
  1. Litwin

    War Continues! Czech Republic To Supply Ukraine With More Weapons, death to The Golden Horde !

    War Continues! Czech Republic To Supply Ukraine With More Weapons, death to The Golden Horde ! War Continues, Czech Republic To Supply Ukraine With More Weapons. The Czech Republic is historically, politically and in terms of alliances on Ukraine’s side. If Ukraine needs help, we will do our...
  2. Litwin

    When China takes back the lands stolen by Moscow ? my answer is 2-6 years , What do you think ?

    When China takes back the lands stolen by Moscow ? my answer is 2-6 years , What do you think ?
  3. Litwin

    Bad news for the Oriental Despotias " EU sues China in WTO over Lithuania blockade " The hans much like Muscovites have to know without our cash they ´ll...
  4. J

    Biden flouts Supreme Court, continues illegal catch and release

    . See: Viral video shows illegal immigrants released at the border January 26, 2022 "A new viral video shows illegal immigrants nabbed at the border in Texas being released, ferried to airports and dropped off to catch flights taking them deeper into the U.S. Bill Melugin, a Fox News...
  5. The Original Tree

    Schummer took Campaign Donations from Putin and Nordstream

    So not only did Putin purchase Biden through his influence and payments laundered through Burisma, Putin got to Chuck Schummer, and as we know, many others. Remember Kids, The...
  6. Litwin

    U.S. Military Experts "U.S. Needs ‘Actions With Backbone’ to Deter Moscow From Invading Ukraine "

    U.S. MILITARY EXPERTS "U.S. NEEDS ‘ACTIONS WITH BACKBONE’ TO DETER MOSCOW FROM INVADING UKRAINE " as I have suggested all my years here, so I was right ?
  7. Litwin

    Canada Send its Most Elite Unit to Stop MOSCOW BARBARIC Aggression, Solidarity With Ukraine!

    Stay strong Ukraine God bless them all. Canada , USA, Sweden, UK show to the oriental depots that we are still ready to die for our values , death to oriental despotism , Long Live the Liberal Order !
  8. The Original Tree

    Blacks are Right to Refuse The Vax

    Blacks are right to refuse the vax. Black Americans are the single largest demographic in The US refusing to take the vaccines and with good cause. Look what the GOV has done to them over the years. Why should anyone trust The GOV to put things in to your body, or to manage your health care...
  9. The Original Tree

    Biden snuggles up with Pooty Poot Putin

    After a long night of drinking, and gazing in to Putin's mesmerizing eyes, China Joe found himself in Putin's bed the next morning, slightly hung over and clumsily searching for his underwear. Putin comes in from his early morning jog with his pet grizzly bear, and remarks to Joe, what a...
  10. Litwin

    BREAKING: Moscow State Duma proposed to proactively hit the United States with nuclear weapons! 1 TARGET: IS STATE Nevada, ANYBODY FROM Nevada?

    ONE OF THE TARGETS: IS STATE Nevada, ANYBODY FROM Nevada IS HERE? MY 100% support to your great state and your family ! pro - Putin deputy Fedorov suggested a proactively Nuclear Strike on USA! as I said before we have to dismantle Moscow (juchi project) empire , break it the last time , and...
  11. Litwin

    Good News ! UK Warship hit Moscow 'Hunter Killer' Nuclear Submarine in Atlantic

    Good News ! UK Warship hit Moscow 'Hunter Killer' Nuclear Submarine in Atlantic Sounds like another Kursk! good to see the Liberal order fights back revanchist barbarians ! Go forward, America and Great-Britain! Long live the NATO! Long live freedom! Down with all dictatorships and...
  12. Litwin

    U.S. will Backing Ukrainian guerilla war against Moscow barbarian occupiers !

    U.S. will Backing Ukrainian guerilla war against Moscow barbarian occupiers ! Julia Davis on Twitter: "U.S. Considers Backing an Insurgency ... › JuliaDavisNews › status 21 hours ago — U.S. Considers Backing an Insurgency if Russia Invades Ukraine. Senior Biden...
  13. The Original Tree

    More Proof That The Plandemic Was Planned

    Fauci isn't a prophet so when he predicted that The Trump Administration would experience a Pandemic, that was because he was already involved in Illegal Gain of Function Research in Wuhan for The CCP. This research resulted in a weaponized version of The Common Cold Coronavirus with a few...
  14. Litwin

    For the first time since WW2 , more than 2.5 million people are expected to die in Muscovy this year

    For the first time since WW" , more than 2.5 million people are expected to die in Muscovy this year. The birth rate is no less difficult - the number of children born will be a minimum in 20 years (1.4 million), writes TJ. The negative demographic picture is reflected in the record natural...
  15. Litwin

    EU Imposes Sanctions Targeting Putin's GRU (so - called Wagner Group) why is only now?

    EU Imposes Sanctions Targeting Putin's GRU (so - called Wagner Group) why is only now?
  16. Litwin


    "While select portions of the Moscow military—most notably the Strategic Missile Forces, airborne forces and naval infantry—have been extensively modernized, other forces still rely on ill trained conscripts and dilapidated hardware held over from the Soviet-era. In other words, Moscow ’s...
  17. Litwin

    "Nord Stream-2" comes to an end in case of conflict between Moscow and Ukraine." leading faction of the EU Parliament - the European People’s Party

    "Nord Stream-2" comes to an end in case of conflict between Moscow and Ukraine." leading faction of the EU Parliament - the European People’s Party Manfred Weber, the leader of the leading faction of the European Parliament - the European People’s Party - called for the closure of the "North...
  18. Litwin

    Biden says he is crafting a plan for Moscow -Ukraine crisis. "I don’t accept anybody’s red lines," Biden said of Moscow ’s demands

    Biden says he is crafting a plan for Moscow -Ukraine crisis. "What I am doing is putting together what I believe to be the most comprehensive and meaningful set of initiatives to make it very, very difficult for Mr. Putin to go ahead and do what people are worried he's going to do," Biden said...
  19. Litwin

    Moscow sends missiles near Pacific islands claimed by Japan. Japan wants to exploit the oil and natural gas resources in Antarctica

    Moscow sends missiles near Pacific islands claimed by Japan. Japan wants to exploit the oil and natural gas resources lying below the surface in Antarctica MOSCOW (AP) — The Muscovite military has deployed coastal defense missile systems near the Kuril Islands, a Pacific chain also claimed...
  20. Litwin

    U.S. tells Moscow : " Putin to pull back from Ukraine or face painful sanctions". if Moscow invades Ukraine again, will Biden do what R. Reagan did ?

    The United States urged Russia on Wednesday to pull back its troops from the Ukrainian border, warning that a Russian invasion would provoke sanctions that would hit Moscow harder than any imposed until now. "We don't know whether President (Vladimir) Putin has made the decision to invade. We...
  21. Litwin

    US considering sending extra weaponry to Ukraine as fears mount over potential Moscow invasion. Mi-17, Javelin anti-tank and anti-armor missiles, etc.

    US considering sending extra weaponry to Ukraine as fears mount over potential Moscow invasion. The package could include new Javelin anti-tank and anti-armor missiles as well as mortars, the sources said. Air defense systems, such as stinger missiles, are also under consideration, and the...
  22. JGalt

    Trumpism is really what won this week's elections

    I just received this email update from you know who... :04: Donald J. Trump November 4th, 2021
  23. Cellblock2429

    G20 agrees to raise corporate taxes 15% that will fuel inflation.

    Too bad we no longer have a president in office who fights to protect Americans from getting hosed like this. But hey, no more mean tweets.
  24. The Original Tree

    Why Paul Manafort Really went to Jail

    All of Manafort's "Trumped" up charges were leveled at him during the time he worked for The Podestas on behalf of The Obama Regime, when Obama, Clinton and Joe Biden were trying to rig Ukraine's elections to keep a corrupt regime in place to appease Putin...
  25. Cellblock2429

    Trump's new network soars. Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWACW)

    /-----/ I bought 1,000 shares at $11 yesterday. Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWACW) 11.29+10.77 (+2,071.15%) At close: October 21 4:00PM EDT 24.80 +13.51 (+119.66%) Pre-Market: 07:19AM EDT SPAC tied to Trump's new social media deal extends rally Digital World Acquisition Corp's shares...
  26. EvilEyeFleegle

    Rudy Giuliani Is (Probably) Screwed

    No law license..peddling his name on Cameo for a few hundred a pop...lo, how the might are fallen! But we all should have known about Rudy. His participation in the racist City Hall Riot of 1992 should have been the wake-up call...
  27. TheProgressivePatriot

    'Living in a house that was always on fire': former Trump press secretary on White House chaos

    'Living in a house that was always on fire': former Trump press secretary describes '24/7' White House chaos\ No one who has been paying attention should be surprised by this. There have been multiple accounts of the crazyness and lack of...
  28. EvilEyeFleegle

    Trump tries to force Twitter to let him tweet again

    Oh noes..he's back! Well..maybe: Donald Trump wants a federal court to make Twitter give him back his bullhorn. In a late Friday legal filing...
  29. J

    Fully vaccinated, re-infected patients, receiving antibody treatment to reduce strain on hospitals

    . See Experts turn to antibody treatment following swarm of breakthrough COVID-19 infections July 29, 2021· ”While authorized vaccines have proven safe and effective in holding the line against COVID-19, they are not 100% effective. Reports of uncommon breakthrough cases among fully...
  30. J

    Has our Trump-Hating media been responsible for needles COVID deaths and suffering?

    Remember when President Trump advocated the antibody treatment for Covid-19 and our Trump-Hating media downplayed, and mostly ignored the treatment’s success, simply because it was advocated by the President? Well now, after the treatment has been turned to by so many hospitals, and with great...

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