
  1. Sayaras

    Young voters prefer Trump to handle "Palestinian" problem...

    Just when I thought young voters wanted a less pro Israel... Young Voters Sour on Biden, Prefer Trump to Handle Israel-Hamas War in Latest Harvard IOP Youth Poll. By Thomas J. Mete, Crimson Staff Writer. Dec 6, 2023 https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023/12/6/iop-youth-poll-fall-23/
  2. FDR_Reagan

    More pallywood victim card fake-Plastinians (not just Sulaiman_Ahmed)

    The point is that it is not about random cases. But a STRATEGY https://jcpa.org/video/hamas-pallywood-as-a-palestinian-strategy/ Mom I OK, it's just for the cameras This one is typical. Look also how they push kids at soldiers https://campus.zoa.org/video/pallywood-gaza-under-attack-images/...
  3. Sayaras

    Genocidal palestinian leadership: this is why palestinian-Arabs die

    Look at the sheer size of these monster rockets. But more importantly: the locations from where the genocidal Palestinian gaza "health ministry" fires upon Israeli civilians to cause their own civilian deaths. Clinic. School...
  4. Lord Long Rod

    Leftist Rep. Jayapal is Ok With a Little Bit of Rape Action by Hamas

    https://www.breitbart.com/middle-east/2023/12/03/pramila-jayapal-equivocates-on-hamas-rapes-we-have-to-be-balanced/ Amazing. The left is openly courting the devil without fear or shame.
  5. Pastelli

    Hitlerist UNRWA tries to censor exposure of cruelty holding hostage (by its teacher)

    Hitlerist UNRWA tries to censor exposure of cruelty holding hostage The following is probably unprecedented even for Hitlerist UNRWA as UNRWA [authoritarian] demand removing report from journalist upon testimony: UNRWA teacher held hostage in attic, locked up, malnourished, and not given...
  6. Sayaras

    'Gaza Health Ministry' murders 3 injures 11 Jews in Jerusalem & Jewish hostages beaten w/ electric wires

    While the MSM keeps repeating "numbers" of dead in Gaza, which as we see in their pictures carefully provided... are all "children and women"... 'Thai hostages: Jewish hostages beaten with electric cables, held in worse conditions than us.' 'The report joins previous reports by freed hostages...
  7. Sayaras

    TAQIYYA: little girl freed from Palestinian Jihadi savages exposed lie of Hamas

    Little girl Hila Rotem Shoshani, the who was released last night from Hamas captivity without her mother and wife, revealed to her family members the lie of the terrorist organization Hamas. On 11/25 a drama unfolded that almost led to the cancellation of the second round of the release of 13...
  8. FDR_Reagan

    Kidnapping innocent: militant Islam long bloody history - Barbary Pirates - palestinian 2023

    It is a long history. Barbary Pirates on thev1800s. Excerpt from WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2001/10/15/terrorists-by-another-name-the-barbary-pirates/af7e4c90-b56c-4e0c-95ea-f079b889a96f/ https://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/weekinreview/12gettleman.html Recent...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    Beasty Palestinian Arab Gaza regime's Pallywood - as if "helping" their very abductee victims

    The beasty Palestinian Arab Gaza regime is trying to humanize themselves by pallywood-y lie as if "helping" their very victims abductees. What a low trick.
  10. Sayaras

    Out of 230+: 13 innocent Israelis releaed from radical 'Palestinian' regime savages

    The freed 13 Israelis - the complete list Doron Katz Asher, 34 years old. Aviv Katz Asher, two years old. Raz Katz Asher is 4 years old. Daniel Aloni, 44 years old. Amelia Aloni, 5 years old. Karen Munder, 54 years old. Ohad Zachary-Munder, 9 years old. Ruthie Munder, 78 years old...
  11. FDR_Reagan

    The B[d]S (BDS / BDSwastika)

    Also, the multiple nazi glorification or/and Holocaust-diminishing, plus Swastikas.. prove what the BDS is really about. https://freebeacon.com/culture/mcmaster-university-students-published-hundreds-posts-exalting-hitler/ https://amchainitiative.org/amcha-responses-uc-davis/
  12. FDR_Reagan

    After the war: Deradicalizing Palestinians - anti-Jewish Arab-racism

    First issue needs to be Palestinian Arab hate textbooks. Not just under Hamas but under Palestinian Authority too. 'Wake up Hitler, there are still people to burn,' in Palestinian textbooks https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-722151...
  13. Sayaras

    Arab Journalists: Al-Jazeera Is A Mouthpiece Of The Terrorist Organizations

    Arab Journalists: Al-Jazeera Is A Mouthpiece Of The Terrorist Organizations November 22, 2023 Qatar, Palestine | Special Dispatch No. 10974 Since Hamas' October 7, 2023 attack in southern Israel, in which some 1,200 Israelis were murdered and about 240 were kidnapped, Qatar's Al-Jazeera...
  14. Pastelli

    Watch as "Palestinian" jihado fascists crawl out of tunnel and captured by the good guys

    Rare documentation: the terrorists come out of the tunnel - and are captured by the IDF The IDF's fighting against Hamas' Shati Battalion continues - and in a nighttime incident that was recorded in real time, armed terrorists are seen emerging from the shaft of a terrorist tunnel, with fighters...
  15. Sayaras

    2 Genocidal Palestinian Islamists eliminated: Ahmad Bahr prayed for killing every American & Jew 'to the last one"..

    Genocidal Palestinian Islamists eliminated: Ahmad Bahr prayed for Killing every American & Jew 'to the last one,' Abu Hilal: Palestinians abroad to 'target every infidel-zionist' "Top Hamas Official Ahmad Bahr And Palestinian Freedom Movement Secretary-General Khaled Abu Hilal Killed In IDF...
  16. Sayaras

    Most Arabs of Gaza and (worse in) Judea & Samaria: fully justify October 7 atrocities - Oct.31 - Nov.7 survey ('Palestinian' barbaric racism)

    A new survey by Bir Zeit University among the Arabs of Gaza and Judea & Samaria, a wake-up call to anyone who mistakenly believes that it is possible to separate Hamas and Gaza or between the Arabs of Gaza and the Arabs of Judea & Samaria: Support for Hamas: 59% fully justify the October 7...
  17. Pastelli

    Terror tunnel entrance uncovered at al-Shifa Hospital + weapons transferred inside baby strollers

    Terror tunnel entrance uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital. Islamic Jihad terrorists describe how weapons are transferred inside baby strollers. IDF Spokesman says Yehudit Weiss was murdered in Gaza. 'We didn't reach her in time.' Nov 16, 2023. Tunnel shaft uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital...
  18. Pastelli

    "Palestinian" jihado-fascists murder Non-Zionist "peace" activist hostage lady

    Canadian peace activist Vivian Silver, who went missing after Hamas attack, has died. ctvnews.ca 'A courageous peace activist': Son of Vivian Silver says she was murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7 __ Leftists didn't realize that hate is hate, when tought for years. Ethnic Arab racism / religious...
  19. Pastelli

    What was known by media since 2009: White House has evidence Hamas Jihad using Al-Shifa hospital to run military actions

    White House says it has evidence Hamas using Al-Shifa hospital to run military actions By Reuters. Published: November 14, 2023. The White House on Tuesday said it had its own intelligence that Hamas was using Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital to run its military operations, and probably to store...
  20. Pastelli

    Genocidal Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran threats against Israel since at least 1991 - still today (Bosses of Hamas/PIJ/Hezbollah)

    Threatening to nuke and/or wipe off Israel of the map has been made by Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran (or/and its reps.), including in 1991, 1 2 in 2001,3 2002,4 2005,5 May 2012, 6, 8 Sep 2012,9 2014,10 2019,11 2020.12 Promoting genocide online at the May-2021 'Guardian of Walls,' including...
  21. Pastelli

    Harvard University President Condemns racist Arab supremamcy: ‘From the River to the Sea’ Chant (Ethnic cleansing)

    “Harvard University President Condemns Anti-Israel ‘From the River to the Sea’ Chant,” November 10, 2023 https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/11/10/harvard-university-president-condemns-anti-israel-from-river-to-sea-chant/ __ Rashida is a liar. Why? Because the chant “From the river to the sea” is...
  22. Pastelli

    After criticizing police for being soft on "pro palestine"...

    Under pressure, for days, Sunak fired Braverman. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/13/uk-interior-minister-suella-braverman-fired.html Was he right in doing so?
  23. Pastelli

    Hamas terror infrastructure found in Gaza university, mosque ("Palestinians" killing "Palestinians")

    Hamas terror infrastructure found in Gaza university, mosque IDF troops also seized a "large number of weapons" inside the children's room at the home of a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist. Joshua Marks (November 13, 2023 / JNS)...
  24. Pastelli

    'Plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials' by Global domination seekers: Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran

    Just aired: Iran plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials | 60 Minutes CBS News Iranian dissidents say they face intimidation, abductions, assassination attempts around the world ___ Comment, it's strange that Putin doesn't realize the Islamic domination aim of the...
  25. Pastelli

    Filthinian rich Hamas bosses / butchers

    'Hamas billionaires: Lifestyles of the rich and terrorists.' Eric Shawn, Fox News, November 8, 2023. Excerpt: Hamas bosses Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are worth an estimated $4 billion each, and political bureau leader Mousa Abu Marzouk is worth $3 billion…. Photos show Hamas leader...
  26. Pastelli

    Muslim youth in Germany say ‘First we cut the throats of the Jews, then the gays and finally the Christians!’

    A12-year-old boy came to me and said, ‘I hate you. “We’ll take the country back,” he smiled in my face.” Islamismus-Alarm: „Ein 12-Jähriger kam zu mir und sagte: 'Ich hasse dich'" Donnerstag, 09.11.2023...
  27. Pastelli

    Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran's Hezbollah wounds six civilians

    Hezbollah anti-tank missiles from Lebanon wound six Israelis The IDF targeted the source of the attack with artillery. (November 12, 2023 / JNS) Six Israeli civilians were injured on Sunday afternoon, one critically, when Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists launched anti-tank missiles towards Moshav...
  28. Pastelli

    Bigot Omar Shakir was never reliable on Israel

    MSM has been quoting the bigot Omar Shakir that backs jihado-fascist Hamas' "numbers." Example: Reuters, Oct 27, 2023 (See attachment). That, after:Palestinian Death Statistics, Doubted by the U.S., Remain a Subject of ControversyMR. KIRBY: We are doing the best we can to try to get an...
  29. Pastelli

    Islamic lobby CAIR asks Biden to demand Israel release Hitlerist Ahed Tamimi

    The Arab "Palestinian" star Ahed Tamimi who posted: 'We will drink your blood; what Hitler did to you was a joke' https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-771102 and was arrested on Nov 6 for incitement to terror, has CAIR advocating Biden for her release...
  30. Pastelli

    More gruesome testimonies of the barbaric Islamofascist "Palestinian" Oct/7 attack

    One "was gang-raped, then executed." “I saw them forcing her to bend forward and then someone rape her,” the testimony (of a young woman who hid with her boyfriend in a shelter, where she witnessed the rape and murder of another Israeli woman) reads: “They were dressed in olive-toned fatigues...

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