
  1. EvilEyeFleegle

    Impeachment investigators ask Mick Mulvaney to testify

    This should be interesting, eh? Impeachment investigators ask Mick Mulvaney to testify "House impeachment investigators asked President Donald Trump's acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to appear for a deposition later this week. Lawmakers leading the impeachment inquiry believe Mulvaney...
  2. EvilEyeFleegle

    Giuliani associate now willing to comply with Trump impeachment inquiry

    Hmm..I wonder what changed his mind? EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani associate now willing to comply with Trump impeachment inquiry -lawyer "Lev Parnas, an indicted Ukrainian-American businessman who has ties to President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is now prepared to comply with...
  3. EvilEyeFleegle

    New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules

    Uh oh.....looks like the secret won't be secret much longer..If the SCOTUS agrees with the lower court... New York prosecutors can get Trump tax returns, court rules "President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm must hand over eight years of his tax returns to New York prosecutors, a...
  4. JGalt

    U.S. hasn't admitted a single refugee since September

    President Trump's immigration policies are working. "October was the first full month in at least 18 years in which the United States did not admit any refugees. Refugee arrivals are typically put on hold during the first week of October while the various federal, international and...
  5. J

    The protection requiring a two thirds vote in matters of grave importance [impeachment]

    What is most important in this process to impeach a president is, the vote count, a simple majority, which allegedly authorizes Congress to continue in a process to impeach a president and nullify an election. The vote was 232 to 196, in favor of continuing in a process to impeach the...
  6. MarathonMike

    Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

    BAHAHAHAHA! Too bad New York, wave Bye Bye to all hose luscious tax dollars. And with any luck many more will follow Trump's sensible move. Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida
  7. EvilEyeFleegle

    Top Trump Advisor Resigns on Eve of Testimony why would he do signal he is going his own way? Top Trump adviser next in impeachment hearing hot seat "UPDATE: Trump National Security Council aide Tim Morrison resigns on eve of congressional testimony in impeachment probe. EARLIER: WASHINGTON (AP) — Tim Morrison...
  8. EvilEyeFleegle

    John Bolton..Next in the Barrel

    Looks like the impeachment investigation is turning it's attention to Bolton--another loose cannon rumbles across the deck! The Trump Impeachment Inquiry: Latest Updates "House impeachment investigators on Wednesday summoned John Bolton, President Trump’s former national security adviser, and...
  9. JGalt

    Surprise! Dem's Impeachment Funded By Chinese

    Democrats working with enemies of the US to carry out the overthrow of a sitting President. The Brookings Institute is funded by China. The Brookings Institute funds Lawfare. Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler hired Lawfare as staff. As an outcome, China is funding the impeachment of President Trump...
  10. The Original Tree

    Fake Impeachment 2.0 Isn't really about Trump or any wrong doing at all.

    Here is the real run down of what is actually going on, and you will not really hear this from anyone else. This is going to be long, and represents 3 years of personal research of mine. I promise this long winding road will help you connect the dots on exactly how The Obama-Clinton New York -...
  11. TheProgressivePatriot

    What are the Limits of Free Speech?

    I have a serious question for everyone. All rights have limitations and free speech is no exception. The question is, does the example below cross the line. Does it violate what should be allowed because it can be interpreted as inciting violence? A second question which may complicate the...
  12. Cellblock2429

    Pelosi delegation visits Middle East without authority to negotiate with foreign leaders

    The House members have no authority to negotiate with foreign government leaders, but eight lawmakers followed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a visit to Jordan to discuss the Trump administration’s decision to pull U.S. troops from Syria. The delegation was promoted as “bipartisan,” although...
  13. EvilEyeFleegle

    Trump dismisses 'phony Emoluments Clause' after Doral criticism

    Nothing to see here...move along...Phony what he feels is no doubt a phony Constitution! Trump dismisses 'phony Emoluments Clause' after Doral criticism "President Trump on Monday dismissed criticism that his since-reversed plan to host the Group of Seven (G-7) summit at his Doral...
  14. A

    US Really Forget About Allies in Syria?

    The poor American policy in Syria resulted in the fact that American servicemen, who run a mission there, became one of the main prisoners of this policy. The Pentagon cheerfully reports that has withdrawn 50 soldiers to Iraq, but forgets to add: there’re at least 1100 left. The atmosphere of...
  15. toobfreak

    Why Trump Won

    THE DIRTY SECRET THE LEFT HAS TRIED TO KEEP HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC FOR 3 YEARS I sat down and did something I don't think anyone else has done: Over and over here, I hear Tards tell me that it does not matter that Trump won 99% of the counties in the USA (3,084 vs. Hillary's 57) because NO ONE...
  16. Litwin

    Pompeo and Pence will meet with Erdogan after Turkish leader backs off refusal

    " Pompeo and Pence will meet with Erdogan after Turkish leader backs off refusal" Pompeo and Pence will meet with Erdogan after Turkish leader backs off refusal any chance that Pompeo and Pence are the real Americans, not Putin´s 7/24 cuckolds like the red clown ?
  17. JGalt

    Black, Female, and Fat? It's Now Trump's Fault

    Will this be the next reason they try to impeach President Trump? "Research shows black women lose weight more slowly than white women, and the Trump presidency may be exacerbating the situation, Cooper said on the program, according to “We are living in the Trump era,” she...
  18. georgephillip

    Trump on Housing Crisis: "I Sort of Hope it Happens..."

    Why would anyone pretend to be surprised when the most corrupt POUTUS in US history anticipated "earning" massive profits from an economic crash that cost 8 million Americans their homes...
  19. Billy_Kinetta

    It's Looking More And More As If -whistleblower

    - there is no actual whistleblower. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday it may not be necessary to have the whistleblower who first filed a complaint about President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine testify before Congress, saying there...
  20. georgephillip

    Turks "Mistakenly" Fire on US Special Forces?

    "A contingent of U.S. Special Forces was caught up in Turkish shelling against U.S.-backed Kurdish positions in northern Syria, days after President Donald Trump told his Turkish counterpart he would withdraw U.S. troops from certain positions in the area. "A senior Pentagon official said...
  21. Litwin

    Massive shock i Putlerstan (Gazprom, Rosneft, etc.) US offers to supply fuel for Belarus nuclear pla

    Massive shock i Putlerstan (Gazprom, Rosneft, etc.) US offers to supply fuel for Belarus nuclear plant. whats really funny here that do Maskals really believe that they will be the exclusive and the only one supplier of Nuclear fuel to Belarusian Nuclear power plants ... morons . just watch...
  22. The Original Tree

    The Orange Menace always throws a Monkey Wrench in The Plans of Evil Doers

    Orange Man Bad! Why is he bad? Because like a little child, The Left does not realize the value of The Word No, and neither do these rebellious little Hellions understand the consequences of their actions. When they are punished, they blame the parent correcting them. "I hate you!" is...
  23. The Original Tree

    America Needs To Demand Transparency From The DemNazi Party

    This is America. If you want to be a Nazi without a Nazi uniform and have Secret Warrants, Secret Subpoenas, Secret Accusers, and Secret Transcripts, we are not going to tolerate that. Go be a Nazi-Commie in Venezuela. That's how they do things there. America needs to demand The Transcripts...
  24. Fort Fun Indiana

    Trump sells out the Kurds to Erdogan

    Trump says Turkey can overrun Northern Syria enclave held by America's Kurdish allies Well, of course. Trump has sold out Syria and Iraq, too. The Kurds mean nothing to him. Nothing.
  25. georgephillip

    Trump, Racism, and Capitalism

    Donald Trump was born into the ruling class. He was a millionaire by age eight. Racism was likely a staple of his childhood. He gets a pass today because of his alleged "well earned wealth" when, in reality, everything he's accomplished sprang from an accident of birth. He's the corrupt...
  26. C

    Poland unlimited Visas

    Is it a coincidence Trump decides to grant Poland with the 39th member of the US Visa program? Or, is it payment for Poland's silence over Pence's meeting n Poland with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Is it possible that meeting was listened in on and recorded? Something to think about. ..
  27. TheProgressivePatriot

    Trump’s Favorite Pastor Claims Democrats Worship Pagan God Moloch

    Another bizarre rant from the pastor who predicted civil war if Trump is impeached. Progressive Secular Humanist - Who?? Moloch? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: This Democrat for one never heard of Moloch and I'm sure that most have not. Folks, this is the type of person who has Trumps ear...
  28. deanrd

    Should the intelligence community continue to protect America? GOP says they’re the problem.

    Should the intelligence community continue to protect America? GOP says they’re the problem. Rudy Giuliani and Bill Barr traveling around the world trading on Americas goodwill and integrity for dirt. The intelligence community told us the Russians attacked our elections. And now the...
  29. JGalt

    Trump campaign & RNC raised $125 million in the 3rd quarter

    $125M raised combined, $156M cash on hand, and $308M raised year to date. To put this into perspective, that's twice as much cash on hand as Obama had at the same point in 2011. John McCain raised only about $60 million for his entire presidential campaign, primaries and general elections...
  30. deanrd

    America looks to our intelligence agencies to keep us safe. Republicans look to Russia.

    America looks to our intelligence agencies to keep us safe. Republicans look to Russia. Graham sending letter to other countries asking them to cooperate with DOJ probe into Russia investigation US intelligence agencies already said Russia was behind the attack on our elections. RePublicans...

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