
  1. Litwin

    Selfie Soldiers: "Russia" Checks in to Ukraine

  2. Litwin

    Music, flashy media-products from Eastern - central Europe/Not from Muscovy which is under the sanct

    Music, shiny media-products from Eastern - central Europe/Not from Muscovy which is under the sanctions Belarus, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, etc. N1, Hymn of the Ukrainian anti - thug and anti- Muscovite revolution , from Belarusian band Lapis Truckoj N2, Ukrainian hipster...
  3. Litwin

    Muscovite ("Russian" ) war on Ukraine

    what do you know about Muscovite war on Ukraine ? strategy, numbers , etc.? " The "Russian" Military Forum "Russia"'s Hybrid War Campaign Implications for Ukraine and Beyond"
  4. anotherlife

    Would the UN accept an independent Routhenia?

    in that region, the UN has recently accepted an independent Slovakia and an independent Kosovo. Do you think the UN will accept an independent Routhenia too? Now that the Ukraine is leaning back towards Russia, an independent Routhenia may be a good strategic EU step. Your take?
  5. The Original Tree

    Will Mueller End This Farce & Investigate The Obama Regime?

    Apparently The DNC, Hillary Clinton, The DOJ, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, The FBI, McCabe, and Barak Obama were all conspiring to MANUFACTURE "Russian Collusion" that did not exist and at THE SAME TIME, were engaging in Obstruction of Justice to keep Clinton in The Election, as well...
  6. A

    "Turkey–Ukraine–Europe" is the new route for refugees

    Now practically all Ukrainian news media inform about a breakthrough in Ukrainian-Turkish relations. On March 14, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman made a two-day visit to Ankara. His meetings with Turkish counterpart Binali Yildirim and President of the Turkish Republic Recep Tayyip...
  7. cnelsen

    Here is Soros pushing for war. Again.

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