
  1. J

    Gov. Cuomo for President?

    With the implosion of their nominating process, a new Democratic star is rising: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is looking and talking more Presidential than any other Democrat (and maybe Trump, too). Look for Bernie to concede, Biden to withdraw and Cuomo to ride to the rescue. He can take credit for...
  2. The Original Tree

    CDC has Known since 2005 Anti Malaria Drugs Kill Corona

    The CDC has known since 2005 that this drug can kill Corona in just 6 days. Iā€™m Curious why this was not discussed at the beginning of this whole spook show. Coronavirus: What is chloroquine and can the 1940s drug work against the virus? President Donald Trump announced Thursday that a...
  3. JGalt

    Is this President Trump's "9/11" or Trump's "Pearl Harbor"?

    I would liken the series of events we're undergoing as an "attack" on America. The combined events of the viral pandemic and drop in the stock market are probably the most serious threat we've faced in many years. So how would you define it? Is this President Trump's "September 11th", as we saw...
  4. Bruce Daniels

    A Few Ways Trump's Policies Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse

    Trump shut down the office that was preparing for just such a pandemic in a reorganization in 2018. For Trump, Coronavirus Proves to Be an Enemy He Canā€™t Tweet Away As the highly infectious coronavirus jumped from country after country in January and February, the U.S. Centers for Disease...
  5. Chuz Life

    Coronavirus, Article from "WEB-MD"

    A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses aren't dangerous. What Is a Coronavirus? Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s, but we don't know where they come from. They get their name from their...
  6. Litwin

    For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy

    I wonder if KGB/Putler is behind of this story ... so what do you think guys ? Greek refugee aid centers are mainly operated by Israelis; in Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of...
  7. Slade3200

    Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

    Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders. I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however...
  8. The Original Tree

    Is China Scamming The World with Corona Virus?

    I was just thinking about how The Chinese Operate, and very often it is not with intentions of keeping agreements etc. Because of out of control Social Spending by The US, because of things like Bill Clinton did helping China in to the WTO, and allowing American Businesses to move to China for...
  9. protectionist

    Advice for Democrat Candidates

    The Democrat Candidates for president, now Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, have been making a major mistake. Every time they speak, they insult and disparage President Trump. There's a big problem with that. It is that the majority of American voters LIKE the president. They are who elected...
  10. Nostra

    Bloomberg OUT!

    Breaking. No link yet.
  11. Obiwan

    Trump donates $100K paycheck to coronavirus fight

    I just wonder if the Democrats that are criticizing Trump will follow his lead on this..... President Trump has donated his quarterly paycheck to efforts to contain the COVID-19 coronavirus. White House press...
  12. JGalt

    Trump Wins 2020 - FOX News & CBS News Polls

    A FOX News poll published one hour ago finds that forty-two percent would vote to re-elect Trump if the election were today. Thatā€™s up from 38 percent in May 2019 and the largest share heā€™s received to-date. "At the extremes: 32 percent would definitely vote for Trump vs. 45 would definitely...
  13. protectionist

    Charlottesville Riot: Was Trump Right ?

    Today, on the TV show The View, Whoopi Goldberg, made what appeared to be a disparaging remark about the post Charlottesville riot remark of President Trump that "you also had people that were very fine people on both sides." After the Charlottesville riot, April 12, 2017, President Trump made...
  14. JGalt

    Joe Biden's 40% Drop in the Polls

    Back in May of 2019, the Democrats were 100% positive that Joe Biden would be the next President. He was the one who was going to lead them back to the "glory days" of the Obama president. Biden's polling skyrocketed from 28.3% to 41.4%, in only one month! At the same time, Bernie Sanders' poll...
  15. The Original Tree

    Stone will probably get a new trial or win on appeal

    He was railroaded. The Judge did not follow the guidelines for jury selection and was also personally biased against Stone. The Raid on his home tainted The Case from The Beginning, and the Prosecutors also did not follow sentencing guidelines. The Gag order on Stone may also have been...
  16. The Original Tree

    Will Oligarch Bloomberg Outspend Clinton to Buy The White House?

    The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House. Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far. And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in...
  17. georgephillip

    If Bernie Wins Nomination, Will Rich Dems Support Trump?

    Think of it as a rewrite on the fable of Jesus driving demons into a herd of swine. Elite Democrats, who would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes, toss Bernie under the MAGA bus if he magically manages to snare the 2020 nomination This is how Chris Hedges sees the circus unfolding...
  18. JGalt

    Tomorrow is National Trump Day!

    ...and other Presidents as well. But they'll have to take a back seat to this one. I bet no other President got to take a couple laps around the Daytona 500. :5_1_12024::banana::dance::mm: "President's Day is the popular and commonly used name for the United States federal holiday officially...
  19. deanrd

    The president of Ukraine asks Donald Trump to stop calling my country corrupt

    The president of Ukraine asks Donald Trump to stop calling my country corrupt ā€œPlease, please, stop saying that Ukraine is a corrupt country, because from now, itā€™s not true. We want to change this image,ā€ he added. CNN: Zelensky rejects Trumpā€™s claim that Ukraine is corrupt in interview must...
  20. deanrd

    Bloomberg hiring expert on narcissism and a comedy writer to get in Donald Trumpā€™s head

    Katie Couric broke news about Trump on ā€˜Real Timeā€™ ā€” and it is hilarious ā€œI talked to somebody from the Bloomberg campaign, they said theyā€™re hiring an expert on narcissism and combining that ā€” no, this is for real ā€” and combining that person with a comedy writer to get in Donald Trumpā€™s...
  21. deanrd

    Donald Trump: something is wrong with the judicial system because they never rule for our side

    So they play this clip of Donald Trump over and over again saying thereā€™s something wrong with the judicial system because they never rule for our side. So there you go. Thatā€™s the problem. Donald Trump thinks the court rules sometimes for Democrats and sometimes for Republicans. Trump thinks...
  22. The Original Tree

    CIA Plant Misfud, says, "I Didn't Do It, Honest"!

    Cracks me up. Didn't Mad Moscow Mueller and Obama build their entire Espionage Spying on American Citizens Case, with Lies and Fraudulent False FISA Affidavits? Yes they did. Now their treachery is being exposed more and more every day. Wonder why Mueller, and The Obama Administration Lackeys...
  23. Litwin

    Why the Brewing Conflict Between Putler and BielarusĀ“ Is Bad News

    will putler attack Belarusian state before 2024? "Why the Brewing Conflict Between Putler and BielarusĀ“ Is Bad News As political upheaval, a slow-burning war with Russia, and a general sense of chaos have engulfed Ukraine over the past six years, neighboring Belarus has come to seem like an...
  24. deanrd

    Trump to John Kelly: Hey, John, whatā€™s this all about? (visiting a Pearl Harbor memorial)

    Trump Doesn't Seem to Know What Happened at Pearl Harbor, According to New Book ā€œHey, John, whatā€™s this all about? Whatā€™s this a tour of?ā€ Trump asks his then-Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, as the men prepare to take a private tour of the USS Arizona Memorial, which commemorates the December...
  25. William Smith

    Trump, Xi Jinping discuss Coronavirus outbreak

    Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke on Friday with US President Donald Trump on the novel coronavirus outbreak and urged Washington to respond ā€œreasonablyā€ to the epidemic, state media reported. Xi told Trump on the phone that China was ā€œfully confident and capable of defeating the epidemic,ā€...
  26. deanrd

    Have you noticed that Donald Trump canā€™t close a deal?

    Have you noticed that Donald Trump canā€™t close a deal? There was little Kim. All the love letters and all the sweet talk and now theyā€™re building nuclear weapons. Donald Trump thought that little Kim would get him a Nobel prize. Not only did he not get the prize, but Lil Kim has nuclear...
  27. deanrd

    Remember all trumps scandals before he was impeached? They didnā€™t go away.

    Remember all trumps scandals before he was impeached? They didnā€™t go away. there were small things like how nasty his properties are managed. and we have problems like Russia calling Donald Trump an agent and sending Russian agents into the oval office to collect secret and top-secret...
  28. deanrd

    Trump just lied about the Emoluments Suit on live TV.

    Appeals court tosses Democrats' emoluments lawsuit against Trump - CNNPolitics Washington (CNN)A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by congressional Democrats alleging President Donald Trump violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution by refusing to allow lawmakers to...
  29. deanrd

    Fox's Napolitano calls Trump acquittal 'legal assault' on Constitution

    Fox's Napolitano calls Trump acquittal 'legal assault' on Constitution: 'Somewhere, Nixon is smiling' Napolitano wrote in the op-ed on "The president has taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Instead, he has trashed it." "How? By manipulating Senate...
  30. deanrd

    Donald Trump mocks God at the annual prayer breakfast

    President Trump speaks at National Prayer Breakfast a day after impeachment acquittal Donald Trump makes fun of other peoples religion. He says they use their religion to attack him. He does a victory lap at the national prayer breakfast. Does anyone believe this guy actually has any religious...

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