
  1. EvilEyeFleegle

    Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

    So..the stonewalling begins..will it work? Or..will it just pour gas on an already burning fire? I sense Pompeo may be panicking just a bit..after all...what harm could there be..if all was on the up and up? Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions...
  2. deanrd

    Think about it, Trumps jobs figures are off by at least 100,000 a month. Probably more.

    Think about it, Trumps jobs figures are off by at least 100,000 a month. Probably more. Baby boomers are retiring in droves. Here are three big reasons for concern. And at a time when 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every day ——— So the trumpet ministration is boasting about 150,000 new...
  3. EvilEyeFleegle

    Late-day bombshells erupt as Trump impeachment inquiry gets underway

    Just a summary--My main question is why Pompeo felt it necessary to lie to ABC News about not having any first-hand knowledge about the Ukraine phone call by Trump..when it has been admitted that he was listening?? Late-day bombshells erupt as Trump impeachment inquiry gets underway "The first...
  4. deanrd

    Kamala Harris calls for Twitter to suspend Trump account over whistleblower attacks

    Kamala Harris calls for Twitter to suspend Trump account over whistleblower attacks "If he’s not going to exercise self restraint, then perhaps there should be other mechanisms in place to make sure his words don’t harm anyone." According to the Whistleblower Protection Act, federal agencies...
  5. Dana7360

    Trump Was Repeatedly Warned That Ukraine Conspiracy Theory Was ‘Completely Debunked’

    So trump was warned over and over that the conspiracy theory about Biden and the Ukraine was not true but he wouldn't listen to level heads. He listened to giuliani who is very wrong. Now he is in the fight of his political life. He should have listened to the level heads. There's no truth to...
  6. deanrd

    We evangelicals believe in absolute moral and spiritual truth, which is why we voted for Trump.

    "Beyond repugnant": GOP congressman slams Trump for quoting pastor's warning of "Civil War like fracture" "Even though the evangelical number has dropped as a whole, the number of evangelicals turning out at the ballot box is greater than other groups, and it's because evangelicals have deeper...
  7. deanrd

    Trump obsessed with Hillary Clinton who has been out of office for nearly 7 years

    Hillary Clinton: Trump 'Knows He's Illegitimate,' It's Why He's Obsessed With Me State Dept. intensifies email probe of Hillary Clinton’s former aides She’s been out of office for nearly 7 years. This is going to demonstrate to the American people how desperate Trump is.
  8. JimBowie1958

    So What Crime of Office Has Trump Committed to Justify Impeachment?

    A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office. So if the President say broke into a building to steal secrets from his opponents offices, it is not a high crime unless it was to benefit him and he...
  9. EvilEyeFleegle

    Chris Wallace: Whistleblower spin from Trump supporters 'deeply misleading'

    Looks like Chris Wallace is stepping into the fire..I see this as just another indication that Fox is moving to the center..and away from Trump. Chris Wallace: Whistleblower spin from Trump supporters 'deeply misleading' "Fox News's Chris Wallace said Friday that "the spinning that has been...
  10. EvilEyeFleegle

    Amateur pro-Trump ‘sleuths’ scramble to unmask whistleblower-"your President needs you!"

    This is just a bit amusing: Amateur pro-Trump ‘sleuths’ scramble to unmask whistleblower: ‘Your president has asked for your help’ "The looming battle over President Trump’s potential impeachment has sparked an online hunt in the far-right corners of the Web as self-styled Internet sleuths...
  11. deanrd

    Great American, Joseph Wilson, dies at age 69. Wilson exposed bush’s yellowcake lie.

    Defiant diplomat Joseph Wilson, who sparred with Bush admin over Iraq, dies at 69 Wilson’s confrontation with the White House was set in motion in 2002 when the CIA asked him to fly to Niger and confirm reports the country had, in the 1990s, sold uranium yellowcakes to Saddam Hussein so he...
  12. deanrd

    Hunter Biden should be a hero for the GOP. He found the Republican dream and they’ve turned on him.

    Hunter Biden should be a hero for the GOP. He found the Republican dream and they’ve turned on him. The guy goes overseas, he might’ve gotten help from dad like trump and the trumps kids did, and he made a couple million dollars. And it seems no one can point to any executive experience...
  13. deanrd

    You can really see the difference between Rep Nadler and Rep Shiff

    You can really see the difference between Rep Nadler and Rep Shiff There’s reports out that all the investigations are going to be under the umbrella of Adam Schiff. When you see how Nadler ran the committee meetings with Mueller and Lewandowski we all saw focused questions were lacking...
  14. The Original Tree

    Adam Schiff's CIA-Russian Mole-Spy Should be Exposed

    He is not classified as a Whistle Blower under Whistle Blower rules. He has been leaking classified and privileged information to the Media as far back as 2016 when he was an active spy and released classified & privileged content of conversations between President Donald J. Trump and other...
  15. deanrd

    Must be awful having your messiah exposed as the Pied Piper of crud

    Must be awful having your messiah exposed as the Pied Piper of crud All those terrible things Republicans said about Obama for eight years. Calling him a liar and a criminal, a tar baby, boy and all the other things much less polite. And they insisted that he was the Democrat’s Messiah...
  16. deanrd

    Whistleblower complaint live on TV from Congress

    The acting DNI director is between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, he wanted to follow the law and the other hand he didn’t want to violate executive privilege. He’s a military veteran with a stellar career. I feel sorry for him that he got involved in the Trump administration and now...
  17. deanrd

    At some point fox and other Trump sycophants are going to turn on him. Are we seeing that now?

    Fox News is pulling out all the stops. Hannity and Laura Ingram are freaking out. And I’m watching Fox and friends and they had Sarah Huckabee come out and lie and lie and lie. They’re questioning any Republican who had even the slightest concern about Donald Trump. The more information...
  18. deanrd

    America is about to get a class in Russian aggression with the Ukraine as the example

    I was just watching interviews of soldiers out in the field where they’re fighting a hot war against Russian aggression. One Ukrainian soldier Picked up a handful of soil and said this is my land and I was born here and I don’t want to live under Russian rule. The US had a cold war for...
  19. JGalt

    Trump: Sorry Democrats - No Gun Control For You

    In a move reminiscent of the Soup Nazi, President Trump has put the Democrats on notice about any plans he previously had to compromise with them on gun control. Whatever hopes the Democrats had for a workable gun control bill, are now as dead as Monty Python's parrot. "President Trump took to...
  20. deanrd

    Should Mulvaney, Pompeo, and Barr also be investigated?

    Pompeo is the secretary of state. And he knows what Trump is doing. Mulvaney is the chief of staff and he knows what Trump is doing. William Barr is the attorney general and he knows what Trump is doing. And now Trump is saying the only reason they held the money back was because he...
  21. deanrd

    Trump is speaking right now in the United Nations. Turn it on.

    Are you watching this? What do you think?
  22. deanrd

    Trump says he would be awarded Nobel Peace Prize 'if they gave it out fairly'

    President Trump on Monday said during a spirited exchange with Pakistani reporters that he would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "if they gave it out fairly." “I think I’m gonna get a Nobel Prize for a lot of things, if they gave it out fairly, which they don’t," Trump said. "I’ve never...
  23. deanrd

    Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time?

    Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time? Watch live: Trump gives remarks at UN event on religious freedom Trump is going to be talking in front of the United Nations live in just a little while. Supposedly his speech is going to be mostly about...
  24. deanrd

    Kentucky's 'too low and too slow' response to the nation's worst hepatitis A outbreak

    Kentucky's 'too low and too slow' response to the nation's worst hepatitis A outbreak Thinly staffed county health departments had seen their budgets shrink. And federal vaccine money for Kentucky had run out. "There's a very good chance James would be alive" had the state done more earlier to...
  25. kiwiman127

    DHS Adds White Supremacy To List Of Threats

    It's about time! ------------------------------------------------------ Recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard," acting DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan. (snip) or the first time since it...
  26. deanrd

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More?

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More? Joe Biden and his son we’re already investigated thoroughly by the media. Especially Fox and other right wing outlets. So the Trump administration is trying to create another Hillary Clinton...
  27. deanrd

    Did you see the interview with "Grannies against Climate Change"?

    After watching the interview, I looked them up: 100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics. Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the...
  28. Terri4Trump

    Ingraham: The elusive Trump hunt

    Ingraham: The elusive Trump hunt Left resorts to same failed tactics against Trump. #IngrahamAngle #FoxNews ME: The Left truly are making fools of themselves. And independents are taking note. Thats why Trump will win.
  29. deanrd

    OMG! Trump Administration reverses policy on murdering sick children! Fight and you win, or not.

    The Trump Administration Has Dropped Its Plan to Deport Sick Kids Trump Admin. Reverses Decision Ending Immigrant Medical Relief Trump admin reverses decision to deny immigrants' access to medical care "In these dark days of continuing government assaults on human rights and human dignity...
  30. deanrd

    How did Robert O’Brien get to be our new national security advisor?

    Trump names Robert C. O'Brien as next national security adviser Wait a minute! Could it really be that easy?

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