
  1. FDR_Reagan

    Another Hitler-praising Islam-Imam pAlESTiNiAn

    Nothing to see here. Absolutely nothing. Or maybe we should ask Claudine Gay on what "context" the Islamic Imam preaches? = Nazis not just in Gaza: Imam in Shechem [Nablus] Praises Hitler HakolHayehudi | Oct 24, 2023 Hakol Hayehudi exposes: Naaman Mashaikh, an Imam at a mosque in Balata...
  2. FDR_Reagan

    Airport Riots: Nerdeen Kiswani: Holocaust-memorial-interrupter racist-Arab pAlEsTInIaN

    Interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies is "free-pAlEsTInE?" .Nerdeen Kiswani (WOL) is infamous for interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies. Gunz, a former classmate of Kiswani's at CUNY Law, has said that Kiswani has been criticized "because she interrupts Holocaust...
  3. FDR_Reagan

    pAlEsTInE child-killers Hamas: we seek global Islamist domination Caliphate (post its Oct 7 atrocities)

    And you thought these racist-Arab child killers, who target non-Arab civilians while using its own Arab civilians... will stop with the infidels on the holyland? Hamas Official Fathi Hammad: Palestinians Are Preparing To Establish An Islamic Caliphate With Jerusalem As Its Capital; West Bank...
  4. FDR_Reagan

    Islamist in NJ, inspired by Oct. 7 massacre - ‘devoted to waging violent jihad against America’

    Keep this in mind when you see COVERED MASKED faces at those genocidal "globalize the intifada" beastly riots. = “Nasr was prepared to kill and be killed to support the jihadist cause…” “NJ man Karem Nasr inspired by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack busted allegedly trying to join Islamist terror...
  5. FDR_Reagan

    Black man: ‘Them Arabs in motherf***ing Detroit tried to kill me!' (Arab racism)

    Speaking of Arab racism.. The Daily Mail quoted “a black activist” (with no name provided) who sustained two black eyes as stating:
  6. Sayaras

    New islamofascist pro-genocide gang titled "doctors against genocide"

    It reminds me of other titles pro genocidal "palestine" use like "peace." Not one anti-Israel "activist" group has protested Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad human shields methods. = "Doctors Against Genocide" - brand new pro-Hamas, antisemitic Muslim front group. This flyer stunned a lot...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    Egyptian "Arab-apartheid" wall against Palestinians

    It's OK if not the zionists do it. Egypt completes barbed-wire and concrete wall to keep ‘Palestinians’ out
  8. Sayaras

    Islamic Fascist Republic global domination

    Iran: Islamic  Fascist empire includes: Hamas. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Houthis. Bases in Syria. Militias in Iraq. ...The Israeli ceasefire with Hezbollah (Iran's proxy army) is a huge victory for Iran. If an Islamic fascist force can fire hundreds of missiles ... Casali, D...
  9. Sayaras

    Gaza hospital describes how Arab-Palestinian child-killers uses hospitals

    Don't you love it when racist posters hurry to put a "fake" tag on all facts he/she doesn't like? Gaza hospital director describes how Hamas uses hospitals for military purposes. Ahmed Kahlot, director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabalya, details how Hamas had private ambulance and phones...
  10. FDR_Reagan

    Oct 7: imams 'Palestine' & raping corpses (laughes, Alkah Akbar)

    Does anyone know the names of Arab Islamist pAleStInE imams giving the permission raping corpses of girls??? In the video, the person.. says that gunmen were given instructions to kill everyone they saw, including beheading victims and cutting off their legs. He also says they were given...
  11. Sayaras

    'Palestinian' Arab child killers hid weapons in incubators

    Tomorow the UN will "have" an "emergency " sesion about it. Or about uts UNRWA Hamas links... right? IDF troops find weapons concealed in incubators at Gaza hospital. Army IDF completes large-scale operation at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabaliya; firearms, anti-tank missiles, explosive and...
  12. Sayaras

    Oct 7 atrocities: U.N. students, UNRWA & Terror tunnels

    While only some in Europe withold funds for United Nations UNRWA... Hamas used UNRWA and USAID sacks to build tunnels. IMPACT-se identified at least 118 participants in the Oct. 7 Hamas assault as former students of UNRWA schools. Sveta Listratov. (December 15, 2023 / JNS) The discovery of...
  13. Sayaras

    Germany/Denmark: genocidists 'palestinians' caught

    But the genicidist "freedom fighters" are just against the so called "occupation" Germany, Denmark nab Hamas members planning terror attack on Jews, Israelis. Families of hostages demand ICRC see captives, Eli Cohen says organization failing everyday that a visit is not made; says rather than...
  14. FDR_Reagan

    US: "Israel is protecting civilians in ways even we wouldn't"

    This needs to be talked about. VS Palestinian leaderdship who seek civilian deaths White House spokesperson: Israel is protecting civilians in ways even we wouldn't. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby highlights some of the steps the IDF has taken to prevent civilian casualties in...
  15. Sayaras

    Swiss votes to halt funding for Hamas linked UNRWA

    Question is why don't other follow suit? Swiss parliament votes to halt funding for UNRWA. Dec 13, 2023
  16. FDR_Reagan

    ISIS racist pAlEsTiNiANs vandalize BIBLE's Joshua tomb w/ GENOCIDE calls, pro Oct.7

    So much for freedom fighting. 'Death to Jews': Joshua's Tomb vandalized Dec 13, 2023. The vandalism at Joshua's Tomb The gravesite of Joshua bin Nun in Samaria was vandalized[sic], with malicious graffiti, including encouragement of Hamas and the October 7 massacre. Among the words...
  17. Sayaras

    Arabs: 'We're all Israelis' watching Oct 7 horror clips

    Despite al jihadzeera trying to paint a twisted picture... See this: 'We are all Israelis': Arab sector leaders watch October 7 horror film. In attendance were heads of local municipal authorities, community leaders, media personalities...
  18. Sayaras

    Genocidist Arab-Palestinians: PA or Hamas

    NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT BY DETACHED INDIVIDUALS, BUT OF OFFICIAL HANAS OR PA My answer is that Hamas is more radical and less sugar-coating in its message.. Scroll down to see Palestinian Authority direction after Oct 7 atrocities (celebrated by racist Islamic CAIR lobby: All mosques must...
  19. Sayaras

    Palestinian RPG training site inside mosque

    Allah Akbar. At least they (the innocent) can instigate the Muslim world that the Z just attack mosque "without" any reason.. Hamas RPG training site found inside mosque. Weapons found inside UNRWA bags found in mosque in Jabalya, Gaza. Hamas RPG training site found inside mosque Dec 11, 2023
  20. Sayaras

    1,300-plus Arab-terror attacks in Judea and Samaria since Oct. 7.

    So next time you hear about an operation in the territories, think what it is for... _ 1,300-plus terror attacks in Judea and Samaria since Oct. 7. Palestinian in the disputed territories have stepped up their efforts to kill Israelis. Palestinians rally in Hebron in support of Hamas...
  21. Sayaras

    Palestinian weapons: UNRWA or hospitals? [Racist Baby killers]

    What do you think is the favorite location by Arab palestinian terrorists to store weapons and/or fire from? THE RACIST MURDERING OF ITS PEOPLE FOR THE SAKE OF DEMONIZING ISRAEL ‘Hamas wants to use people as human shields’, says White House National Security spokesperson. Matt Frei, 13 Oct...
  22. FDR_Reagan

    Qatari media calls on Muslims to wage Jihad, restore Islamic rule (al jazeera's boss)

    The Qataris play it both: "mediators" and incite jihadism on the other hand. Poem In Qatari ‘Al-Sharq’ Daily Calls On Gazans, Muslims To Wage Jihad And Restore Islamic Rule Throughout The World. On November 25, 2023, against the backdrop of the Qatar-brokered .... The poet also addresses...
  23. Sayaras

    Weapons in tedy bear - More Palestinian crimes on its kids

    Here is more why their people die: Weapons in Teddy bear ... And more human shields...
  24. FDR_Reagan

    Racist Refaat Alameer: Hitler peacemaker like Rabin; can't tell my child who created the J-s; most J-s are evil; baby in oven Oct 7 - baking powder?

    I have seen some "eulogies" yontjis terrible facsist. Let'ss recap: 2006/7 His daughter is about 5. He can't answer his daughter's question, he claims, 'who created the Jews.' [*] Nov 16, 2012: Refaat Alareer: "most Jews are [Alareer wrote] evil." [*] [*] Sep 25, 2020: Hitler was...
  25. Sayaras

    Watch the coward losers "Palestinian" butchers move like pests ..

    Watch the coward losers "Palestinian" butchers move like pests ... This was captured by a Hamas "Gaza Health ministry" terrorist - eliminated by the good guys
  26. FDR_Reagan

    Only 'Palestinian' leaders seek their people's death

    This pride remids us of the broader aick pride of Oct 7 atrocites by most regular Palestinian Arabs "innocent civilians" _ Hamas is “proud” to “sacrifice” Gazan civilians Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Dec 7, 2023 Hamas leader Mashaal unconcerned about Palestinian deaths: “There is...
  27. Sayaras

    Young voters prefer Trump to handle "Palestinian" problem...

    Just when I thought young voters wanted a less pro Israel... Young Voters Sour on Biden, Prefer Trump to Handle Israel-Hamas War in Latest Harvard IOP Youth Poll. By Thomas J. Mete, Crimson Staff Writer. Dec 6, 2023
  28. FDR_Reagan

    More pallywood victim card fake-Plastinians (not just Sulaiman_Ahmed)

    The point is that it is not about random cases. But a STRATEGY Mom I OK, it's just for the cameras This one is typical. Look also how they push kids at soldiers
  29. FDR_Reagan

    Now, UN's chief with-a-vengeance like racist Arab Omar Shakir 'bigot with a vengeance'?

    The following is an interesting take. But it shows also a never ending cycle of Israelophobia ___ Remember longtime anti-israel activist Omar Shakir, since at least 2010 as he called for the extinction of the State of Israel , who was expelled from Israel on 2019 and three years later...
  30. Sayaras

    More violent palestinian-Arab attacks on Israelis ("settlers")

    Will Biden dennounce and or act on non Israeli violence? Palestinian rioters clash with Israeli shepherds in Samaria,” Israel National News, December 3, 2023: A violent confrontation broke out between Palestinian Authority Arabs and Israelis in a farm near the Samaria town of Havot Yair...

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