
  1. FDR_Reagan

    Angry Gazan on high priced aid: "We will reckon with you Hamas, after the war"

    How much does a kilo of sugar cost? This is how the trade of humanitarian aid in Gaza looks like. A resident of Gaza revealed how much the products that come to Gaza with humanitarian aid cost and told Hamas: "We will reckon with you after the war." A kilo of sugar - NIS 40. 3 liters of oil -...
  2. FDR_Reagan

    "Moderate" pAleStInIaN Authority Islamic-fascist libel about the BIBLE

    So these are the racist guys, Biden would like to be Gaza like leaderdhip? PA TV Libel: Bible teaches that only Jews are human - all others not human, PA TV broadcasts father of a terrorist Itamar Marcus | Feb 7, 2024 ‘We ask Allah to send people like Hitler, Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh’...
  3. Sayaras

    20,000 Hamas fascist butchers are dead or injured

    20k more to go??? ___ https://www.timesofisrael.com/pm-absolute-victory-within-reach-surrender-to-hamas-demands-would-bring-disaster/
  4. Sayaras

    Berlin: racist-Arab kicked -- 1972 Munich massacre victim's gransdson -- in the face

    Always violent - and always hateful. The face of "pro palestine". Hate crimes.
  5. FDR_Reagan

    Islamic Fascist Turkey's Erdogan: Any ‘definition of Turkishness’ must include Jihad - ‘Islam’s holy war spirit’

    What a long way from Ataturk. So sad. Erdogan: Any ‘definition of Turkishness’ must include - ‘Islam’s holy war spirit’ "Hostility against Sharia is hostility against Islam," says Turkey’s Erdoğan, February 2, 2024. Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Feb. 1 commented on the critics...
  6. FDR_Reagan

    "UN Worst ever" Death-Cult-Pusher UNRWA gave lies at fake "genocide" case ICJ

    The more one hears about this genocidal-Islamic-terror linked agency , the more one is shocked. * UNRWA gave ICJ false information against Israel * The lies of UNRWA and the ICJ
  7. Sayaras

    Dirty Fascist palestine official vows to "Purify" Land of Jews…

    What is racism??? "Pure Arab" sounds like Hitler's aide Ahmad Shukeiri. https://www.memri.org/tv/snr-hamas-official-sami-abu-zuhri-purify-gaza-return-land-attack-america-soldiers-jordan-message-israel Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, United States. Congress...
  8. Sayaras

    Death cult: UN's Palestinian teachers EXPOSED as Hamas-loving jihadis

    This is the UN that claimed to handle the fake sham "genocide" (by Islamists using SA) at Hague? __ UN's Palestinian teachers EXPOSED as Hamas-loving jihadis: Congress learns of Telegram club praising 'holy warriors' who left Israelis 'dead in hell'. By James Reinl, Social Affairs...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    UK: Islamist chemical attacker - also sex offender (+Taqyyia claiming he's "christian")

    The Islamist chemical attacker - also sex offender Abdul Shokoor Ezedi - Muslim immigrant who lied using Taqyyia as he was "Christian".. Sex crimes and murderous attack - this combination aounds like a pAlEStInE type "freedom fighting." Clapham attack suspect Abdul Ezedi convicted of sex...
  10. FDR_Reagan

    Islamic dictator Erdogan: ‘Our struggle didn’t end w/ eradicating enemy (Christian Greeks) from our lands & throwing them into the sea from Izmir’

    Erdogan referring with pride to the Smyrna massacre of 1922, in which the Greek population of the city and surrounding area, which had been there since the time of Homer and before that, was eradicated. And now he is saying that “struggle” (jihad) is not over, and that Turkey must never face a...
  11. Pastelli

    Islamist Ilhan Omar: her loyalty is to Somalia alone (forget dual loyalty canard)

    Ilhan Omar makes no bones about it: her loyalty is to Somalia alone. She is facing calls for her resignation after, critics say, she promised to do all she could to prevent a Somaliland deal with (Christian) Ethiopia over access to the sea. End Wokeness @EndWokeness: Ilhan Omar tells a crowd...
  12. Sayaras

    Islamization alert: Bomb in Sweden

    If you think it's ot related to Arab Islamic immigration - Eurabia? Think again. .__ Bomb found near Israeli embassy in Sweden. The national bomb squad was dispatched to investigate. (January 31, 2024 / JNS) An apparent explosive device was found on Wednesday near the Israeli embassy in...
  13. FDR_Reagan

    Hamas' final solution: Qutb's evil genocidal Islamism adopted by Oct 7 atrocities perpetrators..

    How the jihad war against the Jews is unrelated (necessarily) to "Zionism" or state of Israel or to what Israel does or does not. Hailing pro Hitler Sayyid Qutb's evil genocidal Islamism adopted by Oct 7 atrocities perpetrators.. _ The final solution according to Hamas.BESA Center | Jan 24...
  14. Sayaras

    50 on Islamic terror watchlist caught amid Biden border invasion

    Asides from tightening borders. Serious vetting needs to be in place too. ÷÷÷ "50 on terror watchlist caught amid Biden border invasion,” by Sara Higdon, Post Millennial, January 27, 2024:
  15. Sayaras

    Nothin' ... just another racist Islamist with a knife attacking Jews in London

    Whether he screamed only Allah Akbar Or Also [genocidal] Khybar Or also free Palestine.. (the new Heil Hitler) Same difference. __ Muslim man attacks London Jewish supermarket . Itamar Eichner| 01.29.24 ...The suspect, said by police to be 34, was dressed in traditional Muslim garb...
  16. Sayaras

    Nazi Arab students in Haifa: "Hitler did not get to you - so we will burn you now"

    If you thought Hitlerism Nazism at Arab palestine is dininishing??? In a Zoom discussion, the rector - explaining why he suspended some Arab students in Haifa University, following expressions of supporting Hamas' Oct 7 atrocities: "Hitler did not get to it - so we will burn you now." Most of...
  17. Sayaras

    "Moderate" Arab Qatar: 'An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar.'

    If these are their moderates... Islamism is bigotry. ___ Exclusive: Alleged Qatar spy operation said to have targeted GOP lawmakers opposed to Muslim Brotherhood. 'An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar,' document states.' By...
  18. FDR_Reagan

    NYC: free- pAleStInE "Allah Akbar" rammed into cop

    Question, was this Arab "pAlEsTiNIaN" refering to Christians are swine in jihad? http://www.gees.org/articulos/the-swine-are-christians-and-the-apes-are-jews __ 🚨 NOW: ‘Protester’ Attempts to Murder NYPD Officer with Vehicle🚨 “ALLAHU AKBAR!” 👉Follow to stay informed. Chaos unfolds as a...
  19. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTiNiAn "Gaza-health-ministry" calling for Islamic 'world domination' - Israel is only the first target

    Clip is from Dec 2022. It was always 'the plan.' ____ WATCH: Israel is only the first target, warns Hamas commander. By Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Oct 9, 2023 — Mahmoud al-Zahar: "The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors." Footage of...
  20. Pastelli

    Bravery: Risking torture & execution, Iranians' banner: "We stand with Israel"

    Let's pray, the Islamofascist stormtroopers won't catch these heroes. Risking torture and execution, Iranians in Iran recently put up this banner in the middle of the night. Reads in Farsi and English, “We stand with Israel” GOOGLING... Palestinian use human shields ___________...
  21. FDR_Reagan

    Germany: Muslim young people want to enforce Sharia law in schools

    Asylum or Islamism? == Scandal in Neuss: Muslim young people want to enforce Sharia law in schools. “Skandal in Neuss: Muslimische Jugendliche wollen Scharia an Schule durchsetzen,” Nius, January 11, 2024 . In Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia, four students are said to have acted as Sharia...
  22. FDR_Reagan

    Racist-Arab pAlEsTiNIaN combined attack: at least 1 murdered, 19 injured including 4 children, 5 in serious condition

    Note: These Islamofascistic attempted butchery has been the 'regular' scene for years. Regardless what Israel does or does not do. Combined attack in Ra'anana: murdering 1, at least 19 injured including 4 children, 5 in serious condition. Stabbed a driver, stole her car - and started a rampage...
  23. FDR_Reagan

    Blood money for pAlESTiNIaN authority

    And you thought it's just genocidal gaza-health-ministry Hamas. Aid for Palestinian Authority has been contributing to pay-for-slay. Twice as Many Israelis Died in One Month of Biden than in One Year of Trump June 26, 2023. PA to give Hamas terrorists' families close to $3 million in...
  24. FDR_Reagan

    Kirby, "it's not about Israel, yesterday the Houthis attacked a Panamanian ship"

    Well, of course it's an opportunity to expand Iranian ISLAMIC expansion power.. __ John Kirby on Face the Nation, 01.14.23 "it's not about Israel, yesterday the Houthis attacked a Panamanian ship.."
  25. FDR_Reagan

    A fatwa shows that only Israeli strength deters Arab genocide against Jews

    Per Islamic scholar, IDF needs to be and show strength. Any question? ______ Thursday, January 11, 2024 A fatwa shows that only Israeli strength deters Arab genocide against Jews Sheikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din, known as al-Albani, was a Salafist who was acknowledged as one of the most...
  26. FDR_Reagan

    Islamist terror: Iran utilizes Turkey as a support hub for Houthi thugs

    Any wonder TRT is jihadis mouthpiece like al jihadzeera? %$# Iran utilizes Turkey as a support hub for Yemeni proxy the Houthi rebels. January 11, 2024 A A Iran utilizes Turkey as a support hub for Yemeni proxy the Houthi rebels Abdullah Bozkurt/Stockholm The US Treasury’s decision to...
  27. FDR_Reagan

    UNRWA "teachers" cheered, called for murder, as Oct 7 "pAlESTiNIaN" Arab atrocities unfolded

    If these are their teachers, imagine what they grow up to be? ### U.N. Agency teachers cheered Hamas as October 7 attack unfolded, called for Execution of Jews in Group Chat. 'More than 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza belong to the social media group, which is hosted on the instant messaging...
  28. Pastelli

    Current events: umlike racist Arab/Muslims radicals, Zionists never attack Arabs internationally for "Palestinians" genocidal crimes

    Even the killing of an Arab child in Illinois home by his landlord, was by a simple Christian. Whereas, in US, Canada, Europe, Australia etc. Radical racist-Arabs lslamofascists attack ANY Jews. Or Nazi Arab Islamism... swastika-palestine eruption... Just Google up "swastika Hamas attack"...
  29. FDR_Reagan

    R.I.P. IDF beautiful black Zionist soldier

    PS I'm White. _ I'm guessing, the arrested "1,300 are affiliated with Hamas" in the article are besides the 9,000 Hamas butchers eliminated or arrested, as per Jan 5. Jan 5 2024 update: - "IDF says officer killed in northern Gaza fighting, raising ground operation toll to 176." - Link...
  30. FDR_Reagan

    Racist Nazi-Arabs in Hamburg: "we are for Hitler, Gas the Jews!" (free pALeStInE)

    When you watch the YouTube by German media [BILD], you see that when the Arab celebrates Hitler, the other Arab laughes and adds "free pALESTInE" __ Teenager-Randale in Hamburg: Judenhasser ruft nach Hitler. by Franziska Ringleben, Bild, October 25, 2023. [Teen riots in Hamburg: Jew haters...

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