trump 2020

  1. The Original Tree

    Stone will probably get a new trial or win on appeal

    He was railroaded. The Judge did not follow the guidelines for jury selection and was also personally biased against Stone. The Raid on his home tainted The Case from The Beginning, and the Prosecutors also did not follow sentencing guidelines. The Gag order on Stone may also have been...
  2. The Original Tree

    All Midgets End up As Hitler

    Something struck me about The Sanders Campaign, and well just about everyone running in The Democrat Party, really more appropriately named The DemNazi Party. They are all Midgets, and their policies are Tyrannical. Every Dem Candidate is a Socialist, and essentially all run the same platform...
  3. The Original Tree

    It's not about Proof, or Truth, or even about Impeachment

    To Paraphrase Nancy Pelosi's Soviet Union styled Quote: "It's not about Truth, or Proof, It's about The Accusations!"..... I'd say I have to agree. But I will take it one step further. It's not about The Accusations or even Impeachment. It's about more than just President Trump! It's about...
  4. MAGAman

    NO Recession in 2020. Democrats hardest hit.

    Remember When 2020 Was Supposed To Be A Recession Year? America Winning=Democrats Losing. But it never had to be this way.
  5. The Original Tree

    Pelosi handing out Souvenirs After Impeachment Vote.

    For such a grave and urgent matter of National Security that she held on to the articles for a month as she smirked when she gaveled them, we now find out how fake and how contemptible she really is. It was smiles slaps on the back and free flowing liquor and laughter for The Pelosi Gang. So...
  6. The Original Tree

    Two Term Donnie

    Yes, you spawn of Satan, you Children of Hell...... Donald J. Trump will be your president for another 5 years. Bank it, book it. Those who live by cheating, lying, scamming and scheming will die by cheating, lying, scamming & cheating. America is on to you. America doesn't like you, and...
  7. The Original Tree

    Hunter Biden Paid $100,000 a Year by MNBA

    Hunter Biden got paid $100,000 a year to NOT SHOW UP FOR WORK at MNBA for a long time After he had left the company in a Cocaine induced stupor. Excellent break down below. MBNA paid Hunter as Joe Biden backed bill
  8. The Original Tree

    Nancy Pelosi may be removed as House Speaker

    Hearing Rumblings in The Democrat Party that There is going to be a Mutiny on the HHS Pelosi and have her removed as Speaker over her ill fated decision to go forward with Impeachment. It is a moot point as The President is going to be elected again, and The GOP most likely will take back The...
  9. The Original Tree

    Another Dem comes out against Impeachment Today.

    This is gaining more and more momentum as Sensible Democrats are realizing NANCY PELOSI played them when she cajoled them in to at least voting for The Inquiry while she lied through her dentures & promised it would be fair and bi-partisan and was nothing of the sort and represented an ABUSE OF...
  10. The Original Tree

    Another Reason The Fearful Dems MUST IMPEACH TRUMP!

    Climate Change Talks, otherwise called, Fasicists on Steroids who want Forced Income Redistribution, just failed in Madrid. Greta the child god also decided she needed to take a break from her "Climate Activism" which I prefer to call CHILD ABUSE. The Next Climate Change Talks are in....wait...
  11. The Original Tree

    Democrat Opposition To Pelosi's Impeachment Growing

    The Week started out with 10 Democrats signing an official letter and sending it to Pelosi that she drop impeachment, and instead settle for a Censure of The President. Then things got heated for numerous Democrats when they went home, with their phone lines being blown up, offices inundated...
  12. The Original Tree

    10 Democrats Protesting Impeachment

    The Ranks Of Defectors from The DemNazi Radical Party are Growing as they realize The Party they Represent, does not represent them. We already have a Democrat Lawmaker so disgusted by Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler that he has vowed to join The GOP flipping one seat in The House, we have two...
  13. The Original Tree

    Presidents have THE RIGHT to With Hold Foreign Aide for ANY REASON

    Don't Let Schittler and Herr Gerry Nadler lie to you. The Executive Branch has the power to withhold and delay foreign aide and make it conditional or change the conditions. President Johnson did this very thing, and he did not ask Congress. He did ask them to evaluate the situatuion after...
  14. The Original Tree

    Obama Bin Lying: "Blankets & Hugs for Ukraine, & Crimea for Putin!"

    You want to boil this down to what this is all about? Obama was a scum bag and was a pawn and puppet of both Putin and Islamic Terrorists. Every action he took every dollar he spent, and every action he refused to take always benefited our enemies. The Record speaks for itself. Compare The...
  15. The Original Tree

    China Needs To Be Punished Severely

    Remove them from the WTO Isolate them and block their trading with The US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Remove them from the UN Their human rights abuses are off the charts, and they are engaged in Intellectual Property theft on a MASSIVE SCALE. It's time for them to pay the price for their...
  16. M

    Offical Impeachment Thread

    The Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty with Ukraine specifies that the designated officials of the two nations are the US Attorney General and the Ukraine Minister of Justice, (3.1.d.). The treaty binds those two offices--and so the usual rules in both nations, regarding those...
  17. The Original Tree

    Dirty Little Secret: Trump is earning more support by Democrat Voters

    Now we know why The DemNazis are so Hell Bent on stopping the 2020 Election. Voices from Democratic Counties Where Trump Won Big Among Donald Trump’s supporters, the real estate mogul’s victory was akin to a revolution, a mandate delivered en masse by working class voters sidelined in the...
  18. The Original Tree

    Obama-Biden's-Soros "DO NOT PROSECUTE" List in The Ukraine

    Once again, Hilarity Ensues as we discover another one of Adam Shit Face's Prize Witnesses is again a Schill for The Obama Administration, and is a bought and paid for Corrupt Official, CIA Operative or otherwise Scummy Human Being with a White Washed Veneer of "PURITY". Underneath that veneer...
  19. The Original Tree

    Evil Deeds are Always Done In The Dark!

    LET'S DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: Russian Propaganda secretly paid for by your Accusers. Secret Wiretapping used to spy on a Rival Political Campaign, ordered by a sitting President. Secret Warrants Secret Courts Secret Accusers Secret Accusations Secret Hearings Denials of Due Process Secret...
  20. The Original Tree

    Rod Rosenstein’s Wife & The CIA

    "Everyone should take the time to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important.” From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impaneled. Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”. Yet, from 2001 to...
  21. The Original Tree

    VenezuelaFornia: The DemNazi Vision for a Castrated America

    I was thinking about this the other day about how there is literally NOTHING MASCULINE about The Democrat Party. There is also nothing Honest, Virtuous, nor is there any Common Sense, to be found in The Leftist Pseudo=Relgious Dogma. It is also entirely devoid of Rational Thought and Empirical...
  22. The Original Tree

    Pence, Pompeo secure cease-fire agreement in Syria

    More Winning! For those idiots that think The US should police the entire world, and use our soldiers to fill pot holes and to always take care of other people's problems: Read it and weep You Globalist Marxist Cock Suckers. Putin Bot DemNazi War Hawks Lose AGAIN! No Dead $oldiers for...
  23. The Original Tree

    Kamikaze Politics

    For the last few years, I have tried to understand The New Democrat Party's approach to Win at All Cost Politics. It's not been easy, because most normal people would not sacrifice their families, their children, and their country just to gain political power and push an agenda. But Democrats...
  24. The Original Tree

    The "New" Democrat Party (Communists-Marxists) have tried to USURP every GOP President since Reagan

    It's kind of sad what has happened to The Party of JFK. I think this happened when Lyndon Johnson took the party over after JFK's assassination. I'd make the claim that The Democrat Party was always morally bankrupt, but if you think they had any virtue when their roots are in oppression, then...
  25. The Original Tree

    Brennan Traveled to The Ukraine with a Fake Identity to get "Dirt on Trump" for Obama & Clinton

    BOOM THERE IT IS! As has been the case for 3 years, The Democrats are EVIL Lying Seditious and Traitorous Scumbags who will stop at nothing to gain power, right down to launching a COUP, and Committing Treason. First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016, and then...
  26. The Original Tree

    Hunter Biden: Drug Addict - Ukrainian-Russian Puppet

    There is no other way to describe this disaster of a human being. Joe Biden pulled strings to get him in to a Navy position. Hunter Biden was given the boot over drug abuse. Joe Biden again pulled strings to get him a job with Burisma netting him between $50K to $80K a month, in addition...
  27. The Original Tree

    Buh Bye Biden!

    He’s Done! Adam Schiff buried him with his spy-mole stunt and subsequent disgusting behavior during a laughable hearing. Evidence is in how Dem Candidates react to questions about whether or not they’d let their son sit on the board of a Foreign company and get paid for...well nothing...
  28. The Original Tree

    DimTards Seeking Yet Another Special Counsel for a Fake Impeachment Queary

    Cracks me up to see the DemNazi DemTards loosing their shit again over their inability in a 24-7 365 Day a Year Effort to Rid themselves of The Orange Menace via Impeachment. Something tells me Nancy Pelosi, Schummer and Company are getting far fewer Bribes and Kickbacks these days. Even...
  29. The Original Tree

    Pelosi, Waters, Nadler and Schiff still sitting on the USMCA Trade Deal

    And you wonder why people think that The Current Dem Lead Congress is the worst this country has ever had. Still nothing done on immigration reform. Still nothing done on the USMCA trade deal. Trump asked for The Dems to help make it possible for people to purchase Health Insurance across...
  30. The Original Tree

    Trump - GOP May Sweep The 2020 Elections

    Well, America Woke up and decided they did not like being lied to for 3 years, and they liked it even less, when The Obama Government was in on the lie, colluded with The Media and Hollywood to Demonize a duly elected president, and seek to overturn the 2016 election through the use of Russian...

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