
  1. Pastelli

    Posing as Palestinian Oct/7 butcher's mom: "he only slaughtered white babies" - Harvard admissions officer: “You have any other admission questions?"

    Entire conversation is real. In prank, Harvard called by mother of enrolling Hamas terrorist Clip features admissions officer seemingly unfazed by woman asking whether son's participation in Oct. 7 massacre will improve his chances of getting into elite school By TOI STAFF, 15 November 2023...
  2. Pastelli

    She was gang-raped, then executed’: Testimonies from Oct. 7 (More from "Palestinian-freedom-fighters" atrocities

    The Israel Police questioned perpetrators and interviewed victims and others, shedding light on the sadistic nature of the Islamic terrorists. A month has passed since the Oct. 7 massacre in which Hamas terrorists slaughtered some 1,400 Israeli residents, but the shocking testimonies are only...
  3. Pastelli

    Harvard University President Condemns racist Arab supremamcy: ‘From the River to the Sea’ Chant (Ethnic cleansing)

    “Harvard University President Condemns Anti-Israel ‘From the River to the Sea’ Chant,” November 10, 2023 __ Rashida is a liar. Why? Because the chant “From the river to the sea” is...
  4. Pastelli

    These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration. (Islamist genocide)

    These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration. Comment: Don't expect racisTrashida or Hamas-linked...
  5. Pastelli

    Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the truck

    Exclusive documentation: Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the trucks for use by the terrorist organization (From KAN) Nov 12, 2023 __ Comment, any chance "pro palestine" loons...
  6. Pastelli

    'Plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials' by Global domination seekers: Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran

    Just aired: Iran plots to harm dissidents and former U.S. government officials | 60 Minutes CBS News Iranian dissidents say they face intimidation, abductions, assassination attempts around the world ___ Comment, it's strange that Putin doesn't realize the Islamic domination aim of the...
  7. Pastelli

    Filthinian rich Hamas bosses / butchers

    'Hamas billionaires: Lifestyles of the rich and terrorists.' Eric Shawn, Fox News, November 8, 2023. Excerpt: Hamas bosses Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are worth an estimated $4 billion each, and political bureau leader Mousa Abu Marzouk is worth $3 billion…. Photos show Hamas leader...
  8. Pastelli

    Copy of “Mein Kampf” found in children's bedroom in Gaza - a base used for terror activities by "Palestinian" fascist Hamas regime

    Pic Excerpt: Herzog: Copy of “Mein Kampf” found in children's bedroom in north Gaza. In an interview with the BBC, Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed that Israeli security forces had discovered an Arabic copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf in a children's bedroom of a civilian home in northern...
  9. Pastelli

    Islamic lobby CAIR asks Biden to demand Israel release Hitlerist Ahed Tamimi

    The Arab "Palestinian" star Ahed Tamimi who posted: 'We will drink your blood; what Hitler did to you was a joke' and was arrested on Nov 6 for incitement to terror, has CAIR advocating Biden for her release...
  10. Pastelli

    More gruesome testimonies of the barbaric Islamofascist "Palestinian" Oct/7 attack

    One "was gang-raped, then executed." “I saw them forcing her to bend forward and then someone rape her,” the testimony (of a young woman who hid with her boyfriend in a shelter, where she witnessed the rape and murder of another Israeli woman) reads: “They were dressed in olive-toned fatigues...
  11. Pastelli

    Does giving land for the Arab "Palestinians" bring "peace?"

    For those that don't know, giving away Gush Katif in 2005.. brought about Islamists rise - Hamas Jihado-Fascist regime later on. __...
  12. Pastelli

    Preferential Treatment, Favoritism for Arabs / Muslims against Jews in Democratic multi-ethnic Israel VS "apartheid" slur - lie

    PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT, FAVORITISM FOR ARABS / MUSLIMS AGAINST JEWS IN ISRAEL VS APARTHEID LIE Includes: Favoritism to Arabs over Jews – discriminatory in: Academia Employment Approaches to Jewish vs Muslim holidays / customs. Court cases Evacuating illegal posts Land issues as a whole...
  13. Pastelli

    David' Israel vs 'Goliath' Israelophobia (factors)

    'David' Israel vs 'Goliath' Israelophobia Five factors in current aggressive Israelophobia spilling towards genocidal anti-Jewish : * Ignorance. (Note also how ignorants avoid talking about Arab supremacists anti-Jewish massacres before 1947). * Youths being influenced by a fake-info clip on...
  14. Pastelli

    [Genocidal death cult of Palestinian war crimes] 'UNRWA school celebrates Hamas's 'jihad warriors' in Gaza - report

    UNRWA school celebrates Hamas's 'jihad warriors' in Gaza - report By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: NOVEMBER 8, 2023 An UNRWA school in the West Bank posted a video of students celebrating Jihad against Jews, as several October 7 terrorists were found to have graduated from UNRWA schools in...
  15. Pastelli

    Chilling survivor testimony: Hamas terrorists used mass rape as weapon of war (rape jihad by Islamofascists "Palestine" branch) Chilling survivor testimony: Hamas terrorists used mass rape as weapon of war. Excerpt : Police collect 700 testimonies from survivors of October 7 massacre, 50,000 videos from attack in biggest investigation in Israeli history...One massacre...
  16. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  17. HaShev

    Movie Analogy- Another study on behavior emulations

    Regarding the choices of Palestinians to have a severe vendetta and hate for Israel more then they love their own families and life itself. A vendetta theme comedy movie comes to mind called "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" Starring: Martin Lawrence (victimizer)and Danny DeVito (the...
  18. Robert Urbanek

    A different two-state solution

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict might be resolved by the creation of two states: Israel, incorporating the Golan Heights and the West Bank, and a separate Palestinian Gaza. Palestinians within the West Bank would become full citizens of Israel. Minus Gaza, Jews would still be a majority in the...
  19. deanrd

    Top Trump Mideast peace envoy to step down

    Top Trump Mideast peace envoy to step down "It has been the honor of a lifetime to have worked in the White House for over two and a half years under the leadership of President Trump. I am incredibly grateful to have been part of a team that drafted a vision for peace. This vision has the...
  20. L

    The PLO will no longer recognise Israel

    PLO announces will no longer recognize the State of Israel So the PLO finally admits to what has always been true. The palestinians, lead by Hamas and the PLO, have no interest in a Jewish state or co-existence. They rejected their state in 1948 and now suddenly claim that the pre-1967 border...
  21. Ecocertifmrl

    The absurdity of the propagandists.

    Just yesterday someone here made a ridiculous remark about how the Israelis "stand ready to protect their country" and to shoot muslim kids on their way to school. It is absurd - the whole world knows about the way Israel treats the Palestinians. Think what a first class conspiracy it would be...
  22. Ecocertifmrl

    Hamas or Palestinians or Hamas?

    I just wanted to say to everyone that Hamas as a terrorist organisation and/or as a political party and their wishes and goals are not automatically connected or in line with the Palestinian people and their wishes and goals. There are Palestinians who do not belong to Hamas but share their...
  23. American_Jihad

    Israel’s Anti-Israel Elites and Their Hatred of Israelis

    I don't know, if the left don't like the thread it will be moved... Israel’s Anti-Israel Elites and Their Hatred of Israelis The truly sick society is that of the left. May 10, 2016 Daniel Greenfield ... But that’s not the sort of rhetoric that Israel’s elites are worried about. Instead...
  24. citizenal

    Muslims Are People too!

    Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to...

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