The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There is no other way to describe this disaster of a human being. Joe Biden pulled strings to get him in to a Navy position. Hunter Biden was given the boot over drug abuse. Joe Biden again pulled strings to get him a job with Burisma netting him between $50K to $80K a month, in addition helped him land a huge windfall from China of around $1 Billion dollars.

Burisma is run by The Ukrainian-Russian Mob. They were being investigated as was George Soros for Corruption. Once again, Joe Biden stepped in and abused his position applying an extortion pressure tactic on The Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Soros.

Both investigations were dropped immediately after the prosecutor was fired. Those are the facts. There is no spin here. Biden admitted to abuse of power and pulling strings for his son. Had this been Eric Trump or Don Jr. Adam Schiff, Schummer, and Pelosi would be using their subpoena cannon against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden right now, and had Trump ORDERED the MEDIA not to speak about Biden's corruption that would set off a fire storm in the Main Stream Media!

The Democrat Party is in a panic. Their COUP failed. Their Hoax Russian Collusion and Russian Propaganda did not produce the results intended as they were exposed. Their endless fishing expeditions netted no fish. Their system of Pay to Play and self enrichment through so called "public service" was further exposed through Hillary Clinton, but much of that too was swept under the rug by the very corrupt people The President was elected to remove from The Swamp. More criminal behavior is about to be exposed in the Democrat party, from FISA Abuse, to Espionage, to hiring foreign spies to attempt to entrap mere VOLUNTEERS, to leaking classified information to abuse of campaign finance.

This is why they are in a race to stop the 2020 election, and why they are desperate to circumvent The Constitution and deny We The People our voice in the 2020 election. It's a race between having their own corruption exposed and stopping Trump before he is re-elected and can expose even more of the corruption in Washington DC.

The Resistance is a Rebellion of a Corrupt System that relies on Graft, Bribery and Favors to enrich it's members. The Resistance is a Rebellion against Democracy and Justice, and The Rule of Law.

The Resistance is a trapped rat in a corner, and they know the end is near. So they lash out in a series of desperate attempts to extricate themselves from the traps they laid for others.

Death to The Resistance! Viva America, and Long Live Lady Liberty!

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Please, do NOT drag Russia into Bidens' case. They were, are and will be anti-Russian, everything Biden has been doing in Ukraine (besides his own crimes) was anti-Russian. They are puppets of Deep State and it's anti-Russian. Don't sound like Pelosi, who blames Russia for every Dems' fault.

Lavrov: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said today regarding the scandal over the telephone conversation between US President Trump and President of Ukraine Zelensky that she thinks Russia “has a hand in this.” I believe this is paranoia, very obviously so.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the High-Level Week of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019
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Please, do NOT drag Russia into Bidens' case. They were, are and will be anti-Russian, everything Biden has been doing in Ukraine (besides his own crimes) was anti-Russian. They are puppets of Deep State and it's anti-Russian. Don't sound like Pelosi, who blames Russia for every Dems' fault.

Lavrov: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said today regarding the scandal over the telephone conversation between US President Trump and President of Ukraine Zelensky that she thinks Russia “has a hand in this.” I believe this is paranoia, very obviously so.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the High-Level Week of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019
Burisma is ran by a corrupt Ukranian Oligarch who has ties to The Russian Mob.

How come you don't want to talk about Hunter Biden?

Why aren't you discussing why a Drug Addict who got kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse suddenly is given a position at a Ukranian Energy Company for $84,000 a month as a consultant in a business he knows nothing about?

Why did Joe Biden collude with The Ukraine to stop The Investigation of his son who was taking Russian Mafia money?
Please, do NOT drag Russia into Bidens' case. They were, are and will be anti-Russian, everything Biden has been doing in Ukraine (besides his own crimes) was anti-Russian. They are puppets of Deep State and it's anti-Russian. Don't sound like Pelosi, who blames Russia for every Dems' fault.

Lavrov: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said today regarding the scandal over the telephone conversation between US President Trump and President of Ukraine Zelensky that she thinks Russia “has a hand in this.” I believe this is paranoia, very obviously so.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the High-Level Week of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019
Burisma is ran by a corrupt Ukranian Oligarch who has ties to The Russian Mob.
Which Russian Mob?

BTW, Russian mob and Russian puppets are two different things. There are plenty people in Russia (mainly planted by West) who are anti-Russian and are Deep State puppets.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and can tell you for sure: everything there is anti-Russian after Obama/Soros 2014 coup. And it's a tragedy for our people.
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Democrats always accuse their opponents of doing what they do to provide cover for their own actions. The average Democrat is to stupid and brainwashed to notice or care.
Democrats always accuse their opponents of doing what they do to provide cover for their own actions. The average Democrat is to stupid and brainwashed to notice or care.
That's who is Dems' ideological leader:


Joseph Goebbels:

"The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. “

“The Americans and English fall easily for this kind of propaganda. “

Joseph Goebbels - Wikiquote

All ^ used by Dems.
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Democrats always accuse their opponents of doing what they do to provide cover for their own actions. The average Democrat is to stupid and brainwashed to notice or care.
That's who is Dems' ideological leader:

View attachment 282196

Joseph Goebbels:

"The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. “

“The Americans and English fall easily for this kind of propaganda. “

Joseph Goebbels - Wikiquote

All ^ used by Dems.
Heir Goebbels would be shocked to the core by what the democrat propaganda wing gets away with in America today.
Please, do NOT drag Russia into Bidens' case. They were, are and will be anti-Russian, everything Biden has been doing in Ukraine (besides his own crimes) was anti-Russian. They are puppets of Deep State and it's anti-Russian. Don't sound like Pelosi, who blames Russia for every Dems' fault.

Lavrov: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said today regarding the scandal over the telephone conversation between US President Trump and President of Ukraine Zelensky that she thinks Russia “has a hand in this.” I believe this is paranoia, very obviously so.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the High-Level Week of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019
Burisma is ran by a corrupt Ukranian Oligarch who has ties to The Russian Mob.
Which Russian Mob?

BTW, Russian mob and Russian puppets are two different things. There are plenty people in Russia (mainly planted by West) who are anti-Russian and are Deep State puppets.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and can tell you for sure: everything there is anti-Russian after Obama/Soros 2014 coup. And it's a tragedy for our people.
Which begs the question of why Biden had The Prosecutor fired in The Ukraine who was investigating both Hunter Biden and George Soros.
Democrats always accuse their opponents of doing what they do to provide cover for their own actions. The average Democrat is to stupid and brainwashed to notice or care.
That's who is Dems' ideological leader:

View attachment 282196

Joseph Goebbels:

"The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. “

“The Americans and English fall easily for this kind of propaganda. “

Joseph Goebbels - Wikiquote

All ^ used by Dems.
The DemNazis use 5 pieces of literature for their party platform and political strategies:

1.) Rules for Radicals, written by Satanist Saul Alinsky.

2.) The Communist Manifesto, written by Atheist-Communist-Socialist Karl Marx.

3.) 1984, written by George Orwell as a warning to Democracies about the threat of Socialism to Freedom.

4.) Mein Kampf, written by Adolph Hitler as a guide on how to gain control of a Democratic Society through Propaganda, and Fascism.

5.) The Koran, written by Muhammad's advisers (Muhammad was illiterate) as a guide to achieve political, military and social dominance in a region.
Please, do NOT drag Russia into Bidens' case. They were, are and will be anti-Russian, everything Biden has been doing in Ukraine (besides his own crimes) was anti-Russian. They are puppets of Deep State and it's anti-Russian. Don't sound like Pelosi, who blames Russia for every Dems' fault.

Lavrov: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said today regarding the scandal over the telephone conversation between US President Trump and President of Ukraine Zelensky that she thinks Russia “has a hand in this.” I believe this is paranoia, very obviously so.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the High-Level Week of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019
Burisma is ran by a corrupt Ukranian Oligarch who has ties to The Russian Mob.
Which Russian Mob?

BTW, Russian mob and Russian puppets are two different things. There are plenty people in Russia (mainly planted by West) who are anti-Russian and are Deep State puppets.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and can tell you for sure: everything there is anti-Russian after Obama/Soros 2014 coup. And it's a tragedy for our people.
Which begs the question of why Biden had The Prosecutor fired in The Ukraine who was investigating both Hunter Biden and George Soros.
So, what Russia has to do with all that crap???????? You did not answer my question. Which Russian Mob?
Please, do NOT drag Russia into Bidens' case. They were, are and will be anti-Russian, everything Biden has been doing in Ukraine (besides his own crimes) was anti-Russian. They are puppets of Deep State and it's anti-Russian. Don't sound like Pelosi, who blames Russia for every Dems' fault.

Lavrov: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said today regarding the scandal over the telephone conversation between US President Trump and President of Ukraine Zelensky that she thinks Russia “has a hand in this.” I believe this is paranoia, very obviously so.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the High-Level Week of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019
Burisma is ran by a corrupt Ukranian Oligarch who has ties to The Russian Mob.
Which Russian Mob?

BTW, Russian mob and Russian puppets are two different things. There are plenty people in Russia (mainly planted by West) who are anti-Russian and are Deep State puppets.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and can tell you for sure: everything there is anti-Russian after Obama/Soros 2014 coup. And it's a tragedy for our people.
Which begs the question of why Biden had The Prosecutor fired in The Ukraine who was investigating both Hunter Biden and George Soros.
So, what Russia has to do with all that crap???????? You did not answer my question. Which Russian Mob?
Ask Adam Schiff. It is well known that the Ukrainian Oligarch tied to Burisma has ties to organized crime in Russia and The Ukraine.
Please, do NOT drag Russia into Bidens' case. They were, are and will be anti-Russian, everything Biden has been doing in Ukraine (besides his own crimes) was anti-Russian. They are puppets of Deep State and it's anti-Russian. Don't sound like Pelosi, who blames Russia for every Dems' fault.

Lavrov: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said today regarding the scandal over the telephone conversation between US President Trump and President of Ukraine Zelensky that she thinks Russia “has a hand in this.” I believe this is paranoia, very obviously so.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the High-Level Week of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 27, 2019
Burisma is ran by a corrupt Ukranian Oligarch who has ties to The Russian Mob.
Which Russian Mob?

BTW, Russian mob and Russian puppets are two different things. There are plenty people in Russia (mainly planted by West) who are anti-Russian and are Deep State puppets.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and can tell you for sure: everything there is anti-Russian after Obama/Soros 2014 coup. And it's a tragedy for our people.
Which begs the question of why Biden had The Prosecutor fired in The Ukraine who was investigating both Hunter Biden and George Soros.
So, what Russia has to do with all that crap???????? You did not answer my question. Which Russian Mob?
Ask Adam Schiff. It is well known that the Ukrainian Oligarch tied to Burisma has ties to organized crime in Russia and The Ukraine.
No, it's not Adam Schiff who posted this thread, it's you. So, I'm asking you.

BTW, everything he says and does is strictly anti-Russian.
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Donald Trump has projected so many of his own faults and crimes and bullshit onto other people that I am starting to think he might have been born in Kenya.
Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

The New York meeting and an earlier trip Giuliani trip took to Kharkiv in November 2017 were arranged by TriGlobal Strategic Ventures, the firm says on its website. TriGlobal, which claims to have offices in New York, Moscow, and Kiev, sells itself as an international business consultancy that does public relations work for clients in Russia and Ukraine. The firm also brags that it has worked with Giuliani since 2004, arranging trips for him to former Soviet states. Last October, Giuliani took a break from his work representing Trump to speak about cybersecurity at a conference TriGlobal organized in Armenia to promote a Russia-led economic bloc, the Eurasian Economic Union. Giuliani appeared at the event alongside a Russian official, Sergey Glazyev, who was sanctioned in March 2014 for his role in the annexation of Crimea and who has been accused of advancing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Ukraine, an accusation he’s denied. Giuliani was reportedly invited to a conference by Russian Armenian multimillionaire Ara Abramyan, a member of TriGlobal’s board, who reportedly suggested at the time that he expected Giuliani to deliver a message for him to Trump.
Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

In June 2017, Giuliani traveled to Kiev where he reportedly met with then-President Petro Poroshenko, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, and other government officials. Giuliani also spoke on “democracy” and the “rule of law” at a conference organized by the foundation of Ukrainian metals magnate, Victor Pinchuk—an oligarch whose 2016 payment of $150,000 to Trump’s charitable foundation drew scrutiny from Mueller.
Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

In May 2018, Ukrainian officials stopped investigating payments to Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort and dropped an offer to assist with Mueller’s prosecution of him. Ukrainian officials told the New York Times they feared helping Mueller would anger Trump, potentially complicating their purchase from the United States of antitank weapons aimed at deterring Russian aggression. This week Giuliani insisted in a text message to me that he did “not know anything about” that move.

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