$1 billion of Bitcoin tied to the Silk Road marketplace was seized by the FBI on Tuesday

I bet you guys want 1 percent of that dough!

I'm not greedy. I'd accept half a percent myself.

Glad to see FBI are doing their job though. I don't want to lose faith in them and I definitely do NOT want them to follow Canadian policing, which is a dishonest racket.
I bet you guys want 1 percent of that dough!

A billion is a lot of drugs..and indicates that a lot more is out there. A billion is a lot of found money for the US..maybe build a Aircraft carrier and name it, USS Silk!
"that's how you buy drugs in Hipsterville...online! it's like Ebay...but for drugs! " - from the book American Kingpin...TERRIBLE!
I bet you guys want 1 percent of that dough!

A billion is a lot of drugs..and indicates that a lot more is out there. A billion is a lot of found money for the US..maybe build a Aircraft carrier and name it, USS Silk!
Billion might get ya a Little Crappy Ship, LCS..but why would ya want one
Senators Schumer and Manchin asked the FBI and DEA to shut this down

good work, Senators!

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