia on top of unjustified and punishing sanctions already in place. Reuters: The Russian Foreign Ministry complained of growing anti-Russian feeling in the United States...
  11. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Did any Jewish people in Nazi Germany threaten to leave Germany?

    Or did they just pack up and leave any way they could without being detected by the Nazis/George Soros?
  12. Octoldit

    Communism is the real threat spread by Bolshevism

    Bolshevism is the Zionist method of causing chaos within targeted regimes to overthrow it's leader. It's basically the Zionist way of stealing an entire government. Once the basic premise Bolshevism is recognized one easily see's color revolutions as the updated version of Bolshevism. Syria...
  13. cnelsen

    You probably don't know who Harrison Brown is.

    Harrison was one of four victims of a stabbing on the University of Texas campus in Austin yesterday. He is the only one who died. The stabber was a 21-year-old black male biology student. All four victims were male. All were white except one, who was Asian. One witness said she was a few feet...
  14. Ancient lion

    Do Jews like prophet Jesus?

    Jews don't believe in Prophet Jesus. Christians accuse Jews of killing Prophet Jesus. Muslims believe in both Prophets of God: Moses and Jesus. In the light of the above stated facts, Rabbi Tovia Singer tries to answer this question:
  15. fncceo

    Hot Jews ...

    With Hanukah Harry on his way to give toys to all the good Hebrew girls and boys ... I thought this would be appropriate to the season. Feel free to make contributions of your own.
  16. Octoldit

    United States Just Passed up Old Soviet Union Gulags For Largest Prison System

    For decades, the Soviet Gulags under Joseph Stalin had been considered some of the worst prisons in all of history. But now things have changed. The United States has far exceeded the horrific tolls of the gulags. In the Soviet example, there were more than 18 million victims during the gulagsā€™...
  17. G

    US Embassy in Ottawa flying gay pride flag-good for you America!

    Hello, I was heartened by the solidarity of Americans in the face of the most recent Muslim attack in Orlando. It was good to see Americans standing behind their fellow citizens. It goes well with the Eiffel Tower in Paris showing the pride colours and Tel Aviv showing the pride flag. While...
  18. guyfawkestruepirate

    CDZ Evalion fake or real??

    Hey USMB i know i am a little late to the party on this topic but however i would like to know your guys opinion on it anyway what are your guys thoughts on the Nazi YouTube girl Evalion real or fake- controlled opposition-scam- con-artist.
  19. American_Jihad

    Those who make no apologies for the Jewish State

    Ready 3 2 1... The Pro-Israel Wing of the Pro-Israel Community Those who make no apologies for the Jewish State. April 12, 2016 Daniel Greenfield ... The pro-Israel wing of the pro-Israel community believes in Israel. It does not believe in a two-state solution. It has never embraced...
  20. American_Jihad

    Why Israeli Jews are Conservative and American Jews are Leftist

    Maybe they went to college and got indoctrinated by the leftist ilk... Why Israeli Jews are Conservative and American Jews are Leftist The Left lost in Israel, but still rules over American Jews. March 17, 2016 Daniel Greenfield ... Thatā€™s part of the story. But itā€™s also not the whole...
  21. American_Jihad

    More Jew-hatred indoctrination

    How long have they been trying to defeat the jews??? Update: Arabic-Language Educational Video Teaches Children to 'Vanquish' The Jews More Jew-hatred indoctrination. 3.16.2016 News Tiffany Gabbay The following report does not come as news to the sane among us, but until the Left openly...
  22. G

    If Jews have rights to Israel because of history, do American Indians have rights to America...?

    If Jews have rights to Israel because of history, do American Indians have rights to America because of history?
  23. G

    So what do Jews think of Goyim (non-Jews) and why do they think that?

    This is not a thread for trolling but for intelligent conversation. Please do not troll on this thread as I am not trolling but seeking intelligent answers to my query. Thank you, GMATTW
  24. citizenal

    Is it wrong to be anti-Semitic?

    The word ā€œantiā€ means opposed to. Therefore, generally speaking being anti-Semitic means a person who is opposed to Jews. However, as used today, being anti-Semitic is something far worse than just being opposed to Judaism. To be sure, today the implication of the word is that an anti-Semite...
  25. Anonymous1977

    Freedom of speech...(allowed in Israel?)

    So in our country America, we have freedom of speech. Is the same true in Israel? (anyone know...?) It may be law in Israel that this or that said about the Jewish race could be punishable by death or imprisonment...but that obviously is not an American idea, killing or imprisoning over words...
  26. American_Jihad

    The Left's Muslim Replacement Theology for Jews

    And the left want to rule da world, lol... The Left's Muslim Replacement Theology for Jews Muslims are the new Jews; time to get rid of the old Jews. December 18, 2015 Daniel Greenfield ... The media compared the Syrian migrants to Joseph and Mary at the inn. When that social media meme...
  27. Anonymous1977

    Agnostic looking for YHWH (G-d;) please pray for me

    ...I'm an agnostic looking for a learned Jewish person to teach me about the Tanach ("Old Testament") and the Talmud. Believers in the God of Israel please pray that He sends me someone fitting the description to do that... A1977 :) -
  28. Anonymous1977

    Acts 10:34-35; if "God does NOT show favoritism," why do some Christians?

    My other thread about this issue in the Palestine - Israel conflict was closed because the OP didn't plainly state what I meant in citing this Scripture, but if the New Testament in the Bible says that "God does not show favoritism" ā€” and it does say that ā€” why do some Christians continue to...
  29. Anonymous1977

    Re: Thoughts on [Israel and Palestine] conflict?

    My thoughts: I'm an Agnostic but this is Acts 10:34-35, NIV Bible: Acts 10:34-35, NIV (34)Then Peter began to speak: ā€œI now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism (35)but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." -
  30. Anonymous1977

    Karaite Judaism & Noah, the Prophet

    Hello or Shalom...:) Is there a learned Karaite Jew in our ranks (USMB member ranks) who can discuss YHWH's covenant made for all men, made through Noah in Genesis? Thank you for your help, A1977 -

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