
  1. TheProgressivePatriot

    'Living in a house that was always on fire': former Trump press secretary on White House chaos

    'Living in a house that was always on fire': former Trump press secretary describes '24/7' White House chaos\ No one who has been paying attention should be surprised by this. There have been multiple accounts of the crazyness and lack of...
  2. EvilEyeFleegle

    Trump tries to force Twitter to let him tweet again

    Oh noes..he's back! Well..maybe: Donald Trump wants a federal court to make Twitter give him back his bullhorn. In a late Friday legal filing...
  3. J

    Fully vaccinated, re-infected patients, receiving antibody treatment to reduce strain on hospitals

    . See Experts turn to antibody treatment following swarm of breakthrough COVID-19 infections July 29, 2021Ā· ā€While authorized vaccines have proven safe and effective in holding the line against COVID-19, they are not 100% effective. Reports of uncommon breakthrough cases among fully...
  4. J

    Has our Trump-Hating media been responsible for needles COVID deaths and suffering?

    Remember when President Trump advocated the antibody treatment for Covid-19 and our Trump-Hating media downplayed, and mostly ignored the treatmentā€™s success, simply because it was advocated by the President? Well now, after the treatment has been turned to by so many hospitals, and with great...
  5. Fort Fun Indiana

    Kremlin papers appear to show Putinā€™s plot to put Trump in White House

    No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House. Some highlights: - There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as...
  6. TheProgressivePatriot

    Could genocide really happen here?

    Full Title and link: Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert' I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein...
  7. Litwin

    Moscow PutinĀ“s GRU Conducting Global Brute Force Campaign to Compromise Enterprise and Cloud Environments

    Moscow PutinĀ“s GRU Conducting Global Brute Force Campaign to Compromise Enterprise and Cloud Environments
  8. Litwin

    Moscow fleet 35 miles off Hawaii practices sinking an AIRCRAFT CARRIER as US Navy strike group moves into the area and F-22 stealth fighters in Pearl

    Moscow fleet 35 miles off Hawaii practices sinking an AIRCRAFT CARRIER as US Navy strike group moves into the area and F-22 stealth fighters in Pearl Harbor are placed on standby...
  9. Litwin

    Latvian president to Biden: Be tough with Putin (Moscow thugs )

    does Biden capable ( "Act tough" ) to challenge ozero (the lake) crime cartel leader Vova Putin ? One for sure the Latviaā€™s president Egils Levits knows the drill " Latviaā€™s president has a bit of advice for Joe Biden when he meets Vladimir Putin on Wednesday: Act tough. President Egils...
  10. J

    Trumpā€™s America first immigration policy vs Bidenā€™s open border, screw-the-American-people policy

    The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central Americaā€™s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trumpā€™s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately...
  11. Litwin

    Moscow hack targeted USAID, human rights groups, Microsoft says

    "Russian hackers behind the SolarWinds cyberattack, a huge campaign that saw the widespread hacking of several United States federal agencies, have launched a new round of attacks targeting ā€œgovernment agencies, think tanks, consultants, and non-governmental organizationsā€, according to...
  12. J

    Democrat Leadership continues immigration policy putting American citizens last

    . See: Hagedorn calls Biden's border policies 'immoral' May 25, 2021 ā€œUnder Trump, "we ended catch and release. He was building the wall. We were making sure that people who want to claim amnesty did so from outside the United States," Hagedorn said in a El Paso, Texas, news conference Monday...
  13. Litwin

    LukaŔenka claims that Putin apologized to him for discussing Belarus during a telephone conversation with Biden

    interesting turn , the situation around the EU jet hijacking is in development , I am 100% sure that will see many more interesting news from Belarus " Belarusian President Alexander LukaŔenka claims that Vladimir Putin apologized to him for discussing Belarus during a telephone...
  14. TheProgressivePatriot

    Joe Biden Goes To Bat For the LGBTQ Community In His First 100 Days

    I do not want to hear any crap about how Trump was great for LGBTQ people just because he did not openly oppose same sex marriage. He tried to screw them any way that he could. Now Biden is working to undo the damage that the Orange Ogre inflicted Joe Biden has made a lot of progress on LGBTQ...
  15. Litwin

    RaĆŗl Castro steps down as Cuban communist Party leader

    Great NEWS!! one more commie despot down , guys do you have any idea who will be the next strap of Cuba ? whats situation in Cuba nowadays ? can putin annex Cuba?
  16. Litwin

    Will Putin attack Israel ? Moscow and Iran sign cooperation agreement days after Natanz attack

    Will Putin attack Israel in case Israeli attack on the Natanz nuclear plant ? "Moscow and Iran sign cooperation agreement days after Natanz attack Moscow and Iran's foreign ministers have met in Tehran to sign a cooperation agreement, days after an attack on Iranā€™s main nuclear facility. Both...
  17. J

    Immigration, a public charge, and tax tyranny!

    On January 25th, 2020, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Trump Administrationā€™s ā€œpublic chargeā€ rule, allowing it to take effect. The rule, designed to protect American taxpayers from having to finance the economic needs of millions of immigrants flooding into the United States made...
  18. C

    BREAKING: Donald Trump Launches Official Website

    It's happened! Donald Trump Launches Official Website. Check it out here
  19. Litwin

    Biden/FBI Adds ā€˜Putinā€™s Chefā€™ to FBI Wanted List, Offers $250K Reward

    Truly BREAKING NEWS! with other words, Mr Biden wants to arrest one of highest putinĀ“s gang bosses - Yevgeny Prigozhin nickname - Troll King ! finally... Will we see a Mossad style operation in Moscow ? FBI Adds 'Putin's Chef' to Wanted List, Offers $250K Reward ...
  20. georgephillip

    A Prophecy of President Trump Circa 1998?

    Octavia Butler was a Black, feminist science fiction writer who lost her father at age 7 and was raised by her mother and maternal grandmother in a strict Baptist environment. In 1998 her novel Parable of the Talents was published, offering some remarkable coincidences with the last four years...
  21. Litwin

    "Russians" Sent Thousands of Threats Against U.S. Judge James Robart After Trump Tweeted About Him

    edition: According to CBS, thousands of those threatening messages that appeared to come from Americans were actually from Olgino (" Russia.") troll factory . so Putin did it again , question is the same, can the White House stand up to the KGB gang ? With cost of ā€œblack goldā€ at 15-23 dollars...
  22. Litwin

    Roscosmos Chief Rogozin Responds to NASA's Mars Rover Landing Withā€¦Memes

    " Chief of Russian space agency Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin has taken a dig at NASA after its rover landed on Mars. The 57-year-old posted two memes about the rover's landing, but later deleted them. "...
  23. Litwin

    The Ice Curtain: Moscow's Arctic Bases. Muscovy vs. USA

    The Ice Curtain: Moscow's Arctic Bases. Muscovy vs. USA its clear that a "country" with 1% of world GDP and a primitive, natural recurse economy has 0 chance against us - Free world (NATO in Arctic case) . still, what PutinĀ“s gang Ozero tries to pull off here ?
  24. TheProgressivePatriot

    Legislators Call For 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate Jan. 6 Attack On U.S. Capitol

    Yes! Do it! Never forget. All of those responsible, including Trump MUST be held accountable. This cannot happen again Legislators Call For 9/11-Style Commission To Investigate Jan. 6 Attack On U.S. Capitol | HuffPost I believe that there is bipartisan support . Do it!
  25. S

    Itā€™s our congressional leadersā€™ faults.

    Itā€™s our congressional leadersā€™ faults. I fault the majority and the minority leaders of both congressional chambers, for their failures to bringing a vote censuring Donald Trump to the floors of their respective chambers. This is the very least they could have done and thatā€™s without regard...
  26. georgephillip

    Should Democrats Subpoena Mike Pence?

    If there is one star witness available to Democrats in Trump's second impeachment trial, it is his loyal VP: America Needs to Hear from Mike Pence "To call the former vice president a key figure in the events preceding and during the deadly January 6th insurrection would understate the matter...
  27. J

    Madisonā€™s view on todayā€™s Senate Impeachment Trial ___ ā€œtyrannyā€.

    In regard to the legitimacy of todayā€™s Senate impeachment trial and Senator Leahy acting as judge, jury and prosecutor, let us never forget that Madison describes such circumstances as follows: "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of...
  28. Billy_Bob

    Democrat Hate....

    Why are democrats the party of hatred? There has been nothing but hate from them since Trump came down the escalator. Its not limited to Democrats however, there are some republicans who have this same hatred of Donald Trump as well. What is driving this hatred? Photo credit: Redit One must...
  29. toobfreak

    The Case FOR Election Fraud!

    An interesting study on contrasts in two elections just four years apart and the divergent approaches to the SAME QUESTION. Either two diametrically different explanations are given for similar circumstances where convenient or the exact same explanations are being foisted about for entirely...
  30. Litwin

    Kremlin confident it can ride out protests, ready to use more force - sources " MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin believes it can easily ride out nationwide protests over the arrest and jailing of opposition politician...

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