
  1. Litwin

    The chemical brothers: Putin and Assad

    My questions, for how long can Putin keep supporting Iran and Alawites in "Syria"? what Israeli think about Putin´s support of Hezbollah and cooperation with Iran? "This week the world witnessed yet another chemical attack in Syria. After horrendous footage from Khan Sheikhoun showed...
  2. Litwin


    Of cos its a lie and BS.ru but still "5 billion views on YouTube" are a lot (Guys do you have so many UFO -SorosIlluminati turds?) .... do you guys still think that Kremlin kleptocracy has nothing to do with USA, and the last attacks on the USA election? " MOSCOW, SEPTEMBER 6, 2017-...
  3. Litwin

    Muscovite Catherine "the Great" died attempting to engage in sexual intercourse with a horse

    what do you think about morality of Muscovite rulers (khans), Putin, Koba, Lenin, Ivan the Terrible, etc.? "Catherine the Great was a woman of unbridled sexual passion, ....And one unsavory rumor has it that her sexual habits killed her. That is, her supposed passion for horse dick. According...
  4. cnelsen

    The essential difference between how liberals and conservatives see the world.

    (btw, mods, I created this graphic so no need to censor it) Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own.
  5. Eloy

    There are no gay men in Chechnya

    During an interview on HBO, Chechen strongman leader Ramzan Kadyrov denied the existence of gay men in his country. In case some homosexuals should have slipped through the net, Mr Kadyrov advised transporting them to Canada. “Take them far from us so we don’t have them at home. To purify our...
  6. cnelsen

    Here's what you need to know about the Magnitsky Act

    Everyone will be shocked to learn (((who))) is behind the The Magnitsky Act currently causing so much turmoil. Here is what happened as I understand it: In the wake of the break up of the Soviet Union there was a feeding frenzy of unscrupulous kleptocrats on state assets which could be had for...
  7. The Original Tree

    Muh Hillary! Muh Putin! <3

    Trump is Putin's biggest nightmare right now. Trump always has been and is his own man. You could not give Trump $125 Million to sell out his country and give our Uranium away. He would take a $125 Million to build you a skyscraper, and that's ok with me so long as it's on the up and up...
  8. The Original Tree

    Will Mueller End This Farce & Investigate The Obama Regime?

    Apparently The DNC, Hillary Clinton, The DOJ, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, The FBI, McCabe, and Barak Obama were all conspiring to MANUFACTURE "Russian Collusion" that did not exist and at THE SAME TIME, were engaging in Obstruction of Justice to keep Clinton in The Election, as well...
  9. The Original Tree

    Exposing The Subversive Coup Of The Leftist Marxists

    Thinking people who pay attention regardless of political persuasions or their background or their beliefs, education or income, already know that America is currently UNDER SIEGE and is enduring what can only be described as a Soft Coup. I think there are still good people on THE LEFT, who...
  10. cnelsen

    What Trump could learn from Putin

    Putin has revived the concept of the "symphony of church and state" in Russia. That's why--explicitly why--George Soros has been pushing the West to declare war on Russia, if you can believe that blood-thirsty, venomous bucket of pig vomit.
  11. AsianTrumpSupporter

    After Alex Jones exposed Megyn Kelly, her downward spiral continues via horrible ratings

    Another Terrible Review for 'Poseur' Megyn Kelly: ‘Shallow’ Talent Lacks ‘Acumen’ & ‘Magnetism’ - Breitbart Another day, another terrible review for NBC News talent Megyn Kelly in the establishment media. The Boston Globe’s television critic Matthew Gilbert ripped Kelly for lacking both the...
  12. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Pinko Schumer threatens to block Trump's FBI director pick despite lacking votes to do so

    U.S. Senate Democrats may refuse to vote on Trump FBI pick: Schumer The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate said on Sunday that Democrats would consider refusing to vote on a new FBI director until a special prosecutor is named to investigate President Donald Trump’s potential ties to Russia...
  13. cnelsen

    How Putin could reorder the world in one move

    As genocide against the white minority in South Africa looms, Putin should move aircraft carriers off the coast of South Africa and warn the black ingrates in no uncertain terms that violence against whites is over in that country they are destroying. If they don't comply, hit the black...
  14. M

    USA off the list now?

    Napoleon tried to take over Europe one enemy at a time so they'd be all over the place - the same way Putin has scattered his bribed and blackmailed and murdered old friends all over. With Trump he took USA off the list. Now all there's to do is to wait and see if someone will get rid of him...
  15. Cellblock2429

    WRONG AGAIN: Rice touted Obama administration's 'success' in removing Syrian WMDs months before atta

    Susan Rice and other former Obama administration officials are taking heat for past claims that their 2013 Syria agreement successfully led to the Assad regime purging its entire chemical weapons stockpile -- in the wake of this week's alleged sarin gas attack. On Thursday, President Trump...
  16. AsianTrumpSupporter

    I thought Trump was Putin's puppet. Why would Trump bomb Syria?

    Just who is the real puppet of Putin? Also, will be getting the Trump Russian hooker pee video liberals hyped for months now that Trump has defied Putin?
  17. M

    BBC ignored 100,000 people on anti-Brexit march

    BBC under fire for 'lack of coverage' of pro-EU march They first only wrote about the silence the people kept for the terror strike victims then changed the headline to thousands take to streets in anti-Brexit London march. Who paid for it? Putin? Trump? Or Putin? Or maybe Trump? I don't...
  18. Cellblock2429

    Sen Schumer needs to be put under oath to explain this meeting with Putin

    What plans were they making to throw the election?
  19. Y

    Putin provided Russian hookers to Trump and filmed it.

    It´s fun. Putin provided Russian hookers to Trump and filmed it. Then are Putin blackmailing Trump. Trump begin to lie so he belives himself.
  20. midcan5

    The Greatest Inauguration of all Time

    FNI has confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt or any doubt at all that the inauguration of Donald J Trump will be the greatest, most wonderful, most splendid, and most likely miraculous event in all of history even surpassing Roman Emperors. Dignitaries will appear on a massive jumbotron...
  21. Eloy

    Putin aims to Divide and Conquer

    Vladimir Putin learned well as he trained to be a KGB agent how to find a weakness in his opponents and exploit it. An example is how he is managing the European Union parts of which rely on Russia for energy, such as Germany. He knows Germany and the Germans well, having been a secret agent in...
  22. MindWars

    Developing: Kremlin says almost all communication channels with U.S. frozen

    DEVELOPING: Kremlin says almost all communication channels with U.S. are frozen The Kremlin said on Wednesday it did not expect the incoming U.S. administration to reject NATO enlargement overnight and that almost all communications channels between Russia and the United States were frozen, the...
  23. MindWars

    Report: Obama threatened Putin with war over election hacking conspiracy theory

    Report: Obama Threatened Putin With WAR Over Election Hacking Conspiracy Theory President used emergency 'red phone' system to say 'armed conflict' could ensue Take this one with a pinch of salt, because it comes from the fake mainstream media, but NBC reported earlier this week that outgoing...
  24. MindWars

    Death of a Diplomat and World War III

    Death of a Diplomat and World War III | Clarion Project What are the global implications after the assassination of Russia’s man in Ankara on December 19? Meira Svirsky reports. Scare mongers predicting World War III after a Turkish policeman assassinated the Russian ambassador to Ankara can...
  25. SYTFE

    Trump Caught in a HUGE Lie About His Relationship With Putin

    Congratulations America, you've elected a pathological liar for president.
  26. MindWars

    Putin says he is prepared to meet President Elect Donald Trump at anytime

    Putin Ready to Meet Trump ‘At Any Moment’ Russian President Vladimir Putin says he is prepared to meet President-elect Donald Trump at any time. When asked by journalists about the possibility of arranging a meeting with Trump, Putin said “we are ready at any moment. There are no problems from...
  27. MindWars

    Putin has just placed Hillary Clinton on the TERROR watch list.

    BREAKING: PUTIN HAS JUST PLACED HILLARY CLINTON ON TERROR WATCHLIST Prior to the presidential election, Vladimir Putin and Russia indicated for many months that they believed Hillary Clinton posed a threat so severe that the safety of every Nation would be at risk had she won the presidency...
  28. Divine Wind

    Russian hacking is the real scandal

    While it's clearly an impossible task for our alt-right and alt-left members to see things with an open mind, despite the pom-poms Albright dances around this article is, IMHO, excellent and does, indeed, point out a very serious problem facing our nation. Regardless of who wins next week or...
  29. Eloy

    Why Putin is for Trump

    We cannot tell whether the Russians have something to do with Wikileaks or emails being hacked. Yes, it is true that Donald Trump expressed a wish for this and so it happened but this could be a coincidence. Furthermore, we should have a higher standard than an unsupported claim by Hillary...
  30. Mousterian

    Ex-Putin adviser's death in Washington hotel an 'accident'

    Yeah, right.... Ex-Putin adviser's death in Washington hotel an 'accident' - BBC News

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