
  1. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  2. Pastelli

    Nov-1913: seed of "conflict" Islamist anti-Semitic poem at racist Arab 'Falastin' ('Filastin)

    1913 - Nov 8: Sheikh Suleiman al-Taji al-Faouqi [سليمان التاجي] pens a vile hate poem, combining old anti-Semitic stereotypes with Islamic motifs in the influential 'Falastin' [فلسطين] newspaper. Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples. (2021). Germany: Berghahn Books, p. 270. Mandel, N. J...
  3. Litwin

    Terrible news for "Baron" (the real name - Vatnik). FBI Investigating Moscow Diaspora Group

    Looks like mr Biden knows his job, finally we can wipe out this Moscow imperialist nest , back to Omsk and Grozny Moscow thugs ! Can Biden stop Moscow´s Jihad against our Free world ? "The group being investigated, the Coordinating Council of Russian Compatriots of the U.S. (known colloquially...
  4. The Original Tree

    Pelosi vows to join The Jihad to Defend Iran.

    Iran is a peace loving country, and is not an Existential Threat to America like President Trump is, she said. Trump is an Imminent Threat to our Republic, and a Danger to our Constitution. Islam "the religion of peace" is not a threat to our National Security, but The President is. So today...
  5. The Original Tree

    10 Democrats Protesting Impeachment

    The Ranks Of Defectors from The DemNazi Radical Party are Growing as they realize The Party they Represent, does not represent them. We already have a Democrat Lawmaker so disgusted by Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler that he has vowed to join The GOP flipping one seat in The House, we have two...
  6. The Original Tree

    Loser Mayor of London Insults America While British Citizens are stabbed by Islamic Radicals

    The Idiot Jihadist Mayor of London is turning London in to a 3rd world shit hole with his liberal Jihadist Immigrant Coddling Policies. As British Citizens are getting butchered in the streets, women gang raped for daring to wear Western Clothing in The UK, this steaming pile of incompetence...
  7. The Original Tree

    Notre Dame Cathedral was Arson and Probably a Terrorist Attack.

    A few things were uncovered about The Notre Dame Cathedral during the coverage of the event. 1.) The Cathedral was full of sensors to detect fire. 2.) The Cathedral had been completely rewired back in 1990 with a focus on fire prevention and safety. 3.) There are two guards in The Cathedral...
  8. The Original Tree

    The Other Paris Church Fire No One Is Talking About

    Just one month ago another very famous church nearly was burnt to the ground. Paris is in upheaval, and part of that is the social unrest caused by a large influx of so called Muslim refugees. I have no doubt in my mind that these church burnings, two within 30 days in Paris, are directly tied...
  9. The Original Tree

    New Zealand Attacker Visited Turkey Numerous Times For Extended Stays.

    Things aren’t as cut and dried like we are lead to believe. Turkey is a hot bed of radicalism, and for a man who hates Muslims, he sure spent a lot of time living with them, training with them, and being groomed for his mission. The tip-off was in His “Manifesto” which listed so called...
  10. The Original Tree

    UK Stabbings Epidemic Being Called a National Emergency: Coming to America

    Violence in America in certain areas is escalating. Places like Chicago, Maryland and areas all across America where just a few decades ago, were safe, are increasingly becoming War Zones. But unlike The UK, who is in a very desperate situation, and who primarily is leaving The UK because of...
  11. The Original Tree

    The DemIslamoNazi Problem Grows Daily.

    Ilhan Omar's Israel tweets the latest in long line of controversial comments Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel Omar came under fire once again last year for doing a flip-flop after her election...
  12. The Original Tree

    Orchestrated, Organized, & Premeditated Stalking & Harassment of GOP Congressmen

    WE ARE BEING SLOWLY OVERTAKEN BY FASCISTS ON THE LEFT, WHO SEEK TO SILENCE OPPOSITION, SHUT DOWN FREE SPEECH, AND USE NAZI TACTICS TO SMEAR THEIR OPPOSITION. When is something going to be done about this? 'Well-oiled' activist ops targeting GOP reps at their homes, hijacking town halls The...
  13. protectionist

    What Are the Muslim Terrorism SURVIVORS Thinking, Right Now ?

    The MSM's sickening assault on President Trump (and tens of millions who voted for him) has got to be deeply disturbing to the friends and relatives of jihadist attacks. Last Saturday, a skit on Saturday Night Live minimized the threat of Muslim terrorism, by joking about it, and conveying the...
  14. American_Jihad

    Islam’s Child-Soldiers

    These people are truly beastly and should be eradicated from the Earth... The Return of Islam’s Child-Soldiers Kidnapped, enslaved, beat, and indoctrinated in Islam. January 13, 2017 Raymond Ibrahim Past and present, Muslim militants continue relying on the same inhumane tactics to...
  15. American_Jihad

    What Islam teaches is one of the highest offerings to Allah

    Still to this day I can not fig out why the left defends radical islam when in the long run their new found buddies will behead them along with the lgbt community, atheist, etc, etc... A Hate to Die For What Islam teaches is one of the highest offerings to Allah. January 10, 2017 Raymond...
  16. Brynmr

    War Zones in Europe

    Islam has always been at war with the the infidels. One has to wonder when we infidels are going to fight back. The War Zones in Europe | Pamela Geller There is a war going on in Europe. Save for brave truth-tellers and a handful of websites, there is no coverage. The sharia-compliant media...
  17. American_Jihad

    The Global Outbreak

    Islamics, what do you expect... The Global Outbreak of Mental Illness And you thought global warming was the biggest crisis the world faces. May 13, 2016 Robert Spencer On Tuesday, a Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” and “Infidel, you must die” stabbed four people, killing one, at a train...
  18. American_Jihad

    Proposal: The Museum of the Victims of Jihad

    It won't be big enough... Proposal: The Museum of the Victims of Jihad Where is the tribute to those lost to the great evil of our times? May 10, 2016 Danusha V. Goska ... The twenty-first century needs a Museum of the Victims of Jihad. Jihad is a major force in world history, affecting...
  19. American_Jihad

    Saudi Influence in Washington Must End

    That goes for both sides... Saudi Influence in Washington Must End If we are going to have any hope of defeating the global jihad. April 22, 2016 Robert Spencer The 28 pages of a Congressional report detailing where the 9/11 hijackers got their financing have been classified for years...
  20. American_Jihad

    DHS: Airport Workers Suspected of Terror Ties Have All Been Vetted

    They are so full of shat, but then again it's obongos appointments... DHS: Airport Workers Suspected of Terror Ties Have All Been Vetted How can they tell? April 8, 2016 Robert Spencer Relax. After reports surfaced last month that dozens of private airline employees may have had terror...
  21. American_Jihad

    New Evidence: Iran’s Role in 9/11

    We should scrap the iran deal now and not wait on president Trump to do it... New Evidence: Iran’s Role in 9/11 Recently disclosed documents reveal a disturbing tale. March 25, 2016 Dr. Majid Rafizadeh ... Recently released documents from a federal court in the US reveal that Iran and...
  22. American_Jihad


    I wonder if they even keep track of the islamic beasts... A Hate That Has (Officially) No Name As expected, media and politicians play down latest Islamic terrorist attack in Canada. March 18, 2016 Stephen Brown ... The last Islamic terrorist attack to strike America’s northern...
  23. American_Jihad

    CAIR Vows to Save US

    Trump will put them on the terror list where they belong... CAIR Vows to Save US from 'the Trumps, the Cruzs, the Pamela Gellers, the Robert Spencers' Not the Syed Rizwan Farooks, Dzhokhar Tsarnaevs and Nidal Malik Hasans. February 26, 2016 Robert Spencer Jacob Bender, the non-Muslim...
  24. American_Jihad

    Why Islamists and the radical Left loathe the Day of Love

    That's always been an easy connection... Hating Valentine’s Why Islamists and the radical Left loathe the Day of Love. February 15, 2016 Jamie Glazov Yesterday, February 14, was Valentine’s Day, the sacred day that intimate companions mark to celebrate their love and affection for one...
  25. American_Jihad

    Leftwing billionaire George Soros and what makes him tick

    He is a sick, delusional old coot and his open society B/S will never work... George Soros Condemns the Victims of Jihadist Terrorism for Fighting Back Self-proclaimed “god” blames the United States, Europe and Israel. January 5, 2016 Joseph Klein Leftwing radical billionaire George...
  26. American_Jihad

    Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants

    And obama is helping, is he a muslim, remember he went to the church of god damn America for 20 years... Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants Immigration is what ISIS needs to defeat America. December 25, 2015 Daniel Greenfield ... The ritualistic “Why do they hate us”...
  27. American_Jihad

    The enemy we have welcomed in our home

    I wonder what kind of deviousness and sinisterism obama is going to do before he leaves, if he leaves office... A Christmas on the Cross At Christmas 2015, we are victims of the enemy we have welcomed in our home. December 25, 2015 Robert Spencer Amel Shimoun Nona saw all this coming, and...
  28. American_Jihad

    Apologists for Terror Spread

    Islamic leaders, please more like instigators... Apologists for Terror Spread San Bernardino Trutherism and FBI-phobia The dangerous delusions "Islamic leaders" are promoting on campuses and in the Muslim community. December 17, 2015 Lloyd Billingsley In Southern California the FBI...
  29. Gracie

    Probably a dumb question, but.......

    Gonna ask anyway. Jihad has been called because we are over there bombing the fuck out muslims and they want us out of their countries. So...here is the dumb question. What if our government had a sit down with their government, and said ok..we will pull out. We will not pull a hiroshima on...

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