
  1. deanrd

    What is left in the Donald Trump/Vladimir Putin CHECK LIST?

    So suppose Trump really does work for Vladimir Putin. And Putin gave Trump a "Check List" of things he wants done. So what is left to do on that speculative "Check List". We can start with what Trump and the Republicans have already "accomplished": 1. Trump has divided the nation. CHECK 2...
  2. deanrd

    Wow! What Hillary said! Trump is "Putin's Puppet". And time will only prove her right!

    Secrets handed over to Russia by Trump in the Oval Office. Trump defending Russian interference in our election. Trump defending Russian Oligarchs. Trump removing sanctions. Trump lying. And Hillary told Trump he would be Putin's Puppets. Turns out, she was right. Watch Trump lie. Right...
  3. deanrd

    Did we win the "Cold War" only to lose it with the election of Donald Trump?

    Did we? It was because of NATO that we won the Cold War. Now that Trump wants to turn NATO into a Mafia Style "Pay for Protection" scheme and Trump is threatening to kick countries out of NATO that won't pay, is NATO over? Did we lose the Cold War to Russia. Clearly, Trump works for Russia...
  4. The Original Tree

    Was Barak Hussein Obama Already Owned By Russia During His Debate With Romney?

    Let's review: Made a joke about the threat of Russia to America's Security Interests In a Hot Mic moment made a promise to work a back room deal with Putin Gave a Iran, A Terrorist State, $150 Billion to buy Russian Missile technology and Uranium Centrifuges Gutted our military Fired...
  5. The Original Tree

    Bob Mueller's 10,000 lb Elephant in The Room: The Dirty Dossier.

    What is your opinion on Clinton and Obama paying Russia for 'Dirt on Trump" which they received from Skirpal (RUS) and Steele (GBR) (Foreign Intelligence Agents), and then The FBI and DOJ knowingly taking Russian Propaganda that they knew was false, used it to file false affidavits in a FISA...
  6. deanrd

    Did Russia order Trump to tell Israel to stop the sale of jets to Croatia?

    Israel apologizes to Croatia for failure of F-16 deal Israel fighter jet sale to Croatia fails after US objections ZAGREB, Croatia — Israel has failed to overcome U.S. objections to its plan to sell 12 used fighter jets to Croatia and the $500 million deal will likely be canceled, Croatia’s...
  7. deanrd

    Remember when Trump shoved the leader of Montenegro? Everyone asked: What was that about?

    Anyone watching Rachel Maddow? Apparently, two weeks into to his administration, the Trump administration asked if Poland was about to invade Belarus. Somehow, someone put into Trump's mind that Poland was about to invade Belarus. The only person in the entire world who ever made such a claim...
  8. deanrd

    Chuck and Nancy dismantled Donald. Imagine what Vladimir did?

    Donald Trump brought the press into a meeting where he thought he was going to run over Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. But no matter how much a liar tries, he can’t beat people telling the truth. Not in the long run. So if Donald Trump was easily manhandled by Nancy Pelosi, I can only...
  9. Litwin

    Pro-"Russia" Social Media Takes Aim at Macron as Yellow Vests Rage

    so putler did again, this time he attacks oldest USA ally, whats gonna Trump this time ? which side he will take? " Pro-"Russia" Social Media Takes Aim at Macron as Yellow Vests Rage Among 600 Twitter accounts known to promote Kremlin views, the top hashtag now is #giletsjaunes, the French...
  10. deanrd

    Definition of 'Foreign Corrupt Practices Act' ---- Dear Mafia Don, are you paying attention?

    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act In 2018, Panasonic agreed to pay more than $143 million for charges stemming from violations of the act. According to the SEC, Panasonic offered a well-paying position to a government official with a state-owned airline in exchange for assistance securing business...
  11. deanrd

    You do understand why Trump and his wife were invited to George H.W. Bush's funeral? Don't you?

    Of course, it would have been easier to just not invite Mafia Don who is under criminal investigation. But the Bush family went the high road and invited Trump and his immigrant wife. They may have invited Trump as a sign of respect to the Office of the President, but that's not how Trump or...
  12. deanrd

    House of trump: house of Putin by Craig Unger

    https://www.amazon.com/House-Trump-Putin-Untold-Russian/dp/152474350X&tag=ff0d01-20 It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United...
  13. deanrd

    Russian Official Linked to Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Trump Tower Lawyer, Is DEAD

    Russian Official Linked to Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Trump Tower Lawyer, Is Dead A Russian official accused of directing the foreign operations of Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who met senior Trump campaign officials in 2016, has plummeted to his death in a helicopter crash. It is not...
  14. deanrd

    Kellyanne Conway called her husband's criticism of the president "disrespectful" to her

    George Conway rips Trump over tweet about Obama's '57 states' gaffe George Conway, a conservative lawyer, criticized Trump for mocking Obama for a 2008 gaffe in which he mistakenly said he visited "57 states" during his first presidential run. "When President Obama said that he has been to '57...
  15. deanrd

    Does Putin think Trump will protect Russia no matter how much more they interfere?

    We are already seeing signs of more Russian interference. Has Trump been told by Putin to ignore any and all Russian involvement in the mid terms?
  16. deanrd

    White House caught altering video and transcripts. This time, it's the Putin/Trump press conference

    White House Transcript Omits Key Putin–Trump Moment This is the section that was altered: Reuters reporter Jeff Mason ask a bombshell of a question: “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?” Putin then...
  17. deanrd

    How will Republicans be able to escape the charge of complicity with Russia and Putin?

    As Trump Struggles With Helsinki’s Fallout, Congress Faces a New Charge: Complicity WASHINGTON — In the nearly two years since Russia attacked the American democratic process, congressional Republicans have played conflicting roles in the drama: Some have pressed to impose sanctions on Russia...
  18. D

    Trump Putin Meeting-Read Caroline Glick

    Every American should read Caroline Glick's column about the Trump Putin meeting if you want to know what really happened. This truly was three dimension chess. Caroline Glick: Trump Was the Big Winner at Helsinki Summit | Breitbart
  19. deanrd

    White House cybersecurity coordinator position eliminated

    White House cybersecurity coordinator position eliminated You wanna bet Putin gave Trump orders to get rid of him? What do you think of that? The White House without a cyber security expert in charge of cyber security?
  20. Fort Fun Indiana

    Trump keeps digging, doubles down on Putin's denial

    Today Trump was asked if the Russians are still targeting the US with attacks. He said, "no", contrary to his own intelligence community. At best, he bases his answer completely on Putin's denial. Fascinating....
  21. deanrd

    Russian military eager to carry out plans Trump and Putin agreed to at secret meeting.

    Understanding the Syria moment at the Trump-Putin news conference Russian military offers to cooperate with US in Syria Russia's Defense Ministry says it's ready to boost cooperation with the U.S. military in Syria, following talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President...
  22. deanrd

    You're a foreign country. Trump is president. Would you share classified material with the US?

    Knowing what Trump thinks of our intelligence community. Knowing that Trump already gave away classified material to Russia in the Oval Office. Material that came from Israel. Knowing that Trump invited Russian spies to come and work with our intelligence agencies. Knowing that Trump was...
  23. deanrd

    Trump is going to give a press conference in a little while. What do you think he'll say?

    What do you think he'll say? Fake news? I didn't say that? Putin really is our friend? Will he triple down or just lie?
  24. Cellblock2429

    Looks like the Muller Investigation is done. Stick a fork in it.

    Rosenstein made a remark at his big press conference. The Justice Department will now ‘transition responsibility for this case to our Department’s National Security Division while we await the apprehension of the defendants.'” Well, there isn’t going to be any apprehension of the defendants...
  25. Cellblock2429

    Looks like the Muller Investigation is done. Stick a fork in it.

    Rosenstein made a remark at his big press conference. The Justice Department will now ‘transition responsibility for this case to our Department’s National Security Division while we await the apprehension of the defendants.'” Well, there isn’t going to be any apprehension of the defendants...
  26. deanrd

    Will Trump order our Intel Agencies to show Russia how they gather intel?

    Now that Putin says "let's share", will Trump order our intel agencies to "share"? Is there a limit to how far Trump is willing to go to compromise National Security?
  27. Nosmo King

    Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

    Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did? Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in...
  28. deanrd

    They are about to begin a Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump joint press conference.

    You have to wonder if the collusion questions will be asked? Will some reporters die after this press conference? Will Donald Trump pledge his undying love for Vladimir Putin? Will Trump smear NATO members? Will Trump call our free press "fake"? I just can't wait!
  29. deanrd

    Russia hails 'partner' Trump ahead of summit: Kremlin

    Russia hails 'partner' Trump ahead of summit: Kremlin The Kremlin hailed US President Donald Trump as a "partner" on Friday ahead of his first summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Since coming to power last year, Trump has sought to improve relations with Putin. This isn't...
  30. Ecocertifmrl

    Trump and Putin going to meet in Finland on Sunday

    It's a farce, a circus. What are they meeting for? What are they actually have got to talk about?:auiqs.jpg: Who is this coming show for ? The americans? Europe? Russia? Their own amusement? Wft......:banana::banana::banana: Who wants to guess the shitload all media will be booming on...

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