
  1. D

    The U.S. attitude to Yugoslavia and to Ukraine

    The subject of this article is the U.S. attitude to two different Slavic countries, to Yugoslavia and to Ukraine. At first, I would like to remind about the situation in Yugoslavia at the end of the 1990s. At that period, ethnic Albanians, who are majority in the Yugoslav region Kosovo, began...
  2. D

    The UN has not confirmed Ukrainian allegations about ā€œhundreds of victims of Buchaā€ so far.

    At the beginning of April 2022 Ukrainian authorities invited Western journalists to the Ukrainian city of Bucha and showed them dead bodies of civilians who had allegedly been murdered there by the Russian Army. And on May 10, 2022, the Secretary of the Bucha City Council declared that more than...
  3. D

    Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

    The main ā€œexpertā€ in Ukrainian affairs is, of course the U.S. President Joe Biden who called the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine an ā€œunprovoked attackā€ last year; please see the official website of the White House. However, I am going to offer my opinion about this subject in the...
  4. D

    Why do the U.S. support Ukraine which has so many unresolved political murders?

    There are already two threads on USMB which deal with the problem of murders in Ukraine; please see - Why are there so many unresolved political murders in Ukraine since 2014? and Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2013 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?. Therefore, I am not going...
  5. D

    Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2013 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

    Ukrainian and Western politicians always say that the Ukrainian crisis allegedly began in the spring of 2014, when the Crimea joined Russia and fights in Donbas started. However, now these politicians donā€™t like to be reminded that before the spring of 2014 there was the Euromaidan in Ukraine...
  6. D

    What have Ukrainians been fighting for since 2013?

    Ukrainian politicians very eagerly speak about February 2022 when the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine started. These politicians also like very much to remind of spring of 2014 when the Crimea joined Russia and fights in Donbas began. But Ukrainian politicians never mention that...
  7. peacefan

    Zone1 NATOā€™s ā€˜recklessā€™ expansion to undermine chances for security dialogue ā€” Lavrov

    NATOā€™s ā€˜recklessā€™ expansion to undermine chances for security dialogue ā€” Lavrov According to Russiaā€™s top diplomat, the number of countries in Europe who advocate military or political neutrality is getting thinner, now that Finland has joined the alliance Remote : Wed, 17 May 2023 15:39:06...
  8. The Original Tree

    War Looming in Israel and Biden Regime is to Blame.

    No administration has coddled Iran and lied to The American people about it more than Obama but The Biden Regime is on a fast track to surpass Obamaā€™s treachery. Enabling a Terrorist State to obtain Nuclear weapons, practically paying for it and helping Iran to buy Russian Nuclear Scientists to...
  9. D

    "Investigation" of murders of Ukrainians which were allegedly committed in 2022 and 2014

    At the beginning of April 2022 Ukrainian authorities invited Western journalists to the Ukrainian city of Bucha and showed them dead bodies of civilians who had allegedly been murdered there by the Russian Army. But it wasnā€™t the first time that dead bodies were shown to Western journalists in...
  10. georgephillip

    White Lives Matter More in Ukraine

    How does one say "free Derek Chauvin" in Ukrainian? Why would Americans conflate such white supremacists with champions of democracy? White Lives Matter more in Ukraine | MR Online "In 2020 millions of people around the world protested against racism in the wake of the police murder of George...
  11. georgephillip

    Ukraine's Second Front: The Balkans (again)

    Serbian leader holds security talks over Kosovo unrest "On Saturday a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in north Kosovo, where Serbs form a majority, and local police exchanged fire with unknown groups. "Ethnic Serbs set up road blocks after Kosovan police were deployed in a dispute over...
  12. georgephillip

    Did the US Carry Out A Ukrainian Coup in 2014?

    The late Robert Parry argues a duly elected leader (Victor Yanukovych) was overthrown in 2014 by a minority of Ukrainians even after he agreed to move up elections so people could vote him out of office if a majority wished to do so. Parry also alleges the US sponsored this illegal coup much as...
  13. The Original Tree

    Joe Biden is a threat to National Security, Our Economy and Our Democracy.

    If you are not paying attention, the man who Obama has said has been wrong on every single position he has taken for his entire career continues to be wrong again and again and again. 1.) The Petro Dollar: Joe's botched relationship with Saudia Arabia is primarily due to his botched management...
  14. D

    Is the Azov Regiment an influential force in Ukraine?

    For some people, the Ukrainian Special Operations Detachment "Azov", which is also called ā€œAzov Regimentā€ or ā€œAzov Battalionā€, is known only due to its insignia which are similar to the ones of the SS Division Das Reich of Nazi Germany (please see below).
  15. georgephillip

    Ukraine by Christmas

    What are your predictions for the Russian-Ukrainian war over the next 10 weeks? Will Azov retake Mariupol? Will Russia control Odessa (a long-time Russian city)? Will Zelensky be living in London or Miami? Maybe you think Ukraine will reclaim Crimea?:auiqs.jpg:
  16. D

    Was Ukraine a threat to Russia before start of Russian military operation?

    Ukrainian legislation provides that ethnic Russians are third-grade citizens in Ukraine ā€“ compared with first-grade ethnic Crimean Tatars or second-grade ethnic Hungarians and Romanians (see Aren't these Ukrainian laws the Nazi ones?). But at the same time, Ukrainian authorities demanded Russia...
  17. georgephillip

    Economic Interpretation of War in Ukraine.

    Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948) was once regarded as the most famous and influential economist in the US; beginning in 1913, Beard wrote about the power of money over politics and foreign policy. SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 Some Historical Background for an Economic Interpretation of the War in Ukraine...
  18. D

    The U.S. Congressā€™s attitude to Russia and Ukraine

    In December 2012 the U.S. Congress passed the so-called Magnitsky Act which was later signed into law by President Barack Obama (see here). This law had to punish certain Russian officials and was passed after Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian accountant of a private company, had died in a Moscow...
  19. M

    Ukrainian nationalists threaten to assassinate Zelensky

    Zelenskyā€™s popularity has grown up recently. Ukrainian President and his inner circle make a figure for millions of people. Worldā€™s politicians are trying to cosplay Zelensky, world famous prints fight for his photo on the cover. His public image of the Saviour of Ukraine helps former...
  20. J

    Russian invasion of Ukraine showed all the problems of the democratic countriesā€™ ā€œunityā€

    Since the first days of March EU and NATO have begun execution of their plan of global isolating Russia. Putinā€™s invasion to Ukraine was used as an excellent reason. This plan contained several actions which should have destroyed Russian economic and technological sectors and included strong...
  21. D

    Ukrainian death squads or why Ukrainians donā€™t criticize their government

    Since Ukrainian citizens are discriminated because of their ethnic origin - there is discrimination even on the level of laws in this country (see here) ā€“ it is obvious that there must be additional means of suppression in Ukraine, i.e. in addition to police, army, secret service etc. Such...
  22. D

    Why do the U.S. support Ukraine which has Nazi laws?

    In the middle of April, I published an article which dealt with the question whether some Ukrainian laws are the Nazi ones (see here). This article was discussed on USMB (see here) and nobody could disprove that these laws are the Nazi ones, indeed. Itā€™s an obvious fact that, for example...
  23. Litwin

    Biden announces $33bn to help Ukraine in war

    as I predicted , this old man is an old cold war warrior who knows the drill , US/EU/Free world will simply crack up Moscow empire much like Ronald Reagan did to ussr in 80s ! President Biden is asking Congress for $33bn (Ā£27bn) in military, economic and humanitarian assistance to support...
  24. 4

    Was neutrality a possibility for ukraine

    in 2014 they voted to reject neutrality and aim for nato membership why didnt they follow austria do you think it was the russians hellbent on invading or the cia wanting to isolate russia from europe weaken it etc. could ukranians have avoided this war
  25. D

    Aren't these Ukrainian laws the Nazi ones?

    One of the main declared tasks of the Russian military operation in Ukraine is denazification of Ukraine. Therefore, it is important to answer the question ā€“ Is the present Ukraine a Nazi state? The main feature of Nazism is division of citizens according to their ethnic origin into categories...
  26. D

    Russia is winning

    If debating, I'd take the "Russia is winning" side of the debate in a who is winning a new cold war, Russia or the US; type of question. I want to try and condense a lot of concepts to explain why and then discuss them. Russia's bonds are trading at a premium which means they are in demand I...
  27. The Original Tree

    Does anyone have the feeling that The New World Order is about to create a False Flag in Ukraine?

    Just a thought that crossed my mind since The Biden Regime has multiple times mentioned chemical weapons and is calling Putin a War criminal. I don't like Putin, and completely understand that there is enough finger pointing to go around between Ukraine and Russia, and I am not Pro War. What I...
  28. KoolKolt

    Is this video from Russia or Ukraine?

    Wherever this is, itā€™s wrong.
  29. georgephillip

    Will Sanctions End the Dollar's Global Reserve Currency Status?

    Thwarting the anti-dollar coalition should be Washington's top national priority "The United States is currently waging economic warfare against one tenth of the world's countries with cumulative population of nearly 2 billion people and combined gross domestic product (GDP) of more than $15...
  30. Robert Urbanek

    Send balloons over Russia?

    As recently as 2020, South Korean activists were sending propaganda-carrying balloons across the border into North Korea. The balloons typically carried leaflets, USB sticks or DVDs with criticism of the Pyongyang regime, as well as South Korean news reports or even Korean dramas. Given Putinā€™s...

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