10,000 Turn to Christ at SoCal Harvest, 425,000 Join in Despite Bible Billboard Ban


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Snowflakes whined this billboard threatened them and had them removed.

More than 10,000 people made professions of faith during Pastor Greg Laurie's "SoCal Harvest" event over the weekend.

The three-day event was held at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California and drew in nearly 100,000 people. And Harvest Crusades reports another 325,000 tuned in online via simulcast and Facebook Live.

10,000 Turn to Christ at SoCal Harvest, 425,000 Join in Despite Bible Billboard Ban
That's nice, but is there a follow up for these people? What do they do next now that they have been "saved"?
I've never seen a more offensive billboard in my life. :mad:
I've never seen a more offensive billboard in my life. :mad:
It worked out great. He’s holding a black book, Bible is nowhere on the billboard.

But because the Left whines and got it removed he was able to go on every news outlet in America and talk about the Bible. For free.

God even uses Leftist clown atheists.
That's nice, but is there a follow up for these people? What do they do next now that they have been "saved"?
They won't quit sinning. You can carry that to the bank. What will happen is they will realize that they have and it will linger with them and make them think as they age. It also releases them from fear.
The mourning of the people
“…then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo.” Zechariah 12:10-11.

When Christ returns to save the Jews they will look at Him and recognize that He is Jesus, the Messiah, the one they rejected and pierced and they will realize how wrong they have been. Then there will be a tremendous mourning. (Revelation 1:7) Not only will they realize that they persecuted and rejected their Messiah but also that in His great mercy and righteousness He is still willing to save them. He is still willing to be their Messiah.

Now there will be nobody on earth who can deny Christ. Now it will be clear that He is Christ, the Lord and Savior of the earth. There will be no more doubt, no more mystery, no more lies. The truth will radiate over the whole earth and everyone will come to worship Him. (Zechariah 14:16)

Thus begins the thousand-year kingdom of peace on earth, the Millennium.
I've never seen a more offensive billboard in my life. :mad:
It worked out great. He’s holding a black book, Bible is nowhere on the billboard.

But because the Left whines and got it removed he was able to go on every news outlet in America and talk about the Bible. For free.

God even uses Leftist clown atheists.

Truth is there's just no such thing as a fellow human who doesn't believe in God. Atheism is in style. It's a fad. Not the first time it's been all the craze. See, so-called non-believers, no matter how hard they try--cannot separate belief in God from their deepest inner reflected id. From another angle, God made us, dig? Made in Eden. So God is in us; He's in our bodies down to the molecular level. He's in our minds and in our shadows. Tell me, how does one go about detaching from oneself from his own shadow? You just can't do it.

What about right and wrong? Ancient, fundamental primordial ooze right and wrong. Inviolable concepts right and wrong. Ever ask a so-called atheist on what foundation he bases his definition of right and wrong? You should sometime. Ever see a worm squirm on a hook? That's what they do when you ask them that question. Oh they'll dance around the truth; they'll attack everything about you from writing style and sentence structure, to your deodorant choice and brand of blue jeans. But you can still see the gears of confusion and avoidance grinding away behind their eyes, followed always by the steam hissing out of their ears.

Sure, they can quit church, cuss up at the sky, burn a Bible or wear an inverted Cross over a tattoo of some wiccan nonsense symbol. Doesn't matter. Because in their heart of hearts they still believe. And that's because they want and need to believe. They demand proof because they need proof. Proof of God to them is like a pacifier to an infant. Soothing, calming, reassuring.

What we need to be on the lookout for, however, are the so-called non-believers who will hurt or kill a strong in faith believer to test God's willingness to protect His active followers. The rest of the deniers? All they can offer in counter argument to God is bellicose hot aired posturing.

Typical Believer vs. "Atheist" Debate:

Believer: "God is real and loves you."

So-called Non-Believer: "No, moron, he doesn't because he can't."

Believer: "What? Why?"

So-called Non-Believer: "Because, jackass, God isn't real."

Believer: "Huh?

So-called Non-Believer: "Look everyone! I win!"
Good news, and whatever government entity demanded the billboard be removed, and it's supporters, should removed from the U.S. This is why Christians need to lose the myth they're supposed to be some sort of 'Uber-pacifists' and sit around taking this sort of abuse. The 'progressives' and ' right wingers' both will shove your butts into ovens as soon as they perceive there will be no resistance; that's the pattern over some 2,000 years of history and therei s nothing 'speshul' about American versions of scumbags. We all already know their 'progressivism' and 'humanity' are fake and non-existent. They already have many dope-addled shitbirds believing it's okay to murder helpless babies by the tens of millions, for the horrible crime of Inconvenience, so wake the fuck up already.

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