Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

According to a joint investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and BuzzFeed News, it was Parnas and Fruman who first encouraged Giuliani’s effort to dig up dirt on Biden. Both Parnas and Fruman, who live in South Florida, became big GOP donors in 2018, giving at least $576,500 in combined donations over several months. They used the resulting access to powerful Republican figures to promote a plan to sell American liquified gas to Ukraine. In May 2018, the duo dined with the president at the Trump International Hotel and had breakfast in Beverly Hills with Donald Trump Jr. and Tommy Hicks Jr., who later became co-chair of the Republican National Committee, according Facebook posts by Parnas, which he later deleted. It is unclear if Giuliani was helped connect them with Trump.
I am starting to think he might have been born in Kenya.

That'll be the next "impeach him" cause once this BS about Hunter Biden's kickback scheme gets outed properly....

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The "official excuse" for the above post in the Harvard Law Review is that

1. someone else wrote it
2. the former Cocksucker in Chief never saw it

Wasn't that just how you did your yearbook page??

Burisma is ran by a corrupt Ukranian Oligarch who has ties to The Russian Mob.
Which Russian Mob?

BTW, Russian mob and Russian puppets are two different things. There are plenty people in Russia (mainly planted by West) who are anti-Russian and are Deep State puppets.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and can tell you for sure: everything there is anti-Russian after Obama/Soros 2014 coup. And it's a tragedy for our people.
Which begs the question of why Biden had The Prosecutor fired in The Ukraine who was investigating both Hunter Biden and George Soros.
So, what Russia has to do with all that crap???????? You did not answer my question. Which Russian Mob?
Ask Adam Schiff. It is well known that the Ukrainian Oligarch tied to Burisma has ties to organized crime in Russia and The Ukraine.
No, it's not Adam Schiff who posted this thread, it's you. So, I'm asking you.
Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...

On April 16, 2014, Biden met with Devon Archer, a former star fundraiser for John Kerry's 2004 presidential run and business partner in Rosemont Capital with Biden's son Hunter. (Federal agents would later arrest Archer in May 2016 for defrauding a Native American tribe.)

Less than a week later (April 22) came an announcement that Archer had joined the board of Burisma, a secretive Ukrainian natural gas company. On May 13, Hunter Biden would also join the company's board.

On the day before Archer's hiring, April 21, the vice president landed in Kiev for high-level meetings with Ukrainian officials. He spearheaded the effort to invest $1 billion from the U.S. and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) into Ukraine.

The vice president's presence helps explain a conundrum. Burisma hired his son and Archer despite the fact that neither of them had any experience in the energy sector. Schweizer notes, "The choice of Hunter Biden to handle transparency and corporate governance of Burisma is curious, because Biden had little if any experience in Ukrainian law, or professional legal counsel, period."

Furthermore, Hunter Biden "seemed undeterred by the fact that as he was joining the Burisma board the British government's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) was seizing $23 million from [founder Mykola] Zlochevsky's bank accounts." Furthermore, a year after Biden joined the firm, "experienced industry observers warned investors that Burisma was still a company to be avoided."

On the other hand, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Out of 148 nations studied by the World Economic Forum, Ukraine ranks 143 for property rights, 130 for "irregular payments and bribes," 133 for "favoritism in decisions of government officials," and 146 for "protection of minority shareholders' interests."

As Biden and Kerry Went Soft on China, Sons Made Nuclear, Military Business Deals with Chinese Gov't

Two major figures in this corruption feature prominently in Biden's Ukraine investment.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."

FBI Arrested Russian Spies Getting Close to Hillary Clinton in Lead-Up to Uranium One Deal

In December 2016, Ukraine's government was forced to nationalize Privatbank in order to shore up Ukrainians' savings. A Ukrainian lawmaker called it the "greatest robbery of Ukraine's state budget of the millennium."

In February 2016, the government seized Burisma founder Zlochevsky's assets and placed him on Ukraine's wanted list. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office seized Burisma's gas wells.

Even so, four days before Joe Biden arrived for his "swan song" visit in January 2017, the criminal investigation into Burisma was dropped.

Devon Archer left the company at the end of 2016, but Hunter Biden remains on the board and continues to provide legal assistance. Archer and Biden have not been required to disclose their compensation from Burisma, but Bowling Green State University professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett wrote, "Potentially, the Biden family could become billionaires."

Did Joe Biden get Burisma off the hook for $1.8 billion in lost aid funding? Did he or his son get Kolomoisky off the visa ban list? Schweizer says the Bidens did not return numerous requests for comment.

Schweizer's book also reveals extensive Biden- and Kerry-related corruption in China, with Hunter Biden's company even investing in a Chinese company under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets.

Should Congress or the FBI open an investigation?

Schweizer's last book, "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich," helped inspire the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton, and may have contributed to her defeat in 2016. Could this book have the same effect for Biden in 2020?

What Did Mueller Know? New Documents Show Clinton-Russia Scandal Dwarfs Anything on Trump’s Side
There is no other way to describe this disaster of a human being. Joe Biden pulled strings to get him in to a Navy position. Hunter Biden was given the boot over drug abuse. Joe Biden again pulled strings to get him a job with Burisma netting him between $50K to $80K a month, in addition helped him land a huge windfall from China of around $1 Billion dollars.

Burisma is run by The Ukrainian-Russian Mob. They were being investigated as was George Soros for Corruption. Once again, Joe Biden stepped in and abused his position applying an extortion pressure tactic on The Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Soros.

Both investigations were dropped immediately after the prosecutor was fired. Those are the facts. There is no spin here. Biden admitted to abuse of power and pulling strings for his son. Had this been Eric Trump or Don Jr. Adam Schiff, Schummer, and Pelosi would be using their subpoena cannon against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden right now, and had Trump ORDERED the MEDIA not to speak about Biden's corruption that would set off a fire storm in the Main Stream Media!

The Democrat Party is in a panic. Their COUP failed. Their Hoax Russian Collusion and Russian Propaganda did not produce the results intended as they were exposed. Their endless fishing expeditions netted no fish. Their system of Pay to Play and self enrichment through so called "public service" was further exposed through Hillary Clinton, but much of that too was swept under the rug by the very corrupt people The President was elected to remove from The Swamp. More criminal behavior is about to be exposed in the Democrat party, from FISA Abuse, to Espionage, to hiring foreign spies to attempt to entrap mere VOLUNTEERS, to leaking classified information to abuse of campaign finance.

This is why they are in a race to stop the 2020 election, and why they are desperate to circumvent The Constitution and deny We The People our voice in the 2020 election. It's a race between having their own corruption exposed and stopping Trump before he is re-elected and can expose even more of the corruption in Washington DC.

The Resistance is a Rebellion of a Corrupt System that relies on Graft, Bribery and Favors to enrich it's members. The Resistance is a Rebellion against Democracy and Justice, and The Rule of Law.

The Resistance is a trapped rat in a corner, and they know the end is near. So they lash out in a series of desperate attempts to extricate themselves from the traps they laid for others.

Death to The Resistance! Viva America, and Long Live Lady Liberty!

how many years in jail do you get for drug addiction? And the Russian puppet is Trump.
And Now John Kerry is involved in Ukrainian Corruption as he was in Business with Hunter Biden. John Kerry also hand delivered one of the Dirty Russian-Ukranian Dossiers that were used to flame the fans of Propaganda & Hysteria on The Left and were used as the basis of a Soft COUP & The Fake Mueller Investigation, FISA abuse, and Spying on The President for Hillary Clinton and Obama.
Wherever there was a HONEY POT, you will find ALL OF THEM WITH THEIR FINGERS IN IT....

Manafort is a con because of, not Russia, but UKRAINE....
Which Russian Mob?

BTW, Russian mob and Russian puppets are two different things. There are plenty people in Russia (mainly planted by West) who are anti-Russian and are Deep State puppets.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and can tell you for sure: everything there is anti-Russian after Obama/Soros 2014 coup. And it's a tragedy for our people.
Which begs the question of why Biden had The Prosecutor fired in The Ukraine who was investigating both Hunter Biden and George Soros.
So, what Russia has to do with all that crap???????? You did not answer my question. Which Russian Mob?
Ask Adam Schiff. It is well known that the Ukrainian Oligarch tied to Burisma has ties to organized crime in Russia and The Ukraine.
No, it's not Adam Schiff who posted this thread, it's you. So, I'm asking you.
Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...

On April 16, 2014, Biden met with Devon Archer, a former star fundraiser for John Kerry's 2004 presidential run and business partner in Rosemont Capital with Biden's son Hunter. (Federal agents would later arrest Archer in May 2016 for defrauding a Native American tribe.)

Less than a week later (April 22) came an announcement that Archer had joined the board of Burisma, a secretive Ukrainian natural gas company. On May 13, Hunter Biden would also join the company's board.

On the day before Archer's hiring, April 21, the vice president landed in Kiev for high-level meetings with Ukrainian officials. He spearheaded the effort to invest $1 billion from the U.S. and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) into Ukraine.

The vice president's presence helps explain a conundrum. Burisma hired his son and Archer despite the fact that neither of them had any experience in the energy sector. Schweizer notes, "The choice of Hunter Biden to handle transparency and corporate governance of Burisma is curious, because Biden had little if any experience in Ukrainian law, or professional legal counsel, period."

Furthermore, Hunter Biden "seemed undeterred by the fact that as he was joining the Burisma board the British government's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) was seizing $23 million from [founder Mykola] Zlochevsky's bank accounts." Furthermore, a year after Biden joined the firm, "experienced industry observers warned investors that Burisma was still a company to be avoided."

On the other hand, Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Out of 148 nations studied by the World Economic Forum, Ukraine ranks 143 for property rights, 130 for "irregular payments and bribes," 133 for "favoritism in decisions of government officials," and 146 for "protection of minority shareholders' interests."

As Biden and Kerry Went Soft on China, Sons Made Nuclear, Military Business Deals with Chinese Gov't

Two major figures in this corruption feature prominently in Biden's Ukraine investment.

Zlochevsky founded Burisma in Cyprus in 2006. He served as natural resources minister under Yanukovych, and gave himself the licenses to develop the country's abundant gas fields. He also had a flare for lavishness, running a super-exclusive fashion boutique named after himself.

Burisma's major subsidiaries ended up sharing the same business address as the natural gas firm controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. He controlled the country's largest financial institution, ProvatBank, through which the Ukrainian military and government workers got paid. He also owned media companies and airlines. In violation of Ukraine law, he maintained Ukrainian, Israeli, and Cypriot passports.

Kolomoisky gained a reputation for violence and brutality, along with lawlessness. Rival oligarchs have sued him for alleged involvement in "murders and beheadings" related to a business deal. He also allegedly used "hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws" to take over a steel plant in 2006. He built his multibillion-dollar empire by "raiding" other companies, forcing them to merge with his own using brute force.

For these and other reasons, the U.S. government placed Kolomoisky on its visa ban list, prohibiting him from entering the country legally. In 2015, however, after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer had joined Burisma's board, Kolomoisky was given admittance back into the U.S.

Archer and the younger Biden brought other benefits to Burisma, however. Archer represented the company at the Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition in 2015. Biden addressed the Energy Security for the Future conference in Monaco. The vice president's son brought much-needed legitimacy to the shoddy gas company.

Less than a month after Archer joined Burisma's board, the company hired another Kerry lackey, David Leiter, as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. He successfully lobbied for more aid to the country.

Both Biden and Kerry championed $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed loans to be given to Ukraine courtesy of the IMF. That money would go directly through Kolomoisky's PrivatBank, and then it would disappear.

According to the Ukrainian anticorruption watchdog Nashi Groshi, "This transaction of $1.8 billion ... with the help of fake contracts was simply an asset siphoning operation."

FBI Arrested Russian Spies Getting Close to Hillary Clinton in Lead-Up to Uranium One Deal

In December 2016, Ukraine's government was forced to nationalize Privatbank in order to shore up Ukrainians' savings. A Ukrainian lawmaker called it the "greatest robbery of Ukraine's state budget of the millennium."

In February 2016, the government seized Burisma founder Zlochevsky's assets and placed him on Ukraine's wanted list. The Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office seized Burisma's gas wells.

Even so, four days before Joe Biden arrived for his "swan song" visit in January 2017, the criminal investigation into Burisma was dropped.

Devon Archer left the company at the end of 2016, but Hunter Biden remains on the board and continues to provide legal assistance. Archer and Biden have not been required to disclose their compensation from Burisma, but Bowling Green State University professor Oliver Boyd-Barrett wrote, "Potentially, the Biden family could become billionaires."

Did Joe Biden get Burisma off the hook for $1.8 billion in lost aid funding? Did he or his son get Kolomoisky off the visa ban list? Schweizer says the Bidens did not return numerous requests for comment.

Schweizer's book also reveals extensive Biden- and Kerry-related corruption in China, with Hunter Biden's company even investing in a Chinese company under FBI investigation for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets.

Should Congress or the FBI open an investigation?

Schweizer's last book, "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich," helped inspire the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton, and may have contributed to her defeat in 2016. Could this book have the same effect for Biden in 2020?

What Did Mueller Know? New Documents Show Clinton-Russia Scandal Dwarfs Anything on Trump’s Side

Wherever there was a HONEY POT, you will find ALL OF THEM WITH THEIR FINGERS IN IT....

Manafort is a con because of, not Russia, but UKRAINE....
So, who is Russian puppet in all that?
And Now John Kerry is involved in Ukrainian Corruption as he was in Business with Hunter Biden. John Kerry also hand delivered one of the Dirty Russian-Ukranian Dossiers that were used to flame the fans of Propaganda & Hysteria on The Left and were used as the basis of a Soft COUP & The Fake Mueller Investigation, FISA abuse, and Spying on The President for Hillary Clinton and Obama.
so called Russian Dossier appears not to be Russian at all: it's British/Ukrainian/American.

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: The second adversary of the President Trump is Christopher Steele who put together the famous dossier. Many believe that he’s a former UK intelligence officer, he headed the investigation of a Litvinenko case. Christopher Steele prepared his Trump dossier without coming to Moscow even once. He said he had his own sources. It’s becoming increasingly clear now that these sources were provided by the people we’ve just mentioned: originally they came from Russia and now settled in Ukraine, UK, London and USA. So, this attack on Donald Trump was if not directly inspired by London but London at least directly participated in it.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 28):
The Great Game. 15.05.2019

Dimitri Simes on a Russian political TV show “The Great Game”: It's very important to understand where this McCarthy style campaign originated from. It was driven by a number of reasons. One was Donald Trump himself, he was the one who went against the Establishment. Russia was a more and more seen as an adversary of the USA. Finally, external forces played their own role in the entire story. I’m sure that one of the important external forces that helped to start all those “investigations” in the USA was the security service of Ukraine and Ukrainian oligarchs related to it. Plus some Russian emigrants from the radical opposition [to Putin] who hated Trump and were scared to death of him cause they believed he would renew relations with Russia. I think it’s very important to realize where this devastated and paralyzing attack on the Trump administration came from.

Details in the video (already interpreted into English) (start watching from minute 46):
The Great Game. 28.05.2019

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
Stephen Cohen:
Considering its damage to American political institutions and to US and international security, Russiagate is the most egregiously fraudulent political scandal in modern American history. But considerable evidence points to President Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan as the actual godfather of Russiagate.

falsified “Steele dossier” . No document played a more consequential and woeful role in the entire Russiagate saga. Indeed, the dossier was the charter document in false allegations against both Putin and Trump. (Trump’s ardent supporter Sean Hannity persists in characterizing the dossier as “a pack of Russian lies,” even though there is no evidence or logic to support Steele’s claim that his “information” came from Kremlin sources.)
Will the Mueller Report Make the New Cold War Even Worse?

Spreading fake news about Russia you're siding with Democrats and helping Deep State to keep destroying your country. Russia is your one and only ally against Deep State regardless if you like it or not.
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Wherever there was a HONEY POT, you will find ALL OF THEM WITH THEIR FINGERS IN IT....

Manafort is a con because of, not Russia, but UKRAINE....
And remember who Manafort was working for in The Ukraine? That's right: Obama, Biden, and Clinton through The Podesta Group.
So, who is Russian puppet in all that?

The entire "Russian meddling" crap has been outed as crap. Get over it. Your side lied. Trump is still President.
My side? Who's my side?

I knew "Russian meddling" was BS as soon as it started. Throwing millions of dollars into investigation of absurd was just a waste.

oh hell yeah - throwing $110 million bucks at a 72 year old derelict to go play golf isnt an absurd waste..


f'n morons
oh hell yeah - throwing $110 million bucks at a 72 year old derelict to go play golf isnt an absurd waste..

Your side cheated to help Hillary beat Bernie, disenfranchising the entire state of Iowa to do so.

Your side wanted a closeted lesbian liar with Parkinson's as President....

The DemNazis use 5 pieces of literature for their party platform and political strategies:

1.) Rules for Radicals, written by Satanist Saul Alinsky.

2.) The Communist Manifesto, written by Atheist-Communist-Socialist Karl Marx.

3.) 1984, written by George Orwell as a warning to Democracies about the threat of Socialism to Freedom.

4.) Mein Kampf, written by Adolph Hitler as a guide on how to gain control of a Democratic Society through Propaganda, and Fascism.

5.) The Koran, written by Muhammad's advisers (Muhammad was illiterate) as a guide to achieve political, military and social dominance in a region.

6.) I also neglected to add that they use a 6th document for their blueprint, and that is The UN's Agenda 2030 Doctrine of which The Green New Deal is based entirely upon. We are talking about population control, global control of food supplies, wealth redistribution, the elimination of fossil fuels and population relocation.
oh hell yeah - throwing $110 million bucks at a 72 year old derelict to go play golf isnt an absurd waste..

Your side cheated to help Hillary beat Bernie, disenfranchising the entire state of Iowa to do so.

Your side wanted a closeted lesbian liar with Parkinson's as President....


that has what to do with paying an old fart to play golf - who incidentally, cant play golf worth a fuck.
that has what to do with paying an old fart to play golf

It was the choice we were given because your party cheated to screw over Bernie.

who incidentally, cant play golf worth a fuck

Donald Trump tops ranking of golfing presidents - Golf Digest

"Donald Trump is the 16th of the past 19 American presidents to play golf. And immediately upon entering office he became the best player of the group, thanks to his current 2.8 Handicap Index and his 19 club championship victories. According to our Jaime Diaz, who twice played golf with Trump in recent years, the best part of his game is his ball-striking, although Trump himself says it's his putting.

Trump knocked John F. Kennedy from the No. 1 spot in our previous ranking of the best golf presidents. "

Someday, you will post here without lying....
I think we need to accept that Hunter Biden is just an example of American royal families work. This goes for both parties and also mega business owners and so forth. Your kids will get into the best colleges. They will be handed the best jobs and careers. They continue the legacy for another generation. That is how it works. It is very tough to break into the club. But, if you do, you and your family will be set for life.
Isn't it interesting that the Democrats recently tried to bully State Department Employees and told them they want to question them, but that they were not allowed to have their supervisors or an attorney present?

And this comes on the heels of Harris, stating that President Trump should not be allowed to have a Twitter account.

Even going further, think about the things The Democrats have tried, and want to implement. No Due Process, No Presumption of Innocence, and their wanting to hold a so called "Impeachment Inquiry" without ever actually voting to have an "Impeachment Inquiry".

This is who they are and what they want for America

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