trump 2020

  1. MarcChamot

    NYT’s Bruni: Biden Failed, ‘Fretting’ No Dem Can Beat Donald Trump

    Trump has exposed the democrat's buffoonery and racial, communist lunacies in front of the entire nation. You don't get it do you? He just divided the democratic party among racial lines. Blacks won't vote for white dems and whites won't vote for black dems. And voters that really matter. The...
  2. The Original Tree

    From Fundamentally Changing America to "Structural Change" its all THE SAME!

    Is anyone, like I am tired of The Democrat Party telling you America isn't good enough for them? Are you tired of them telling you they need to overhaul America, despite the fact it's the most successful Democratic Republic in The World's History? They want to get rid of The Electoral College...
  3. midcan5

    'How White People Got Made'

    'This is no accident, no coincidence, because the making of black and white was the making of the world we know now.' The hard question for me is how and why white people allow themselves to be so obsessed with race to the point it can be used to manipulate them, control them, keep them...
  4. The Original Tree

    Mueller asking Barr and DOJ to Bail Him Out of Democrat Dog & Pony Show

    Why do I find this simply delightful and gratifying? This is going to send the unhinged hate filled Left in to a temper tantrum!!! This is their last Hail Mary attempt to try to push the false Russian Collusion Narrative and try to distract The American Public from The Crimes The DNC, Obama &...
  5. mudwhistle

    Video Of Rashida Tlaib Forcably Removed From Trump Event Going Viral

    This isn't the way a member of Congress should act. This video is going's all over Twitter. It's a video of Rashida Tlaib losing her shit during a Republican conference. Aaron Leuer on Twitter Video Goes Viral of Rep. Tlaib Losing It at 2016 Trump Event: 'You Guys Are Crazy!' By...
  6. Conservative American

    Trump’s Support CLIMBS Among GOP After Tweets Targeting ‘Radical Dems’ - (Thedailywake)

    President Trump’s approval rating rose among Republican voters this week; jumping 5% after he targeted four Democratic Congresswoman on social media saying they “hate our country.” “Support for U.S. President Donald Trump increased slightly among Republicans after he lashed out on Twitter over...
  7. Conservative American

    Jim Acosta OBLITERATED By Trump After He Said This

    Acosta asked “And what is it with your coziness with some of these dictators and autocrats at these summits?” He also asked “With Mohammad Bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, when you were asked about the case of Jamal Khashoggi, you did not respond to that question in front of the...
  8. The Original Tree

    Illegal Immigrant Truck Driver Kills 7 Veteran Marine Bikers

    Left Tards won’t even mention this tonight at The Democrat Infomercial as they get lobbed softball after softball and talk about feelings and emotions instead of The Law and Solutions to Problems They Created. Truck driver accused of killing 7 bikers was immigrant who should have been deported...
  9. H

    Circumventing the electoral college won't prevent Trump from winning in 2020...

    The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted by 15 jurisdictions possessing 189 electoral votes, including 5 small jurisdictions (RI, VT, HI, DC, DE), 6 medium- size states (MD, MA, NM, WA, CT, CO), and four big states (NJ, IL, NY, CA). Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by...
  10. Justin Richardson

    Joe "The Hypocrite" Biden

    Wasn't it Senator Joe Biden that voted in 1975 to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship? But then forty-four years later, Biden trashes Trump about Charlottesville, Virginia. The president’s remarks Friday also appeared to bolster Biden’s argument the day before. Biden, in making his 2020...
  11. Justin Richardson

    And There Was Twenty-five

    It seems that the evergrowing list of Democrats running for President in 2020 seems to get longer by the week. We are up to now 25! That isn't even including Joe Biden (yet). And I may just add....not one doesn't seem potential enough to go up against Trump. The only reason why they are even...
  12. The Original Tree

    The Democrat Party Fatally Shot Themselves in The Foot for 2020 by Gambling on Russian Roullete

    Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate. As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work...

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