
  1. American_Jihad

    Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants

    And obama is helping, is he a muslim, remember he went to the church of god damn America for 20 years... Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants Immigration is what ISIS needs to defeat America. December 25, 2015 Daniel Greenfield ... The ritualistic “Why do they hate us”...
  2. American_Jihad

    The enemy we have welcomed in our home

    I wonder what kind of deviousness and sinisterism obama is going to do before he leaves, if he leaves office... A Christmas on the Cross At Christmas 2015, we are victims of the enemy we have welcomed in our home. December 25, 2015 Robert Spencer Amel Shimoun Nona saw all this coming, and...
  3. American_Jihad

    Apologists for Terror Spread

    Islamic leaders, please more like instigators... Apologists for Terror Spread San Bernardino Trutherism and FBI-phobia The dangerous delusions "Islamic leaders" are promoting on campuses and in the Muslim community. December 17, 2015 Lloyd Billingsley In Southern California the FBI...
  4. Gracie

    Probably a dumb question, but.......

    Gonna ask anyway. Jihad has been called because we are over there bombing the fuck out muslims and they want us out of their countries. So...here is the dumb question. What if our government had a sit down with their government, and said ok..we will pull out. We will not pull a hiroshima on...

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