1 Important Difference Between Hillary & Trump

Hillary, like Barry, wants to IMPORT more TERRORISTS. Trump doesn't.

'Under Hillary & Obama America has suffered more attacks at home than celebrated victories abroad.'
-- Donald Trump

Say what you will, but he's right.


what's dumb donald going to do about the terrorists who were born in Queens or Michigan?


so just put all the muslims in gitmo? thats what your hoping trump does?
Why do you pussies always exaggerate and claim we want to put ALL Muslims in Gitmo instead of the TERRORISTS, which is who we are talking about?

Like violent illegal immigrants, Barry would only let his buddies go after a few days.

first of all, dumbass, the president's name is Barak Obama. Get it correct.

you wouldn't know who is put in GITMO because they were never charged or tried. it is illegal and if any country held US nationals without trial, we'd be appropriately outraged.

man, you idiots never learn.
We are at war. Terrorists are not criminals but enemy combatants - Barry won't let the military conduct trials...so F* you & fuck Barry. They are not getting trials because Barry won't allow it. Barry wants to treat them like US citizens. Good grief!
so just put all the muslims in gitmo? thats what your hoping trump does?
Why do you pussies always exaggerate and claim we want to put ALL Muslims in Gitmo instead of the TERRORISTS, which is who we are talking about?

Like violent illegal immigrants, Barry would only let his buddies go after a few days.

first of all, dumbass, the president's name is Barak Obama. Get it correct.

you wouldn't know who is put in GITMO because they were never charged or tried. it is illegal and if any country held US nationals without trial, we'd be appropriately outraged.

man, you idiots never learn.
Evidently recognizibg the Somalia Refugee Obama let in who was stabbing Americans while screaming 'Allah Akbar' is a tertorist is too hard for you.

Deblassio is saying terrorists bombing Americans is NOT 'terrorism'. WHO can't / won't identify terrorism, idiot?

Wake the f* up!
wake up to what you little fucking turd? is your suggestion to put muslims into internment camps for the crime of being muslim? Thats what others are suggesting, do you agree with them or not? Or are you too cowardly to say it out loud?
No, you lying idiot, I am suggesting putting enemy combatants - not all Muslims, you lying scumbag - into a POW camp and allow the military to conduct trials.

what's dumb donald going to do about the terrorists who were born in Queens or Michigan?


so just put all the muslims in gitmo? thats what your hoping trump does?
Why do you pussies always exaggerate and claim we want to put ALL Muslims in Gitmo instead of the TERRORISTS, which is who we are talking about?

Like violent illegal immigrants, Barry would only let his buddies go after a few days.

first of all, dumbass, the president's name is Barak Obama. Get it correct.

you wouldn't know who is put in GITMO because they were never charged or tried. it is illegal and if any country held US nationals without trial, we'd be appropriately outraged.

man, you idiots never learn.
We are at war. Terrorists are not criminal but enemy combatants - Barry won't let the military conduct trials...so F* you & fuck Barry. They are not getting trials because Barry won't allow it. Barry wants to treat them like US citizens. Good grief!
why stop there? white supremacists kill more people every year in america then muslims do, just last year they took over a federal building.

How about military trials for your neo nazi buddies everytime they commit a hate crime?
so just put all the muslims in gitmo? thats what your hoping trump does?
Why do you pussies always exaggerate and claim we want to put ALL Muslims in Gitmo instead of the TERRORISTS, which is who we are talking about?

Like violent illegal immigrants, Barry would only let his buddies go after a few days.

first of all, dumbass, the president's name is Barak Obama. Get it correct.

you wouldn't know who is put in GITMO because they were never charged or tried. it is illegal and if any country held US nationals without trial, we'd be appropriately outraged.

man, you idiots never learn.
We are at war. Terrorists are not criminal but enemy combatants - Barry won't let the military conduct trials...so F* you & fuck Barry. They are not getting trials because Barry won't allow it. Barry wants to treat them like US citizens. Good grief!
why stop there? white supremacists kill more people every year in america then muslims do, just last year they took over a federal building.

How about military trials for your neo nazi buddies everytime they commit a hate crime?
Whatever, liberal nut job...and lets not forget, your party started the kkk, which has endorsed Hillary. So grow up.
so just put all the muslims in gitmo? thats what your hoping trump does?
Why do you pussies always exaggerate and claim we want to put ALL Muslims in Gitmo instead of the TERRORISTS, which is who we are talking about?

Like violent illegal immigrants, Barry would only let his buddies go after a few days.

first of all, dumbass, the president's name is Barak Obama. Get it correct.

you wouldn't know who is put in GITMO because they were never charged or tried. it is illegal and if any country held US nationals without trial, we'd be appropriately outraged.

man, you idiots never learn.
We are at war. Terrorists are not criminal but enemy combatants - Barry won't let the military conduct trials...so F* you & fuck Barry. They are not getting trials because Barry won't allow it. Barry wants to treat them like US citizens. Good grief!
why stop there? white supremacists kill more people every year in america then muslims do, just last year they took over a federal building.

How about military trials for your neo nazi buddies everytime they commit a hate crime?
Whatever, liberal nut job...and lets not forget, your party started the kkk, which has endorsed Hillary. So grow up.
you started this thread saying we need to block immigrants, now your making up some bullshit about trials for people that have already committed a terrorist act? your a lying little racist shithead
Why do you pussies always exaggerate and claim we want to put ALL Muslims in Gitmo instead of the TERRORISTS, which is who we are talking about?

Like violent illegal immigrants, Barry would only let his buddies go after a few days.

first of all, dumbass, the president's name is Barak Obama. Get it correct.

you wouldn't know who is put in GITMO because they were never charged or tried. it is illegal and if any country held US nationals without trial, we'd be appropriately outraged.

man, you idiots never learn.
We are at war. Terrorists are not criminal but enemy combatants - Barry won't let the military conduct trials...so F* you & fuck Barry. They are not getting trials because Barry won't allow it. Barry wants to treat them like US citizens. Good grief!
why stop there? white supremacists kill more people every year in america then muslims do, just last year they took over a federal building.

How about military trials for your neo nazi buddies everytime they commit a hate crime?
Whatever, liberal nut job...and lets not forget, your party started the kkk, which has endorsed Hillary. So grow up.
you started this thread saying we need to block immigrants, now your making up some bullshit about trials for people that have already committed a terrorist act? your a lying little racist shithead
Block immigration from terrorist nations until we can better screen and weed out the terrorists...that too hard to understand, dumbass?

Military tribunals are not BS and have been an issue since Barry took office and began releasing terrorists.

What is it about punishing terrorists you and other liberals have a problem with? You obviously have one, as you've demonstrated.
your a lying little racist shithead
it's 'you're', dumbass...and you, like Barry, are an Islamic Extremist / terrorist Sympathiser, as you've demonstrated.
Damn sleazy, you are REALLY whacked out today. Maybe you should take a break. You really ain't changing anyone's mind. Well, unless someone who might consider trump would happen to read your bullshit and decide thgey didn't want to be associated with the likes of you. But that wouldn't be me. I already told you, I am voting for Hillary 2356 times even when she is dead. LMAO.t
Damn sleazy, you are REALLY whacked out today. Maybe you should take a break. You really ain't changing anyone's mind. Well, unless someone who might consider trump would happen to read your bullshit and decide thgey didn't want to be associated with the likes of you. But that wouldn't be me. I already told you, I am voting for Hillary 2356 times even when she is dead. LMAO.t
Analysis of your post reveals nothing substantial to contribute except personal attacks - why don't you go away and come back when you DO have something to contribute?!
your a lying little racist shithead
it's 'you're', dumbass...and you, like Barry, are an Islamic Extremist / terrorist Sympathiser, as you've demonstrated.

poor paid shill....maybe you should try telling the truth once in a while

now be a good boy and stop trolling the board.

or will that dry up your only source of income?
Damn sleazy, you are REALLY whacked out today. Maybe you should take a break. You really ain't changing anyone's mind. Well, unless someone who might consider trump would happen to read your bullshit and decide thgey didn't want to be associated with the likes of you. But that wouldn't be me. I already told you, I am voting for Hillary 2356 times even when she is dead. LMAO.t
Analysis of your post reveals nothing substantial to contribute except personal attacks - why don't you go away and come back when you DO have something to contribute?!

if you don't want the lunacy of your posts insulted, you should probably stop trolling the board with lies and lunacy.

thanks for playing
Hillary, like Barry, wants to IMPORT more TERRORISTS. Trump doesn't.

'Under Hillary & Obama America has suffered more attacks at home than celebrated victories abroad.'
-- Donald Trump

Say what you will, but he's right.

Other important differences:

- Trump doesn't hate 25% of the country.
- Trump is not a stroke victim whose health is rapidly declining before our eyes.
- Trump hasn't sold off the country's national security interests in exchange for donations to his foundation.
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poor paid shill....maybe you should try telling the truth once in a while ...now be a good boy and stop trolling the board.or will that dry up your only source of income?

That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing except launch a personal attack, jill. Maybe YOU need to go away, as well, until you have something worthwhile to contribute.
if you don't want the lunacy of your posts insulted, you should probably stop trolling the board with lies and lunacy.

Lunacy? Obama gives a visa to a terrorist WHILE mocking Americans' concerns over our national security and their safety...and 12 Americans get murdered by his terrorist.

Lunacy? Barry ADMITS his vetting process is incapable of truly vetting these hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' coming in from war-torn, terrorist-filled nations, yet he continues to want to bring in more and more.

Yesterday, Americans paid the price for HIS arrogance and LUNACY - one of HIS Somalia Terrorists attack and stabbed US citizens.

And YOU are so blinded by your partisan defense and hatred of me that you spend your time (and mine) attacking ME instead of seeing what Barry (and Hillary) has unleashed on the United States while bringing in more!

Why don't you try pulling your head out of Barry's / Hillary's ass and take a look at what is going on? I would expect more from you...of course I would expect more from a 10 year old//and would get it
Hillary, like Barry, wants to IMPORT more TERRORISTS. Trump doesn't.

'Under Hillary & Obama America has suffered more attacks at home than celebrated victories abroad.'
-- Donald Trump

Say what you will, but he's right.


what's dumb donald going to do about the terrorists who were born in Queens or Michigan?


Donald can't do too much about terrorists born in USA. That's what his candidacy is about. Be selective about who's allowed in your country to begin with.
so just put all the muslims in gitmo? thats what your hoping trump does?
Why do you pussies always exaggerate and claim we want to put ALL Muslims in Gitmo instead of the TERRORISTS, which is who we are talking about?

Like violent illegal immigrants, Barry would only let his buddies go after a few days.

first of all, dumbass, the president's name is Barak Obama. Get it correct.

you wouldn't know who is put in GITMO because they were never charged or tried. it is illegal and if any country held US nationals without trial, we'd be appropriately outraged.

man, you idiots never learn.
We are at war. Terrorists are not criminal but enemy combatants - Barry won't let the military conduct trials...so F* you & fuck Barry. They are not getting trials because Barry won't allow it. Barry wants to treat them like US citizens. Good grief!
why stop there? white supremacists kill more people every year in america then muslims do, just last year they took over a federal building.

How about military trials for your neo nazi buddies everytime they commit a hate crime?

just last year they took over a federal building.

How many did that group kill?
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