
  1. The Original Tree

    Nazi Pelosi and The Tuskegee Airman

    Missed in all of Pelosi’s Tyrannical Tantrums was the fact that she refused to give several African Americans the Honor they deserved including a 100 year old Brigadier General and last of The Tuskegee Airman. Nancy shows her true colors as first and foremost, a Communist-Socialist...
  2. deanrd

    Does Donald Trump have a problem with people staying loyal to him?

    Remember Michael Cohen said he would lay down his life for Donald Trump. Now he’s in prison. And he’s angry because Donald Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in his multiple felonies and Trump sits in the White House while Michael Cohen sits in the big house. Two of these three little...
  3. deanrd

    I think the best part of the state of the union were the plans

    I liked trumps ideas for competing against China with the development of artificial intelligence. Remember when he talked about that and how the American government was going to support the scientific community? And then there were the great ideas that he brought up on how to pay for new...
  4. deanrd

    Should we punish Russia for daring to call our president a puppet and an agent?

    Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister Russia’s state-controlled media outlets have branded President Donald Trump an “agent” for their country “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” asked host Vladimir...
  5. Jitss617

    Iowa Caucus Thread

    Republicans have a record 30 thousand votes in 4 hours ago, it’s almost 12 and dems can’t get the results in lol This is the end of the democratic party
  6. The Original Tree

    During Impeachment POTUS Trump takes out another Major Terrorist!

    Obama Disgusted me with his Coddling, even financing and arming of terrorists which showed who he really was. By Contrast, President Trump has become a terrorist killing machine. While Obama built ISIS, Funded Terrorists in Iran, Paid Al Queda to assassinate the heads of state in Egypt and...
  7. georgephillip

    Will America Go Communist?

    Don't ask Bernie. Ask Trotsky or Trump. From 1934: "Introduction from Fourth International "The campaign against Marxist ideas sponsored by the capitalist witchhunters today aims to implant the false impression that Communism is completely alien to American life and opposed to the welfare of...
  8. T

    51 to 49 witnesses rejected

    Just announced on FOX!
  9. The Original Tree

    Let The Memes Begin! The Time Of Ridicule Is At HAND!

    It's over, and now it's time to have fun once again. Most of The Leftist Trolls have fled, and only a few boneheads are still here drunk on the couch not realizing the party is over and that their face and body is covered in Sharpie Cartoons and Messages
  10. The Original Tree

    Hypocrisy Gone Wild!

    Not to be confused with Girls Gone Wild! Want to know how stupid these DemTards are? Here are two of their arguments Nadler: “It’s all in your imagination all these accusations that we haven’t proved our accusations. We proved the accusations beyond any shadow of a doubt but we still need...
  11. The Original Tree

    Could Mitt Romney’s Son Be Called as a Witness?

    This is a serious question. Same goes for Hunter, and Pelosi’s son, and John Kerry’s son. Discuss
  12. The Original Tree

    You Cannot Investigate a Candidate Running For President?

    I have a question for Lefty Commies here. If your whole impeachment argument is that you cannot investigate a person running for President, then why did Obama buy Russian Propaganda and launch an Investigation based on it, on Candidate Trump when he knew it was a lie and knew it was Russian...
  13. The Original Tree

    If there are witnesses Obama & Biden will be Subpoenaed.

    Short and sweet. Discuss: Obama should be subpoenaed in The Impeachment if there are witnesses. 1.) He knew what was going on in The Ukraine with The Bidens 2.) He gave the order to Joe Biden to get The Ukraine Prosecutor Fired 3.) He gave the order to take out Trump with The Russian...
  14. The Original Tree

    Dem impeachment witness Vindman unloads on Blackburn as Dems wrap 3rd day of Trump's trial

    Yes he is a spy, and worked with the Whistleblower to file false reports and should immediately be deported back to The Ukraine. He had been asked by the previous corrupt Ukraine Government to be it's defense secretary over 6 times and that is where he should go. Remember kids: The Whistle...
  15. R

    Trump works for Beijing and Moscow [Collection of evidences]

    It is a big deception --- Trump's trade war made China's economy worse, therefore Trump couldn't be working for Beijing. But the truth is, Trump actually wants trade wars with all US allies & neighbors, isolating US & giving tremendous strategic benefit to Beijing & Moscow, but because the...
  16. R

    Trump works for Beijing and Moscow [Collection of evidences]

    [Foreign Policy] Trump Is Beijing’s Best Asset
  17. TheProgressivePatriot

    Nobel economist: Trump’s economy is an absolute disaster for people and the planet

    I have been saying this for a long time. Many people know the truth. The 50% of American households who do not own stock are not benefiting from the soring stock market. While the unemployment rate is low, there are still a hell of a lot of people out of work. Many of those who are working have...
  18. T

    Trump impeachment defense team will include Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz

    President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team will include Ken Starr, whose investigation led to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, whose clients have included notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and O.J. Simpson. The Trump team choices...
  19. The Original Tree

    Two Term Donnie

    Yes, you spawn of Satan, you Children of Hell...... Donald J. Trump will be your president for another 5 years. Bank it, book it. Those who live by cheating, lying, scamming and scheming will die by cheating, lying, scamming & cheating. America is on to you. America doesn't like you, and...
  20. The Original Tree

    Imminent Threat Defined: The Left Is Insane

    I giving this post a subtitle of : Imminent Thread I recently had a run in with a very slippery and cowardly poster on this very forum who refused to define for me what an Imminent Threat was when he specifically had the words "Imminent Threat" in the title of his thread. He reported me...
  21. georgephillip

    Three Soleimani Questions

    Trump vs. Iran: Has the US Crossed the Escalation to War Rubicon? - "Three questions to consider in light of the recent US killing of Iran’s top general: "Does anyone doubt what would be the response of the USA if its top general and commander in Europe were assassinated by...
  22. protectionist

    US Must Attack Iran NOW - Full Force

    Iran has openly declared war on the US. In official government broadcasting, it has offered a bounty of $80 Million to whoever would kill President Trump. Sect of State Pompeo has said if Iran attacks any US targets, the US will respond with force .That is not strong enough. We are past that...
  23. D

    The Five Reasons they REALLY Hate Trump

    The Five Reason they Really Hate Trump President Donald Trump is hated more widely and more deeply than any other politician in recent memory, even Richard Nixon. Here are the Five Reasons he will never be loved by his enemies. 1. Politicians and Bureaucrats Washington is where you go to...
  24. Robert Urbanek

    Boycott the Trump economy?

    Many voters are reportedly indifferent to the impeachment process and other grievances against Trump and will make their 2020 voting decisions on their personal welfare: I’m doing ok and will vote for Trump because the economy is doing ok. Should liberals sabotage the economy to make that less...
  25. EvilEyeFleegle

    GOP senator ‘disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘total coordination’ with WH

    Looks like not all the Repub's are on board with McConnell's cozy relationship with the Defense: G.O.P. Senator ‘Disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘Total Coordination’ with White House "Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska expressed unease in an interview broadcast on Tuesday with the Senate majority...
  26. georgephillip

    White Supremacy Terror in America

    "DEC. 19, 2019 "This Is America "Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored." There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to...
  27. EvilEyeFleegle

    2nd Impeachment? House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again

    WTF? Another impeachment? We are now entering the Twilight zone: House counsel suggests Trump could be impeached again "The House is open to the prospect of impeaching President Donald Trump a second time, lawyers for the Judiciary Committee said Monday. House Counsel Douglas Letter said in a...
  28. Chuz Life

    Democrat Senators, . . Where are you?

    According to the Dimocraps in the House, the Nation is on the verge of a Constitutional crisis, as the result of President Trumps alleged "abuse of power." That was there excuse / reason for pushing their prosecution so hard, to get it done before the Christmas break. Right? So, if the nation...
  29. Chuz Life

    The Week Before Christmas

    To my fellow Conservatives. . . . help me finish this! Twas the week before Christmas and all through the House the members were posturing like fleas on a louse Leftarded posters were hung, on easels with care with hopes that impeachment soon would be theirs The chairman was frantically...
  30. Cellblock2429

    After all this, Nancy Pants may not send impeachment to the Senate

    /——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them. Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along' Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ...

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